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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I'm still sorta there Wayne!!!! My only phone is still screwed to the wall....it's just not a rotary dial. But I hear what your saying and I agree 100%.
  2. Thx for sharing that. Not a hunter but everything said applies to us fishermen as well. Nothing better then being the first one on the water or ice....and watching the rest of the world wake up for the day. Bringing home a feed of fresh fish is just the icing on the cake.
  3. I've tried that with Salmon Cliff and we liked it. But I know it would be even better on a nice fresh ski from Sturgeon Lake
  4. Thx for sharing I enjoyed that. Did your pet groundhog come home with you or is he still up there...lol.
  5. As I mentioned to you I trained for a Marathon in high school so I know the work and commitment involved. I had no idea however what you went through to get to the finish line. Again I say to you well done
  6. A hearty LOL from me on that one....thx for that.
  7. Thx for sharing the shots Brian. Almost in the dead zone for my fishing time. Fall perching is petering out and we are a long way from ice. Mid November until Mid December is my least favourite 4 weeks of the year.
  8. 30 years ago I would have been all over that....but I wouldn't be looking at anything with those kind of hours now.
  9. Lotsa people here doing way more work then I ever did when I fished with minnows. I used to use an airator....but found it wasn't necessary for the amount of minnows I kept. At the end I had it down to 2 white buckets kept in my cold cellar. Filled both buckets with tap water and then those drops of stuff from the aquarium store to remove chlorine from the water. Dumped the fish in one bucket. About once a week transferred them to the other bucket of water then dumped the bucket they where in and refilled it. I was told you never even had to use the chlorine stuff if the water sat for a while but it was cheap so I used it anyways for piece of mind. The most important thing IMHO is keep an eye on things and get any dead ones out ASAP. I fed them goldfish food but if they are kept cold they really don't eat very much at all. The smallest sized container of fish food would last me for years. I just found by giving them fresh water once a week they had enough oxygen and the water never got enough fish or food waste in it to cause any problems. I kept minnows all winter this way. I would never ever use a heater for minnows.
  10. Checked out the website. Both the models show hopper capacity of 60LBS. You said 40LBS. Do they have a smaller version not listed?
  11. Great looking family room Lew. Our wood stove in our family room has the glass door too. Sometimes when I'm downstairs watching TV I end up watching the fire more then the TV. Nothing beats wood heat.
  12. X2 my friend. Just don't understand at all. Fortunately we have a neighbour across from us and one right beside us who have houses and yards out of a magazine. No chance in hell some moron is going to look at our modest abode and think it is the place to target. I mean I have 2 Hyundai cars in my driveway...lol
  13. Looks AWESOME Simon....but we have a bread maker and make our own pizza dough and I must say Debbe has homemade pizza down to a science. But as far as frozen goes Dr Oetker are my fav's. Love both the Vegetable and spinach ones.
  14. Exactly why I got rid of my last VW golf in 2013. From 1986 until 2013 I drove 3 different VW Golfs. Back in 86 diesel was way cheaper then gas and there service was expensive but not out of line. Every year diesel got more expensive and so did VW service. Have not regretted my decision in 2013...actually feel even better about it now knowing I'm not supporting a company run by a bunch of crooks.
  15. Well I just got the owner's manual out and located the filter and removed it in under 1 minute. I'm going to get a filter and keep it in the house so I have a new filter to throw in the car whenever it goes to the dealership or whenever the one in there starts to stink. I just hate the games the dealership plays. Buy a new car from them and they offer 5 years of free oil changes. GREAT. Then every time you take it in for your FREE oil change they are ALWAYS pointing out things while they are doing the oil change. When I phone to book my appointment I specifically ask is there any other service pending. If they say "yes" I get it done. If they say "no" I expect to only have the oil changed and not have them poking around the car looking for something else to charge me for.
  16. I bought a 2013 Hyundai Sante Fe in March of 2013. In the 30 months I have owned the car they have told me 3 TIMES my cabin filter is dirty and is due to be replaced. Today when I went in for my free oil change they even brought the dirty filter out to me in the waiting room and with everyone there looking on mentioned how bad it was and strongly suggested having it changed. I declined as I really don't see it as an important thing just a money grab. In the 30+ years I have been driving this is the only vehicle I have owned that they have even mentioned a cabin filter to me. Before this I didn't know such a thing existed. My understanding of it's function is to provide cleaner air for the interior of the car. My view is rolling down a window does the same thing. Can anyone with knowledge give me some insight on this. Is it a necessary filter or is it a $90 cash grab.
  17. Not sure.....but I think it's put out by the same company that puts the caramel it those caramilk chocolate bars
  18. Good job Bruce. Glad your getting out and getting bit. Cliff and I will try our best to let you catch the biggest perch this fall
  19. When I used to grow sweet corn in my garden the coons ate most of it before I had a chance. I read in a gardening magazine once to get fox urine sold at hunting stores. Figured what the heck and gave it a try. A few drops on some of the out side row plants. Worked like a charm. Reapplied after a rain. Never had anymore coon problems after that. Used it for years then I started having squirrels getting my corn. It didn't seem to faze them If you can still get it try the fox urine.
  20. Awesome Wayne...love the photo.
  21. Anything from the past that stirs up fond memories is priceless. Thx for sharing the story and the picture Lew.
  22. Yeah it's cool finding things where you don't expect them. I have a few collectibles like that myself. In a slightly different vein. I used to hide money at my parents cottage. They would never take any $$$ for letting us use the cottage and never drank so I couldn't leave a box of beer or a bottle of something behind as a thank you. So I hid money. In a toilet paper roll, a coffee cup, in a flashlight, taped to the wall in the wood shed behind the woodpile...etc etc. I'd get a call months later when it was discovered. They knew it was us but I always denied it. When I did a bathroom reno in my first house I taped a bill....can't remember if it was a $5,$10 or a $20 to the inside wall behind the medicine cabinet I installed with a little note about doing the reno and the date I did it. Someday someone will get a kick out of that.
  23. Pretty much exactly how I feel. Never fished a tournament and have no desire to do so...but don't begrudge those who enjoy it. IMHO there are lots of things more detrimental to the fisheries then tournaments that should be addressed 1st. But to the original post. I hate cheaters. If they did it they deserve whatever punishment they get.
  24. Thx for the morning laugh. Boys will always be boys. And thx Brian for the singing frog... put a grin on my face. Nice picture too G. Thx for sharing. I have never seen one in person myself....but I'll keep looking.
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