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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I'm a bargain shopper. It comes naturally. Depending on which dictionary you look into...if you hunt up the word cheap...you will see either a picture of my mother, father or myself Have checked out all these stores as they came along..Price Club, Costco, Sam's Club. Never found them to save me anything over my already.. um..refined...spending habits. I can 100% agree with the quality of there meat. A fellow hockey dad was the head butcher at a Costco we went to. There meat was fantastic...but we didn't save anything buying it there.
  2. I'll be there. It's been a few years. Last time I went gas was 29 cents a GALLON and you could buy a years worth of fresh produce for a quarter.,,, AND there was no limit on whities At least that how I remember it.
  3. That's all fine and dandy..but whos on first
  4. Good on you for helping them out Cliff :thumbsup_anim: Sounds like you ran into a good bunch Cliff. Much better then the bum who cancelled out on you yesterday like a little baby I'll make it up to you buddy.
  5. I've never tried to make my own...but I sure would love to. You have knowledge or tips on this Brian? BTW I haven't been on the ice for 3 weeks ...2 because of work and I had to cancel on a buddy this weekend cause I was sick as hell yesterday. Hopefully we can hook up once this winter.
  6. Same here Joey. The only fish we buy is canned tuna. And sushi...which I don't count.
  7. Great story I bet your buddy still brings that up everytime you fish together too. After all what are friends for
  8. Not fish...but I've caught a seagull and a snapping turtle
  9. Same with my daughter Erika. My mother-in-law used to always say Erika was her sweet little Chickie. So Erika started calling her Chickie right back and it stuck. All Xmas and birthday cards and gifts from then on where signed from Chickie. Debbe's mom loved it too..and everyone who knew her well just started calling her that too.
  10. Congratulations. If your kids have been out of the house for awhile and you have got used to being #1 in your wife's eyes...well I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that this is about to change. You are now officially #2. And not a close #2 either.... A very very distant #2. But it has it's perks. My grandson who's 3 in July is out with "Gemma" shoveling the driveway right now...while I'm sitting here in my PJ's with my coffee
  11. I'm a walker. Don't have any kind of machine for ice travel...but I have been giving it way more thought with each passing year. Posts like this make me rethink that Sorry to hear about your crappy day.
  12. I think girls should be in girls sports and boys in boys. I personally don't think it should ever be mixed. I don't care what the sport is just don't mix it up. Not trying to offend anyone...that is just my honest opinion. When my son was young there was a 3 year span where he had girls on his hockey team. At that age it didn't matter. One year it was twin sister's. One was our goalie and the other a defenceman. Both where good players and good kids. But 3 years later the worst player on my sons team would make either of them look stupid. Once the boys started to mature they where just too fast and strong. My niece played girls hockey at the highest level. Her team even got to play against the Chinese or Japanese Olympic team in a tune up game when they where here for the Vancouver Olympics. She would have probably been on the next Olympic team if she had stuck with it...she was that good. But I can honestly say from watching her play Midget hockey that a good boys Bantam house league team would have killed them every game no matter how many games they went head to head...the difference was that great. In other sports there might not be as much of a difference say in pool or darts...but in physical sports I think nothing is gained by combining boys and girls. My High School CWDHS had an awesome wrestling team. We had a girl back then who entered a tournament and a friend of mine on the team drew "short straw" and had to wrestle her. It was awkward and he absolutely hated it. He was not one of our better wrestler's and he dispatched her in no time. I could never ever figure out why these things happen. Both my kids had equal opportunity to play sports. But no way in hell my daughter would ever play on a boys team and visa versa, that's just the way Debbe and I both felt.
  13. I'm on modified Lew time. My alarm is set for 4:50 every morning when I'm on day shift...and most mornings I'm up before it goes off.
  14. Take it easy and you will be 100% well before you get the yak out on the water again I tell you it's crazy what some people will do just to get a woman to give them a nice sponge bath Be well
  15. Loved those weekenders with Debbe when the kids where small. Some of my best holiday memories...and we where never more then 5 hours away from home.
  16. Nothing wrong with letting kids out on there own. I feel sorry for city kids who never get the chance to roam free in the great outdoors like I did as a youngster. However I would like to think that in a similar situation I would have been right there like Manitoubass2 was to show some guidance. Good on you for stepping up to make sure they where safe I'm pretty sure reading about something terrible in the paper the next day would be something we all would not want.
  17. I have thought about that approach for a tropical vacation with Debbe. But I am contend with the fishing I have here. So I see no need to spent extra $$$ to get special gear and licences etc etc to fish for a few hours here and there on a one week trip.
  18. Well I don't get it either. We have a very small little cottage in Bobcaygeon and I am Happy as a clam there and for 7 months of the year we go pretty much every weekend. But Debbe has the travel bug and her passport and we have the means to travel so she really wants me to have the travel bug too. The desire is just not there for me. She just did a trip to Jamaica with one of her girlfriends...her 2nd girls trip without me in 27 years. She had a great time...but when she did a slideshow of her trip and we sat down and viewed them together...she would say...this was fun...but I'm not sure you would have enjoyed it...and OH and this was fun..but I'm not sure you would have enjoyed that either. After 30plus years of knowing each other she knows that I'm really not wired for a trip like that. We have an agreement. She can take one of her friends and go on a nice trip every 3 years. I have done my Fly in Fishing trips with the boys and she will do her southern sun holidays with the girls. We will see how that works out. But she has a passport application on the dresser for me to fill out......
  19. Sorry I don't target musky...the ones I catch are incidentals. The water clarity is pretty much the same as the rest of the kawartha's IMHO.
  20. Just to show that the lake has musky..I steered Rizzo to Buckeye last fall...check the http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=48147&view=findpost&p=517093&hl=buckeye%20center&fromsearch=1
  21. Pets are welcome. Beans can verify this. There is a American woman...Faye...who has been coming forever...who brings Jessie and Jake ...her 2 dogs. She comes and visits us with the dogs every weekend when we are carp fishing from shore in the summer Honestly this place is a real gem. We stayed there 2-3 times every year before we got our own cottage up there.
  22. fishgreg check this http://www.buckeyecentre.ca/ Right in Bobcaygeon on the water. The girls can walk to shopping...my wife says Bigley's is the BEST shoe store on the planet... and restaurants while you fish. Eat in the rooms or go out...your choice. Family owned and you can rent boats from the son next door. I have caught tons of smallies just out of the river in the north end of Pidgeon...3 minutes from the hotel...muskies too. You might have to book more then one room to include everybody...but you won't be disappointed.
  23. Bruce...that Cliff guy must have cleaned all the smelt out Sorry you guys didn't have a better day Emil...but you got yourself an honest to goodness life long fishing partner in that young man...count yourself extremely lucky
  24. Then DanC could reach into his jacket and give you some OFC boat decals,thank you for your time, and pretend this crap happens all the time
  25. LOL That would be absolutely brilliant
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