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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Thx for sharing Mike. I had a similair experience years ago at my parents cottage. Two 3LB smallies on a rapala. Not much of a fight because they where kinda doing a tug of war against each other. I was glad my brother was in the boat as a witness as I never had a camera with me.
  2. Pretty sure everyone over 50 would be happy with a free million. Those under 50 too.
  3. I have always said some people have bad luck. No 2 ways about it. Those people will always have my sympathy and deserve compassion and or assistance. But I truly believe this is the .1 % of the population. Percentage wise I believe the rest of us have the ability and the opportunities to make for a comfortable retirement. Perhaps we disagree on the %. My point has always been that MOST people who complain have squandered there chance to take ownership of there finances and there future and try to lay blame on others and the government in particular is always an easy target. The government has always and will always be inept with our money. That will never EVER change. I honestly can't believe people think it ever will. I have just excepted it for what it is and moved on. Fixating on something you can't fix or change is not good for anyone. Cliff my company got rid of our pension 4 years ago. My grandfathered pension will not be enough to keep us in groceries. We have went through the cancer dance in our house. I have been laid off from work twice although both jobs where years ago.We have health issues that will only get worse as we get older and we have wasted money on things that could have been used in a better way for our futures so I think we have had many things happen that could have seriously impacted our futures. And neither Debbe or I have ever had a high paying job. But somehow we have managed to save a little from EVERY paycheque for the last 30+ years and it does add up. I believe 99.9% my generation and older generations have had the same opportunities as Debbe and I and in most cases if you haven't been able to make a decent go of it you are at fault for your shortcomings MORE then the government or your employer or anyone else someone feels they should point the blame at. All this is a generalization and I'm not pointing fingers at anyone on here or anyone in particular. It's just how I feel about people preparing for there futures in general. Agree or disagree. I'm not trying to upset anyone. I was just giving my opinion.
  4. X2. This is one that's close to my heart and I could rant on forever. But I'll just leave it at "your responsible for your future". If things don't work out 99.9% of the time the person to blame is looking back at you from the mirror in the bathroom every morning.
  5. I like that one the best Bruce. Makes me miss my old continental shifts though. Back in the 90's I did that on Lake Simcoe alone in a year...forget about where ever else I fished. Working Monday to Friday SUCKS.
  6. Out of my way...but the one time I was in there I was impressed. Thx for the heads up. I'm sure anyone in the area that fishes will make a trip over if they need anything.
  7. Eyeballs too big for perchin HH....awesome for carping though
  8. I'm told they taste just like Muskie Sorry just had that in me. Seriously though...sad to hear.
  9. Two board members have let me know that one of my fav spring spots on Pidgeon for crappie and gills is low but fishable. That's all I wanted to hear. When I was up that way Good Friday I was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen. May 1st cottage move in date can't come soon enough now.
  10. I look after them and they are only out for 3 weeks tops every year. I plug them into a timer and they are only on for 4 hours a night. Never really gave it any thought that they might be a problem. Thx for bringing it up though because it is something to think about. Perhaps it is time to retire them. Thx to everyone for the help. It is appreciated.
  11. LOL. The strings of lights I have Cliff where given to us by my Great Aunt when we bought our first house. They are older then me....hell they might be older then you I have a big shopping bag of old bulbs and I usually have to replace 3 or 4 every year when I hang them up. Funny I really love a lot of the new LED light options now and every Christmas I think about getting something new and different but I just can't part with Aunt Tress's gift. But to your question...is there a difference?
  12. All I meant by foolish Brian is I didn't want to buy the light duty if it wasn't up to the job. I'll do what I can to save a buck....but not if it's gonna burn my house down
  13. I priced a male and female end first Brian. 11.99 and 4.99 ...and then I have to buy the cord. $14.99 for 50 ft NOMA cord just seemed like a better deal.
  14. That's all I wanted to know. Called light duty and it said 50ft could handle 10 AMPS. Not being an electrician don't have a clue what that means.
  15. Strictly cost Brian. 50ft light duty extension cord $14.99. I'll save a few bucks if I can but not at the risk of doing something foolish.
  16. Need to get a 50ft electrical cord to plug in my 30ft string of christmas lights I hang on the front of the house. This is the only purpose for this cord. I have heavy duty 12 gauge ones for other purposes. My question is.... will a 16 gauge cord be good enough for this purpose? Checked them out today and the 16 gauge ones are on sale at Crappy Tire for 1/4 the price of 12 gauge. Just trying to save a few bucks....but I don't wanna be cheap if it is going to be any kind of a problem. Thank you to anyone who can help me with this. Thx Burtess just edited my post. I had my numbers mixed up. Basically I need to know if the light duty cords will handle the job of supplying power for my Christmas lights or should I go to a medium or heavy duty cord?
  17. Talked to a CO there a few years back. He said the numbers had really fallen. I used to look forward to a drive over there to check out the eyes under the dam. I have stopped going because they just aren't there anymore like they used to be and I can see all the suckers I want down here in the Lake O tribs.
  18. Love golf. Used to have a membership every year and get out tons when I worked the continental shifts with days off through the week. Got my game down to high 80's low 90's on a real course. Then I had kids and discovered panfish...so I golfed less. Then I started working Monday to Friday and got a cottage...so I golfed even less. Haven't had my clubs out of the basement for 4 summers now. Just don't make the time for it anymore....BUT...when I retire I fully intend to get some other geriatric buddies and get out at least once a week. One of the things I'm looking forward to in retirement when I have more free time. Right now it's a distant 2nd to fishing and I just don't have time for both. Miss that sweet sound and feeling when you hit a perfect shot. It's happened twice I think
  19. There you go ruining my fun Cliff. That's supposed to be my job after we move into the cottage May 1st
  20. Can't help you Gerritt...but I enjoy them as well. Hear them all the time at our place in Bobcaygeon. In the evening sitting around the campfire. I hope someone chimes in with some coyote knowledge.
  21. I remember the day that picture was taken Beansie. Fun times indeed.
  22. Looks good Lew. Are those the vinyl tiles? If so I looked at some at Home Depot and was thinking of doing our upstairs bathroom in them. If you did the floor yourself and it is the vinyl ones could you let me know how they where to work with. I'm pretty handy and have tools....just never worked with the stuff before. Any feedback would be appreciated. And I agree... the finger shot with the pretty blue stitches should be hanging somewhere
  23. You just killed me posting that. I was heading for Cooch today for one last shot on the ice but my American partner had to back out so I said no way on my own. Still looks pretty white. Probably would have been fine out of Airport road one last time. Tears in my eyes as I put my vex and ice rods away
  24. Enjoyed that Simon. Talented mutt you have there
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