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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Steve I was so disgusted with my carping last year in Bobcaygeon that I gave up and started going out in my boat for other fish. And this year I have not even got my stuff organized yet. I have totally lost interest. Don't know what's going on...but it sure has slowed way down up there.
  2. What a great day that must have been Thx for sharing it with us.
  3. Beautiful I worked a whole summer in the interior out of our MNR camp in Kiosk. Algonquin is something you will never forget. Thx for sharing that with all of us.
  4. All I meant is it was dead easy 30+ years ago. I know lots of people my age who I wouldn't hire to cut my lawn..lazy useless people. Ended up getting a good job just because there was lots of them out there. Those days are gone. There are still good jobs...always will be. But they are less and less and I don't think anybody can argue that.
  5. Sad news here in the Shwa for sure. A long time coming though. I do not work for GM but I do work in the manufacturing sector. And it's sad to see these things happen. In 1980 when I started into the workforce pretty much anybody who had half a brain and a reasonable amount of ambition could finish high school and with little effort land a job somewhere in the manufacturing field and make decent money. Kids today finish high school and what is out there for them? I feel for them. Many will never know the "Good Middle Class" life that most my age have had. I really am concerned for there future.
  6. :thumbsup_anim: I live for hot dry weather to make my lawn go dormant. By the end of July my lawn looks as good as most in my neighborhood. May and June not so much. And I have never spent a dime on killing weeds or fertilizing. I keep my flowerbeds and vegetable garden weeded and let the weeds coexist with my lawn.
  7. I was out with a good buddy once and enjoyed a day of fishing and beverages. That evening while cleaning our catch I cut open a crappie and a little genie popped out and said he would grant me 3 wishes. I quickly realized I had drank too much during the day and went to bed.
  8. Spent the summer of 1980 in Kiosk working at a MNR Ranger camp. Canoeing, clearing portage trails and various other jobs in the interior. The next summer I was in a camp on Helen Lake out of Nipigon and even managed to get on a fire crew fighting forrest fires out of the base in Armstrong before I had to cut it short to return home for my last year of high school. The two best summer jobs I ever had.
  9. The way of the world. If you wanna guarantee you are buying Cdn go garage saling. That way even if it isn't Cdn made the $$$ you paid went to a Cdn...unless of course you are garage saling outside Canada
  10. A perfect report to enjoy with my late morning coffee The happy faces say it all. Looks like you made a very good choice in getting rid of the sailboat for a fishing machine. Thx for sharing this with us.
  11. Kawartha Lakes for us...Bobcaygeon to be exact. Has everything we need and hospitals, the big city and our kids/grandkids only a little more then an hour away.
  12. I'm still smiling about that part and when the Hulk and Thor are side by side during a bit of a breather in the action and the Hulk has just a little bit more steam to blow off..lol.
  13. Seen this on the weekend at Highlands Cinema in Kinmount. I am not a regular movie goer...but I can say without hesitation that this was far and away the best movie I have seen in a long long time. A must see IMHO :thumbsup_anim:
  14. Joey, my experience is if they don't like it they will never get used to it.
  15. Lew, give her the lawnmower that's not working properly. Maybe she will appreciate the shiny new working trimmer then No thx required....I'm here to help.
  16. LOL...thx for that Grimace. At an intersection by our house there is always a broken down van with the back doors open and some raggedy looking person selling flowers on mothers day. I made a remark to Debbe one day while passing by. I asked her if flowers from there would show her how much I truly loved her. Her comment was if you get flowers from THERE make sure you sanitize them first
  17. Come on Beansie...you know I treat Debbe like a queen 364 days a years Sundays for my mom. So far I haven't had to sleep in the garage or out in the car Sunday night
  18. Did my heart good to see her smiling face Bruce I can't vouch for Anna's fishing ability...but her grandmother shared my boat with Bruce & I on a Simcoe perch trip last fall. And that woman knew what she was doing that's for sure.
  19. Watching the float go down Doesn't matter if it's a nice trout or a perch or some type of panfish. That split second of anticipation while you are reacting to set the hook before you even know what is on the end of your line...that's what it's all about for me. The scream of your baitrunner reel when I big carp takes off on it's first run...is right up there for me too.
  20. Yep agree 100% here as well. Too bad the enforcement part will NEVER have the budget to tackle the problem successfully. Which is why 100 years from now fishing forums of the future will still be debating this same topic.
  21. Agreed. People I know that talk with such poison...well it just makes me ill. I have had conversations with such people about the topic brought up here. It's pretty common in the fishing community and you all know what I'm talking about. And later I have been approached by another person who is not a fisherman but was within earshot of the conversation and without fail they say..." I had no idea so and so was such a racist and hated those people so much. You may not think your a racist and you may not be... but it's pretty hard for others not to paint you with that brush if that is the tone of all your conversations regarding "those people".
  22. Great great shots Mike Thx for sharing that with us.
  23. Stopped in there this winter. Debbe and I did a road trip up to the city of Kinmount and made a planned stop at Lindsays CTC on the way through cause they had a good sale on ice fishing stuff. Scored 2 rods I really liked so I was happy. The fishing guy I spoke to said all this was coming. I will have to have a look see when we are up there this week. I'm sure there are some must have's in there with my name on them. I'll send Debbe over to Mark's to check out the ladies wear just in case some of the must have stuff is $$$$.
  24. Lotsa crappies for sure and well done for that...but I'm not seeing any SLABS there.
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