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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I gave mine to a fellow carper a few years ago. It was in mint shape. Now he has a proper baitrunner reel for carping and I don't think he uses it anymore. If he ends up selling it I hope he splits the $$$ with me
  2. I heard 25,000 tickets sold Shayne. Gonna be a lot of extra tents up there this weekend. I hope the weatherman is way off with his forecast.
  3. No problem Beansie. Now that the chores are done we gotta start chasing some carp. Lotsa them rolling around Carp Point yesterday afternoon
  4. Very generous Cliff...but we will be fine. Cook on the BBQ, swim in the lake. It will be just like camping again accept for a nice comfy bed to sleep on instead of the ground. I might have to pack my coleman stove though. Things might get ugly if Debbe can't have a coffee in the morning
  5. Thx for checking on our little place for us Cliff. I just got home to find a message from Mom saying she rescued our food supplies. No power so I guess it's red wine this weekend instead of white when we get up there The sacrifices we are forced to make to have a good weekend BTW what big tree? One of those huge dirty poplars right near the hydro pole? Or one of the nice Oaks across on the neighbors property. I hope it was a poplar.
  6. Thx for sharing. Having done a few Walleye Fly ins..I know how much fun it is when you are just hauling them in like that
  7. Glad to hear it And Kudos to whoever called it in as well I would have loved to see the fine be $2700 EACH though with a loss of there fishing license. Really make them pay and maybe a few other possible offenders might actually give it some thought before they try to rape our resources.
  8. Good luck Simon....one day at a time...you can do it
  9. Looks like you had a perfect day...company...AND...weatherwise there Emil Energetic looking crew you got there. Which one of them netted and hauled in the 26 pounder You might have to bulk them up a bit first Thx for sharin
  10. Virtually no effect on me at all. I feel for you Steve....I hope you can get your years in and retire before the whole postal system goes down the dumper. It's a dinosaur IMHO.
  11. Tell my 22yr old son that. He's working 20-30 hours a week....going to school full time...and has his sister and her boyfriend and son living with him in his condo he bought last June to help with the mortgage. I worry everyday that he has bitten off more then he can chew...but I sure am proud of him. And he hasn't got a dime from Mom and Dad for the house or school and his first year he had a 92% average Did I already say I was proud of him It can be done...but you gotta be made of some strong stuff. Again did I mention how proud I am
  12. Looks like a successful day to me Thx for sharing and enjoy the fish frys
  13. Sounds and looks like a good morning Bruce Kinda hard to read your tape in the photo but it looks like it was over 38 inches. My first carp outing will be June 11th and I can't wait.
  14. My wife works for TD...but not in the insurance part of it...strictly banking.... but I guess that makes us "members"
  15. Indeed you are correct. I just didn't want to admit it
  16. I do almost all the grocery shopping and more then my share of household chores and cleaning and most of the cooking too. My man card has not been valid since 1984. Sometimes late at night when its quiet and I'm alone I get it out and stroke it a few times....and then put it back in my wallet
  17. I shop around every 3 years or so just to make sure we are not getting pooched. Been with TD Meloche Monex for a long time. Haven't found better prices yet for our needs and any claims we have made have been handled promptly and professionally. And no I don't work for them.
  18. A big pot of chili , spagetti or stew. It can be reheated whenever anyone feels like some. The spiral ham or a cooked turkey sliced up is great for sandwiches or a hearty meal if you have some gravy and mashed potatoes packed as well. Most fishing trips we really only eat twice a day. A quick snack in the morning... toast...bagels...oatmeal...then out on the water. I don't count this as a meal. Come in at noon and have a good feed...the fishing usually slows down mid day anyhow. Then out fishing again until dark. Come in clean fish...have a few beverages...heat up something quick and easy for supper and your day is done. Repeat again the next day...etc. etc.
  19. Your first decent bow...congrats. IMHO the best thing you could do would be release it. Bow's to me are pretty much inedible....probably my least favourite freshwater fish to eat of all the species I have caught. Again nice catch and if you do eat it I hope you enjoy it. I personally do not enjoy them.
  20. Thx Randy...that brought a smile to my face
  21. I don't even think about carping before June at Carp Point. In the next couple of weeks I'll be getting all geared up for it. The first run of the season on the baitrunner....man that's music to my ears The trouter's equivalent would be watching your float get buried on a drift
  22. Really making me appreciate my 14 ft tinny wayne. Flipped over on 3 blocks in the back yard. It took me a whole 20 minutes to get it on the trailer and 100% ready to go on Wednesday night
  23. Good on you Twilight And thx Wayne for posting this. Nice to see these kinda things are still going on in our world.
  24. The fish looks awesome But I've tried fiddleheads more then once and don't care for them. My asparagus pops up in the garden right around the same time as fiddleheads peek out and I enjoy it way more...so I'll leave the fiddleheads to those who appreciate them.
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