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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Ya, kind of a bummer that you can't fish with the full fall colours.
  2. I know torco.
  3. Nice fish! maybe try a dipsy diver or wolf river rig for the salmon, I don't know too much about trolling for them.
  4. You can get a lens for that, nice fish!
  5. Hope he does't mind, richmond hill area.
  6. Great fish there ronny, but what's with the waders, weren't you boiling?!
  7. That would be great cloudy, I think I'm leaning towards tim but I'll be doing booth again anyways. My email is [email protected]
  8. Alright, so earlier this year we did a 3 night trip to algonquin for trout, and came up empty handed. That was the summer, now that it's cooled off I was wondering how to come after them. I was thinking of going to booth unless anyone has any suggestions (no portages over 300m). I also now have lead core line if that would help, we were just thinking of doing a couple nights next week before the season closes. Thanks! Edit: I'd prefer brookies but any trout will do.
  9. Or rice, as a general rule in the fall fish are fattening up for winter so covering weed and sand flats with big slow baits should produce.
  10. Warning explicit (just a few words, if you're sensitive to that kind of thing), not that that's a problem for us gents. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v4ZLwevXAI
  11. If you don't mind trout and bass check out kenuk montebello, a little pricey but the fishing is great, cabins are nice and very secluded (as long as you get off of papineau, which is still nice, just a little more traffic).
  12. Cool, have you ever caught anything in the river?
  13. live target snake? Probably costs $40 though! LOL
  14. I've been going out with red quite often, really friendly guy, he's been telling me for a while now that he wants to learn from some of the guys on here. definitely not an antisocial.
  15. Ya, and a few bows and browns wouldn't be bad either!
  16. Crotch lake, Algonquin. Oh and welcome to the board!
  17. watcha using it for? salmon? trout? bass?
  18. Sorry about the mrs and Lucky, tough summer.
  19. hmmm, let's see, YES!!! Of course we already know this.
  20. I'll move right on up there , good luck finding someone.
  21. Not sure what problem you guys have with it? I've found it quick and easy to tie, also a very, very strong knot.
  22. Swimming pool?
  23. Never done that but that must be an awful feeling!
  24. If so, that person doesn't deserve it back, go catch a musky with it.
  25. Two specks like that are always better than one huge bow.
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