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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. you can just send me a personal message if you like we can talk that way
  2. yes you are right...try that and let me know
  3. turn the spool over it should come off the spool so that it makes a nice loop just make sure your putting it on that way
  4. OK can we kill this thread now as im felling pain.....cheers
  5. well first set the spool on the floor and see if it comes off the spool in nice even curls...if it doesnt turn it over and that will help and make sure the line is turning onto your reel spool the same way...if not turn it around....thats it.....good-luck....remeber to make the nice loops go the same way as your spinning reel will turn clockwise right ...dont reel it on against the natural loop of the line....
  6. Well i have made lots of purchases from e-bay and i have never had a problem,and things always so far have been great...the only downfall has been how long it takes somethings to come...and yet other things will show up in just a few days it depends on what kind of postage and price,,,its up to the seller,but i always check their reputation and the feedback...and i have got some really cool fishing things from e-bay and it works...and you must use pay-pal to do most things and they are very secure...so no probs here....cheers
  7. Well i have been using big jons capt packs riggers for about 15yrs now and i still have them and never let me down....ive only ever had to replace the normal things like springs and once i broke a line counter but that was my fault.they always work and are well made and they last.oh and wayne my fav reason for liking them is big jons can lift up & down and it makes things alot easier when they can do that and i dont have to bend way over the side to do things..so good luck on your choice cheers
  8. WOW...thats an amazing 2007 ice fishing season...we can all only wish that ours was as good as yours...well done and congrats on all those new PB'S ....cheers
  9. Yes i was led to believe that you could only use tig welding for aluminum welding ...i thought thats what it is am i correct??? cheers oh and good luck with the welding job...
  10. Wow...thats a great spot to hang your hat....looks like a place where you would want to spend alot of quality time...and enjoy all the wildlife,and the scenery.....cheers
  11. Thanks gerritt,i wonder if that got into our workplace we had 2 computers go down in 2 days and ours in the office is now junk it cant be fixed its toast. ..like i always say i never open anything i dont know, and thats what i tell julie as well to never ddo that i delete alot of stuff so i hope they can get this thing under control....thanks bud....cheers
  12. Nice full color spawning male....man gotta love those pink cheeks,way to go cheers
  13. Way to go guys ,that was a bummer not getting that brown in the net,and sounds like a nice walleye you released,so all in all you did real well,and glad at least someone got out on lake ontario im still trying to get out there myself...cheers
  14. Awsome work you guys and the MNR..are doing ...it sure helps the fishery and they always need all the help they can get cheers
  15. Well done scott as usual...great looking hens there...cheers
  16. Iremember from a few years ago,from talking to a fisheries biologist that a 10lb lake trout around the algonquin park region would be aproximatley 20 yrs old...but it also depends on food for sure but i was suprised that they take so long to grow big,when you get lakers in lake ontario that are half that age and grow so rapidly its very interesting how different fish grow at so many different rates.....cheers
  17. Well done nice sized perch and white you have there thanks for sharing cheers
  18. Wow...thats very interesting,and i know its well documented about musky and pike eating small ducks and other birds i have heard pete mania talk about them also eating muskrats and other rodents and reptiles as well i guess they also eat water snakes too....they sure can have big apetites cant they..??? thanks for posting that report cheers
  19. Great looking bass.....must have put up a heck of a fight.. ..well done...cheers
  20. I am amember at a few other sites as well but they are for different reasons and i never have had a problem,this site is by far the best there is but ,as long as you dont abuse things and slander other boards or the other members,because alot of people will lie on one site and say something different on another ,thats where problems arise,or they come to a site as a new member and try to get info for one trip or for a few tips before they go fishing ,or try to start a nasty thread and cause trouble...well since i have been here there is so many great people thats why its such a great site ...cause the moderators...which by the way are amazing they dont put up with that crap...and we have whole families on this borad as well...so its just fine the way it is, and i thank everyone for keeping it that way...cheers everyone
  21. Thats very upsetting news ...and they are all true heros,and my condolences to their families..and freinds,they make me proud ,and we salute them shawn
  22. Congrats... .great report and awsome looking fish...way to go to you both,you guys make an amazing team.. ...thanks for sharing...cheers
  23. Man this weather really sucks thats for sure,some of the smaller creeks and rivers are freezing back up to here in southern ontario ,port darlington boat launch is still frozen all around the marina,i thought about maybe going out of the harbour and trolling for bows all around the breakwall,well thats not going to happen...so i hear what you mean...im getting real ancy....cheers
  24. Thanks for the awsome report ....and those great pics. ..the colors on those rainbows are incredible...and they are really nice sized fish too,and im glad the fire was out,and that you didnt get skunked..thanks for sharing your trip with us....cheers
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