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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Sorry bucktail I have no help for you. I just wanted to wish you all the best with the whole ordeal.
  2. I have found the exact opposite it the few Timmies I used to frequent. Totally inconsistant...which was my main motivator to try McD's coffee...which I have found 100% consistant in all locations in the 2 years since I switched. Tell me the McD's you tried coffee at and I'll do my best to avoid them
  3. Switch to Macdonald's coffee. Better coffee by far IMHO and you get a muffin for 21 cents. There coffee used to be junk...and I mean JUNK...but it is way better now. There damn cups are garbage and almost alway leak though...so you have been warned. My standard order on the way home from fishing now. Any other time I make my own at home. A 925g tin comes on sale for $5 and change and last a whole month for us!!! But back to the OP post...I have never sat down and did the math. But being in a hurry I have often thought that Timmies was getting my prices wrong when it was wrung in. If I still went there ever I would be more vigilant about it. Thx for the heads up
  4. Happy Birthday Beansie. I hope you have a great day
  5. Yep and they're still there because we let all the big pigs go...just so we can catch them again this weekend
  6. My one good perch fishing buddy and I still talk about that year from time to time. I have not came close to having a spot produce the numbers and quality of fish we got that winter through the slush at Sibbalds.
  7. Did you fish the slush at Sibbald or go out deeper to avoid it? I did real well 2 Sundays ago fishing in 16 FOW just at the outside edge of the slush...but still in it. Had a coffee can on a tomato stake rigged up to "spoon" the slush out with first. Sibbald is pretty much always my last ice spot...the access behind the building stays good right till the bitter end. But fighting with the slush and paying $8 to park has turned me off. I have found another spot to do my last ice perching from that's free, has no slush and so far isn't getting pounded.
  8. So sorry to hear the news Cliff. Debbe and I always enjoyed our Andy time whenever we where at the house. She will be as saddened as myself when I tell her the news. Our kind thoughts are with you and Sue today.
  9. Get the grandson..he will be 3 in July..out with grandpa fishing . Neither of my kids got the fishing bug...so I'm hoping he will warm up to it. Bluegills, perch & crappies in the kawartha's and then we will go from there.
  10. Saw one 2 summers ago picking Strawberries at Caza's berry farm up near Buckhorn. It is the only one I have ever seen in the wild.
  11. Phil made a funny I just can't get in steel mode this year. Haven't even got my gear out of the basement Heading out the door for some perch on Couch. Have a good day all.
  12. I'll keep you in mind Brian. When I part with my stuff I figure I have gotten my use out of it and my moneys worth...so I usually don't try to get rich. A Tim's card just might be the ticket.
  13. Thx for posting this Terry. Someday I'm going to upgrade from my Vex FL8...and things like this really have me thinking about going Marcum next time. After the brutal/none existent customer service I just experienced with bass pro in Vaughn it is nice to hear a GOOD customer service story.
  14. Good morning Lew. We all need a little reminder sometimes just how nice it really is on the green side of the lawn. Have a good day
  15. I wasn't aware of this Bill. The stuff I add is recommended for diesel fuels. What exactly should I be concerned about? And what is this power service and where can I get it? Are you suggesting my problems have been because of water getting in rather then the fuel gelling? I'm going to trade my 2002 Golf probably next year...time for a truck...but I have always tried to look after it. Any tips would be appreciated.
  16. CW...make sure you add gas line anti freeze as soon as it looks like it will be getting colder. I can't stress this enough.The diesel will gel up and clog your fuel filter I believe. Has happened on all 3 diesel golfs I have owned. Cdn Tire sells 6 packs of 150 ml bottles of the stuff. Just throw a bottle in everytime you fill up in the winter and you will have no issues. I start with it in mid December and do it until the end of February.Also my 2002 has a huge problem with the doors freezing shut. I put white lithium grease around the door frame on the felt/foam in the fall and I get through the winter without any door freezing issues. Good solid dependable cars...but not cheap to have work done on...unless you are car smart and can do it yourself or know someone.
  17. I know..and I understand the driver could possibly have had either or neither...but sleep apnea does drastically effect your alertness and energy throughout the day...as your body never receives enough sleep to replenish itself. And it is far more common then narcolepsy.
  18. No.. I mean sleep apnea. I was diagnosed 7 years ago with it. Before I had it in check I could not drive more then 45 minutes with out getting very tired and starting to node off behind the wheel.
  19. Glad your OK Lew... thats a little too close for comfort. I'd bet anyone that the driver has sleep apnea and hasn't got it diagnosed yet.
  20. One on one time with your kids is pretty hard to beat. Enjoy it...cause they do grow up real fast.
  21. Love seeing when a true craftsman shows off his work...especially when it comes to restoring old things to new condition. Thx for sharing with us Bernie...you sir ARE a true craftsman.
  22. The turnbuckles are there because the top of the players benches are open so players can jump the boards on a line change. Solid glass across the front would eliminate this type of injury 100%...problem solved. No more turnbuckles...players have to go out through the door like we did in tyke before we where big enough to jump the boards. Having said that....it will never happen
  23. Not often I agree with the NHL's decisions on such matters, but I feel they made the correct one on this one. It is hockey not RINGETTE. The only thing I will say is I feel Chara knew 100% what he was doing. He saw the opportunity to bang up his opponent and he took it. Hockey is a rough game played by rough men. I however don't think in a million years he would want to end someone's career. He is a tough physical player/but not a goon, and the league recognized that in there decision.
  24. I tried to stay out of this one...cause I don't cheer for either team or either individual player. But I'm a hockey fan so I got lured in... I agree with Solo 100% on this one. I mean he wasn't even close to having a full head of steam going...they where both cruising. An unfortunate outcome for a routine check of riding someone off into the boards.
  25. I went to the garden center Saturday and got my onion sets and seed potatoes. Bring it on I say. Thx for sharing the pic Lew
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