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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I know what your hinting at Wayne...but...if you have it and it is severe like mine was/is...your first priority should be your health...just sayin...cause at the end of the day nothing else matters.
  2. What Meely said. Another sleep apnea sufferer here. I had headaches pretty much EVERYDAY before I was diagnosed. If you snore like crazy...toss and turn all night and get up for a whizz or a drink of water several times a night I highly recommend you get a sleep study done. If it is your problem...ONE night...with a CPAP machine will make such a difference you won't believe it.
  3. I have 26's and 28's and hit the roof with both in my fish trap pro and my fish trap scout. I wouldn't think of using anything longer in my huts. But if you where concious of it and carefull I'm sure there would be no real problems.
  4. Thx for the report Steve. I will be down that was at least once this winter for smelts. You have any in your marina ?
  5. Does anyone know the mortality rate of perch caught in 75-80 FOW and released? Can't be very good. :wallbash: I have had very poor results trying to release them in water over 45.
  6. Good stuff.....nice clean looking perch Ted. Couch has been good but as you know you have to cull through the ones with the yellow grubs in them. I'd love to get out there with you next weekend. I love sight fishing them shallow from inside the fish trap. Enjoy the fish fry
  7. My point was...oh never mind My point was...oh never mind
  8. Wow. Life's too short Billy Bob. Go fishing.
  9. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/3/HouseHome/Furniture/FoldingChairsStools/PRD~0680340P/Folding%252BStool%252Bwith%252BBack%252BSupport.jsp?locale=en I have removed the seating in both my portable huts and take this chair. I am a tad heavier then you ...with no problems so far. On it's third season. Beans and I also use the same chair for carp fishing in the summer. I know he has a few pictures of us sitting in them. Keep an eye on the Canadian Tire flyers if you are not in a big hurry. They always come on for $9.99
  10. Yep free fishing :thumbsup_anim: Gotta love that. Happy B-day buddy...and many more to follow.
  11. Not fishing today Joey ...then you will just have to go out and buy accessories for the new sled with the $$$ I gave you and Paul for the floater suit
  12. Well said Grimace. Classy post. But for the grace of God I'm sure many here could have been just as unlucky. Play safe everyone. My heart goes out to his friends and family.
  13. Sorry you never came up our way Bruce...would have been good to ice a few with you. Hope your hand is OK. Ted you should have driven up the highway. The snow stopped south of Port Perry and everything was dry and clear the rest of the way. Pictures are for fish porn....mug shots not required.
  14. Thx for a great day Cliff. For a walker, getting an ATV ride out AND fishing in a heated hut was like winning the lottery As I said several times today..I was very impressed with the Sub Zero. Tons of room and very easy to set up. I love my flip style hut, but I'm thinking that the Sub Zero is the ticket when the time comes to get the Grandson out. You know where I am when you wanna do that again.I hope Sue yourself and Andy enjoy a few good feeds of perch.
  15. Heading out the door to fish some Jumbo's with Big Cliff. If your ears are ringing Chris...they should be...cause we will be talking about you. And wishing a full and SPEEDY recovery for you. Take it easy and be well.
  16. Thx for the report Brian. I will be there next weekend. I'm gonna give it another week. Perch on Couch have been way to co-operative and I find the 10 plus inches of ice that much more reassuring. Those vex's are fun aren't they. Just started using mine last winter...got it 3 years ago Now I can't leave it at home. It will definitely help you catch more fish...but it is also entertaining as well.
  17. The only fish I have caught to keep and then never ate. Got a few on Nip years ago fishing for walleye. Tried filleting one and found there small bones a real PITA ...and not much meat either. We gave up and threw the 2 or 3 we had in the garbage. Never had the desire to keep one since that episode.
  18. Had 2 similiar days out of Innisfil last winter...60-65 FOW. Everybody in our area was nailing them.
  19. Practice up on that Ted. When you get good at it... show me. I think I might finally make the effort to start taking the camera out. Thx for the pic. Keep chasing the chrome...I'll continue to chase the perch.
  20. I think they hear our voices just fine. The problem is there are other voices out there that represent more of the population so they hear them MUCH BETTER. And IMO this will never change.
  21. Bell never did us any wrong. We're lucky I guess. But a few years back we looked into changing our package with them and found Rogers offered a way better deal..so we switched. bell has bugged us ever since to come back to them. We did this spring..cause now they have a better deal then Rogers. I hope they bash each other to death competing for my business. I'm paying less a month now then I was 4 years ago ...with better TV and internet packages. Competition is a good thing
  22. Mighty nice of you giving a heads up for anyone looking for work
  23. Yep I know Just playin with you guys
  24. Nice feed of perch you got there. I usually only keep them between 10-12 inches on Simcoe. I got a few 13+ in the fall and a couple through the ice so far this winter, but have not managed any over 14 since last spring. Generally I get a dozen or so 14+ inchers over the course of a year. However I have never landed a perch over 15...and yes I do get out perching alot.
  25. Christ it's getting deep in here I'd better roll up my pant legs so I don't get....poo poo on them
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