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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. 7.1 you say. That would be around 20 inches then. I can't believe you kept the 5 pounder and didn't cull it Congrats pops :clapping:
  2. Happy Birthday Beansie. I hope you have a great day
  3. I fish with both Big Cliff and Sinker. As a matter of fact I fished with Shayne Wednesday and am looking forward to sharing time on the water with Cliff tomorrow. You would have a very difficult time finding two nicers guys to share a day on the water with. That's all I have to say on the subject. Maybe that's the way we all should leave this one.
  4. The beginnings of a serious fish fry there I'm planning on an assault on them Sunday....can't wait. I actually like them better then crappie for eating...you just have to clean a few more.
  5. You missed all you old farts collecting pensions, while all us younguns are slaving away everyday
  6. Good luck Cliff. It sounds like your honey hole will be on soon My tinny hasn't seen the water yet
  7. Not trying to stir the pot...just offering my opinion on the topic. IMHO river fishermen outnumber charter fishermen by a country mile. When I used to fish chrome more then I do now...6 hens killed a year for roe... was a very conservative estimate. I think the damage to the fishery is far greater by the river guys...I don't even think the charter guys come close. Having said that I have to agree with Craig. Dead is dead it doesn't matter where or when the fish met it's maker. I hope the numbers coming over the dam are as good as is being reported. It bodes well for everyone who enjoys the fishery.
  8. Well this is not a canoe in camping trip...but my wife and I did it with our son and daughter when they where young and they both loved it. We stayed at a campground right in Walkerton...right in town...right on the river. Joy sports in town had a shuttle service where if you rented a canoe from them they would drop it off at the campground for you Friday night. You canoed down the Saugeen Saturday. Lots of smallies and brown trout to be had. Lots of spots to stop and fish. Lots of good sandbars to swim on too. They then picked you up at a bridge downstream at the end of the day and shuttled you back to the campground. You are going downstream so all you are really doing is keeping the canoe going straight. Dead easy for kids or novices... there are no heavy current areas along the route to get concerned about...in the summer during low water anyway.My son was 6 and my daughter 8 on our first trip and my wife was by no means comfortable in a canoe...that's how easy it was. The fishing was really good. I/we caught tons of smallies..up to 4 LBS and browns...and all we used where worms under floats or with weights...nice and easy for the wife and kids. It is not a remote experience...but I was pleasantly surprised by how quiet it really was. Once you got on the water and get a few bends in the river away from town you where out in quiet farmland and cedar tree lined waters with no one around. Joy Sports number is 519-881-2046. This was a few years ago so I don't know if they still offer this or even if the campground is still there. But it's a great trip to see how the family does spending a day on the water in canoes. I highly recommend it. PM me if you have any questions
  9. Well look what the good weather brought out. Looking forward to seeing you this spring Tony. I hope you have been putting a beating on the rainbows.
  10. How about over at..er ...um...you know
  11. Very creative young couple. I think the little one is off to a good start with parents like this.
  12. Have fish done this way all the time. As far as freshwater fish go, Bluegills done this way are my favourite. We serve it on Basmati Rice...really like basmati with any kind of fish. Debbe is not a fish eater...but she likes it done this way.
  13. Never saw pictures Beansie...where they on here or did you email them to me? I was in Caygeon Sunday anyway. Debbe and I did a road trip and stopped in town for a while. I was surprised by the amount of open water on the lake. It won't be long
  14. When the ice is gone...you still have me on speed dial don't you Beansie?
  15. X2...it's all I have used for years. I like the green line myself.
  16. Three Piles you say...lol..sounds like a good system Cliff...but the LOL refers to a past experience of mine. When I was working in our Mississauga Plant our very busy specialized department went from 5 people down to just 2 of us. It was far and away the most stressful work environment I have ever experienced in my life. Everyday as soon as you came in at 6:30...and sorted through the enormous pile of work orders..you knew a large portion of it had absolutely no chance of getting out the door in the promised time frame. It is absolutely no fun starting each day knowing that despite your very best efforts you are going to disappoint most of your customers. Then at around 9 the customer service reps started calling if they where offsite... or standing at your workstation demanding a revised timeframe so they could let the customer know. You spend a good chunk of your day dealing with THEM instead of doing your job. For a good 6 month stretch the phone ringing in our work area would actually give me a little panic attack. It was absolutely brutal. We had a 2 pile system at the time. Pile #1 was stuff that got escalated to that pile. Pile#2 was stuff that didn't. You never even looked at pile #2.
  17. It sounds like you made your own bed Brian. I was on the same road 4-5 years ago. Then like a light switch something clicked in my head and I said to myself I will not do this silliness anymore. If you wanna stop or cut down all you have to say to the boss is I'll do my fair share...but I physically can't take this pace anymore. If you are a good employee and have a decent boss that will be all it takes. After I told my boss how I felt things didn't change immediately...but 4-5 years later he knows to ask the other lads first for overtime and they usually take it. So now when we are crazy busy I get 8-10 hours of overtime a week instead of 20+...and everyone is happier. Learning how and when to say enough is enough is the best gift I ever gave myself. The fish within 1-2 hours of my house however aren't real happy with me being at work less Sucks to be them somedays Edit..We are now talking to Victoria's Secrets to print magazines/catalogues..whatever. I just might have to take some extra OT for that..you know...just to make extra sure our print quality is good
  18. Great advice here. Especially the 10 x10 area. I have had many trips in the spring where if you where not right on the spot you would get nothing. Don't be afraid of going real shallow either. If it is overcast or there is a good chop on the water...or the water is colored... you can have some real fantastic days in under 3 feet of water
  19. Agree or disagree with me...but I have felt poor old Mr Cherry has been out of touch for years now. Truthfully I don't watch alot of hockey anymore...but if I do have a game on and he comes on I use that time as a pee break or a chance to get on the PC and check out OFC and other things. He should have been put out to pasture years ago.
  20. I really like longer rods for fishing perch and panfish....but I fish with floats all the time. I also find a little heavier rod is a better choice if you are casting floats. Also if your rod is longer but real light...you may have some trouble with control when lifting a big slab out of the water...which is another reason for a little heavier rod. None of the rods I use are under 9 ft.
  21. Being a wine drinker. I would 100% agree with you on this. I have sampled...not bought...some god awful $30-$40 dollar a bottle wines. I would put my home made wine up against some of them and it costs me less then $4 a bottle to make. But I will also freely admit that my homemade wine isn't really high end stuff...just comparable to some wines out there that people are really getting hosed on.
  22. Tried them out of Nip and Simcoe. Might be Ok pickled or smoked but they where gross and bony. I love fish..but you will never catch me eating another herring...EVER.
  23. I think its all relative Cliff. I fish plastics 12 months of the year for perch crappie and bluegills. I get my Fin-s minnows and shads from Mark in Bobcaygeon and spend less then $6 a bag. I think I go through maybe 5 bags...100 bodies....in an entire year. So $30 for an entire year and you know I get out alot. I could easily spend $20 a month on live bait, so I actually think plastics are a hell of a bargain But you are right...somebodies getting rich....it's just not you or I
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