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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Happy Birthday Roy After your 10 hours try to relax and enjoy the rest of the day.
  2. A 15 year loan for a fishing toy :dunno: I couldn't sleep at night.
  3. I hate it when that happens
  4. I'll give you $50 for it when you have it up for sale in the classified section at the end of the season Joking aside...sweet looking reel.
  5. Sooooooo jealous Emil !!!!!! My next serious perch fishing will not be until the end of September on Simcoe. BTW I still owe you a trip to my fall spot . Especially after our missed chance to hook up last fall. Enjoy the fish fry's :thumbsup_anim:
  6. Lindsay Crappie Tire has my name all over it this weekend. I'm gonna check out the kayak for $120 off too.
  7. Looks like you had a great day Enjoy the fish fry's
  8. The room started at 28 and was cooled down to 20 by the time I checked it 2 hours later...not really sure how long it actually took. My point was the main cottage was still much warmer and I wanted solutions to address that issue. I'm thankful for any helpful suggestions I can get whether they are from A/C professionals or from some homegrown McGyver experiments
  9. The main room has a cathedral ceiling with a big fan at the peak of the roof. I was already going to experiment with running it in reverse next weekend to help draw the cold air off the floor. I only installed the A/C yesterday and ran it for 3 hours just to make sure everything was OK. I have not really gave it a good workout yet. The bedroom being so small it was cooled down to 20 after about 2 hours...mean while the main room was still 24-26 My concern is the thermostat on the A/C will shut off the unit before the main room has cooled enough. So I was looking at ways to get the cold air out of the bedroom quicker, which is why I was thinking about wall vents up high to move the hot air in faster or the cold air out faster. Just as a side bar. This has never been an issue before this year. Last fall I had 3 big trees taken down resulting in a lot more sunlight beating down on the cottage roof and the big windows in the afternoon. The tree removal was necessary. Two where dyeing and the third was a leaner that hung over the cottage and always concerned me when it got real windy. But boy has it ever warmed up the cottage. Take it from me...if you have some good shade trees around your home or cottage...don't remove them unless you have to
  10. Broke down and put a 12000 BTU window A/C in at the cottage. The only suitable window was in a small bedroom. I have a large fan out in the hall to blow the cold air out into the front part of the cottage where it gets the hottest because of floor to ceiling windows. It is doing the job but the bedroom in getting real cold..otherwords perfect for sleeping...and the main room although cooling down and much less humid is still not down as far as I would like it. The total area I am working with is 400-410 square feet..so I know I have the right sized A/C...according to what I have researched anyway. The next thing I was going to try was putting vents near the ceiling in the common wall between the 2 rooms and having a fan blow air through these vents. My question is this. Is it better to have the fan blowing the hot air into the cold bedroom or have it blowing the cold air out of the bedroom into the hot room? If anyone can answer this for me or offer any other tips it would be greatly appreciated.
  11. I'd call it in anyway. If there is a problem and enough others in the area do the same perhaps a patrol car might just do a check of the area and catch them in the act. They can't act on something if they know nothing about it.
  12. I have a table fan at the cottage that looks just like that
  13. Thx for sharing the pic Spiel. Before this year I have never seen one in my life. This year i have seen 3. 2 in Oshawa close to where I work and one just south of Bobcaygeon while heading to our cottage. Maybe there population is growing?
  14. Again I say...accidents happen people. Most times the consequences are not this grave. When my son was 2-3 he woke up before the wife and I and somehow opened the front door...had no idea he could do it. When we woke up he was sitting happily at the picnic table in the back yard. We have no idea now long he was out there before we woke up. What if he wandered on the road...hwy #2 is one block away or into someone's pool or into Harmony creek down at the end of our street? I'm definitely not pointing the finger of blame at anyone here. As I said before..those quick to judge the AWFUL parents perhaps have just been very very fortunate.
  15. X2. I was good... but my wife was unbelievable and it happened to us. Consider it luck not good management if it never happens to you. The bottom line though is if buddy would have followed the by-law it never would have happened. This is one of those laws that a lot of people probably ignore...but it is out there for just this reason.
  16. In the SEVENTIES my parents got an above ground pool installed. Fencing Bylaws existed way back then. Seems buddies fence must have been open or woefully inadequate for a 2 year old toddler to have drowned. And as far as being perfect parents and never EVER letting your kids out of your site...well I will freely admit we lost our daughter for a split second in a shopping mall once. Most terrified I have ever been in my life. Seems other parents are like my wife and I and not perfect. Accidents happen and they always will. It's just too bad when the end result is a tragedy like this one. I feel for both the parents and the neighbor who just wanted to have a nice feature in his yard.
  17. Would it do the job if you had 7 days of no sun shine? Having severe apnea myself I would never take the chance.
  18. I have horror stories from both Bell and Rodgers. Neither have an edge IMHO. However we have switched back and forth twice between the 2. Each time getting a better deal then before. We are paying WAY less then we where 7 YEARS ago and have a FAR better package. Play the game and keep some money in your pocket for a change
  19. Looks like you will have to drag a canoe in there from now on Phil to stay away from the Ants. It sucks when a handy fishing spot gets scratched off the list
  20. I hope you had the good sense to negotiate something extra out of this. If not I think you should be turning in your man card
  21. My last experience at Bass Pro....2 years ago...not as good as yours. Bought an 8 inch manual Lazer ice auger. Cut 3 holes with it and found it more work then I wanted to do. So I want to return it..but lost the receipt. . Anyway I had all the packaging with bass pro vaugh stamped all over the outside of the box. So I figured it was worth a shot. Spoke to 3 different people and I was polite curtious and respectful to all of them. It was like talking to 3 different cardboard cutouts that all had the same tape recorded message. I know I had no receipt but I had all the packaging and the auger was still mint...you could not tell I had even used it. I'm glad you had a good experience Jedi..myself...it will be a long long time before they ever get a cent of my money. In the spring after selling my auger to another fisherman on here...I found the receipt behind my bedroom dresser :wallbash:
  22. Our cottage neighbor bought an electric one this spring. So it's his new toy and he calls me his guinea pig Every weekend he is trying something out. I have had smoked rainbow trout,sausages, chicken thighs,pork tenderloin and its all good. I have never had an interest in one until now...but man is the stuff ever good. His is a lower end cheaper model but honestly I would just get the same thing because everything he has smoked has came out excellent. As G mentioned the charcoal might add even more flavor but I would never find out because if I do get one it will be the same as my neighbors cause I know I will be totally happy with what comes out of it. If you want I'll ask him this week exactly what he has.
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