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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Still doesn't cut it for an ice bungalow experience as far as I am concerned. The only reason I would stay in one of those sub par things is if I had fish right under me. That's what the whole experience is about as far as I am concerned. If you have to get up in the morning and jump in your vehicle to go searching for fish you might as well stay with another outfitter in a nice COMFY ROOMY cabin on shore with a shower and all the other conveniences... and have them drive you out to there fishing shacks with fish right under them. Thanks however for taking the time to post a report.
  2. Good on you and him. When I first moved to Oshawa I lost my wallet. I had just moved here and all my info was still for my parents address back home. Some women found my wallet and phoned my folks after hunting down there phone number. She mailed the wallet to them at her own expense and would not leave her name and refused any reward/cash from my father. I got my wallet back from my folks the next time I visited them and there was nothing taken out of it. I sure wish I could have met this woman and thanked her. From your story it is good to hear that there are still honest people out there.
  3. The lazer is the way to go Billy Bob....worth every cent extra you will pay...trust me on that. The curved blades cut through a million times better. If you are running it on electric it maybe won't make a difference to you but it might make a difference how many holes you could drill.
  4. Welcome aboard Kris. I have met some of my best fishing buds off this board. Lotsa good people on here. My wife refers to this site as my internet dating site and it's members who I have fished with as my internet boyfriends Good luck at hooking up with some new fishing buddies.
  5. You Sir have read my mind. I have never ever seen another place get even close to the number of bad reviews I saw this one get. The OP is aware of this and still decides to throw his hard earned cash in that direction. There's just no figuring some people out
  6. Agreed... all situations are not equal. Just try telling my brother that
  7. My brother has sold both of his houses private and saved a ton of cash. He will tell you to your face that your an idiot for giving real estate people your money. He says it is so easy it is comical. And when he explains it to you it really is no work at all. I have sold 4 houses in my life and always went through the normal real estate channels. Yes he calls me an idiot. But I'm thinking when we sell this time I will make that little bit of extra effort to save myself some serious dough. You can only let your little brother call you an idiot for so long before you have to do something about it
  8. I was going to save my GPS waypoints on my computer in case my handheld goes for a crap. Now I'm sacred to do that
  9. Pretty much how I feel. Won't change how I live my life one bit.
  10. So sorry for your loss young man. That was a great post you made. It sounds like your dad was a great father and I'm sure we would be very proud of you.
  11. Exactly My folks had a cottage with no water. We took our own water for drinking but used lake water for doing dishes and having a shower. Had an old Irish Spring commercial like shower outside...it was awesome. Anyway chopping a hole in the ice to get water was a huge PITA and that was only to make a little hole to get potable water. A hole big enough for fishing out of would be one sweaty slushy wet chore and I would not wish it on my worse enemy. If you do give it a try Raf's idea about a lanyard tie off would be a very good idea.
  12. We leased a Hyundi Accent a few years ago. Monthly payment was $205/month with no money down....4 year lease...20,000Km a year limit. It was an in town wife drive to work car. So we ended up paying about 10 grand for a 4 year lease on a car that would have costed 16 and change to buy outright.The main reason we went for a lease was I didn't want to buy the car outright...I was a little worried about the reliability of the hyundi's. We came in under the 80,000 Km when we returned the car so we had no penalty there. But the penalties can be a killer if you go over so make sure your buddy has a good idea what that will be if he thinks he will go over. I think leasing is a rip off and would never do it again. However from our experience we found out the Accent was 100% a great little car for my wife to drive around town in... with the occasional long hauls up to Sudbury to visit family...so we ended up buying one when the lease ran out. So in our case it ended up being a good choice at the time.
  13. Good job Bruce You deserved a better day after that disaster of a perching trip last weekend I hope your giving Robert the gears for not tagging along.
  14. I think all blades are not created equal. I have had blades last for an awful lot of holes and I have had a new set go for a crap before I even got a full season in. I always have a spare brand new set in my basement. I think you just got a bad set of blades.
  15. What Lake is that Nick? Is it Cypress Lake? My folks used to have a cottage right across the Hwy from Cypress Lake but they sold it 7 years ago and I have not been back up that way since. Beautiful area. I have a lot of fond memories of time spent up on the Bruce.
  16. Nice to see you lads Bruce...too bad the fish didn't come out and join us Thats 2 weekends in a row for me. Perhaps I should find another hobby. It was a beauty day though and like you mentioned pretty quiet out there.
  17. I'm in Oshawa but am from the country. I am still amazed at how close relatively undisturbed spots are for those that make the effort. It might not be what it used to be...I can't argue with that... but peace and solitude AND good fishing are not to far away...especially if you are lucky enough to be able to sneak out midweek.
  18. Nice whitie Bruce!!! Sorry to hear about your spill. It must have been a nasty one...I noticed in your fish picture you even had finger tips ripped right off your gloves If nothing's broken and your still coming I promise the hill we will be walking done Sunday will be much tamer. Let me know.
  19. If I'm driving then I'm going anyway. Why would I ask for gas money? I have made the decision to go fishing and someone else coming is not going to add to my gas expense. The rule we follow is one guy drives the other pays for the coffee's. It all evens out. It sounds to me like your broke so you ask people to tag along just to help pay for your addiction. Not trying to start anything here. That's just how it seems to me after reading all this. Like others have said...I believe mothballing the rods and looking for a job would be a far better activity to spend your time on. Even thinking of stealing a buddies gear to make things right? Houston we have a problem.
  20. I married a banker. Staff have no service charges and get the best rates on everything. If I need to sign something she brings it home so I never have to go near the place. It's a pretty good set up for me
  21. X2 for that. My folks used to have a place in Tobermory and that burger stop was always part of the plans on the way through. I have not been over that way for 6-7 years now so I don't know if it is still there. But it was one of the best burger joints I have ever been in.
  22. Thx all for the replys. It was a Great day for us. I was so stoked I even took my camera and was actually going to try and post some pictures with my report..which would have been a first for me. Got out there, got set up and grabbed my camera to get an action shot of Jake drilling his first hole EVER...AND my camera says "LOW BATTERY" Just my luck. Soon forgotten though and Jake got some pics with his phone that he shared with me on Facebook so I was happy about that. Get out with whoever is important to you. That's what it's all about
  23. Thx for sharing Mike, they look good. I might have a hard time bumping some of my tried and true baits back to give these an honest go though. I don't fish Lakers/whities much but I bet they would be awesome for tipping Meegs/BadBoyz as well.
  24. Thx for sharing Bruce Glad to see your getting out with Robert. I wish you many more of those days.
  25. I'll try to set this up a little bit so maybe you folks can appreciate what today meant to me. My son has never been a fisherman despite my best efforts when he was younger to get him interested in my passion. He moved out of the house in Aug 2010 at 21 and bought himself a townhouse. He is currently working part time and going to college full time. So he has school 5 days a week and works both days on the weekend. Frankly I have no clue how he pulls it all off. To say he is busy is a gross understatement. So one night this week I get a message on Facebook. Dad I don't work this weekend...do you wanna take me out ice fishing? I think he was 8-10 the last time he was on the ice with me. Take you fishing...HELL YES !!! I had tentative plans made to hook up with someone from the board here. I PM'd that individual and explained my situation and that I was going to get out with my boy instead. He was a class act and gracious about it and for that I am grateful. Phil thank you for your understanding. Hopefully we can do it some other time. So we fished out of Port Bolster today from 7:30 until 2:30 and managed 11 keeper perch between the 2 of us...one of my worst days ever on the ice for perch...but it was a great day. We had an hour in the car up and an hour back to solve the problems of the world and 7 hours on the ice to torment a few fish and just spent a good day catching up. It was over way to fast for me. This past summer he got out in the boat with me twice as well. So three times in the last year. For the first time I have a glimmer of hope that he has started to actually enjoy time spent fishing. Some times the best days on the water have nothing to do with catching fish. Today was one of those days for ME
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