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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Contact me on that Shayne. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to save you $250 a year minimum.
  2. My wife is a bank manager and both my kids work for the bank. You are so far out to lunch that it really doesn't even warrant a response. But I will respond. Bank fraud is real and at a "Branch" basis they have no control. PM me if you wanna chat. But stop painting bankers as the bad guys if you really have no clue.
  3. Pretty windy cold and WET here in Oshawa now Brian. And its still coming down. Glad I got my gardening done this morning.
  4. On the upper Bruce there used to be a government program that if you had a minimum of 2 acres,I believe, and you agreed to not develop it in any way they paid your property taxes. We bought a chunk of bush between Johnson's Harbour and Willow creek on the Huron side and we qualified for it, but never filled out the paperwork because we where unsure what we where going to do with the parcel of land. Held onto it for a few years and then sold it when we decided to cottage in the Kawartha's instead. Just thought I'd throw this up here for someone to consider and check into if they are interested.
  5. Did you get to piggy back any smallies Brian? Beats my morning. Weeded by veggie garden and changed the oil in my tiller. Nice shots. Thx for sharing.
  6. Thx for the laugh Cliff. As long as the osprey didn't jump out of a boat onto the muskies back no one will care
  7. Check out the Kawartha's. Lots of small towns...we are in and love Bobcaygeon.....with lots to offer and less of the negatives you are having grief with.
  8. If the wife's not on board don't bother would be my short answer. In the mean time do some homework and rent a place for short trips together. Maybe she will "get it" after some exposure. And Big Cliff had some good advice about making it close to a small town. A short afternoon jaunt into civilization can be great for many reasons for the both of you. Edit to add. Civilization must include but is not limited to a liquor/Beer store, a women clothing/shoe store, at least one decent restaurant and a Canadian Tire
  9. My reaction would be totally dependent on how good looking she was Brian and what your definition of a piggy back ride is
  10. Not from the standpoint of the creature being harassed. Pretty sure both the frog and the moose would just as soon NOT be bothered by us in any way. And in neither example does the creature have a choice. So if the creature has no choice how is it that some creatures get defended for wrongful treatment... rather vigorously I might add... and others no one really cares about at all. I just find it amusing that a Moose being ridden has generated so much attention and I wanted someone to explain why it bothered them so much. If this was something that happened everyday and the Moose where shown to be suffering from repeated harassment I could understand the outrage. But a one off incident that might not happen again for ages I just don't get the outrage.
  11. I'm really not trying to start anything here...truly I'm not. But I really don't see why such a big deal is being made of this. Everyone of us has abused or harassed wild creatures in some way.To me this moose video is no worse then anyone of us who have captured frogs, toads, turtles, birds or anything wild just for the experience or to take it home to show people. Hell I take a white bucket with me when the grandkids come fishing with Grandpa and encourage them to put creatures in it to study and enjoy. And I'm pretty sure none of them critters wanted to be in that bucket. I guess I best not put any white bucket nature shots on You tube. Just trying to figure out how one form of "Nature Abuse" or harassment is deemed totally excusable while other forms get black balled right out of the gate. Like I said not trying to start an argument just trying to figure it out. I find these type of discussions can be a good read as long as those who enter into them show some respect for the opinion's of others who may not share the same point of view.
  12. Like I said Brian there situation was a way more dangerous then ours was. They had a bigger more powerful boat and he jumped on an animal that was still walking on the bottom which would have had more of a jarring impact on the moose. We where circling a moose in 20 FOW and just crawling along to keep up with her. Having said that I still don't think they could have hurt her by jumping on her back unless one of them weighed much much more then that guy does.
  13. On a fly in out of Chapleau in the 80's we had a cow moose swim across the mouth of the bay our cabin was in while we where eating our breakfast. She was a good mile from the closest shore when we figured out what she was. Jumped in our 2 tinnies and headed out with our camera's to get some pictures. We ALL wanted to jump on her back for a picture...and it would have been dead easy to do...but being on a fly-in we all decided if something bad happened we would be in a heap of trouble if something went wrong. Honestly they are probably stronger then horses and we have been riding them for centuries. None of us would ever hurt an animal...we just viewed it as a once in a life time opportunity to do something not many people would get a shot at. Pretty sure these lads felt the same way...though there situation looks a lot more dangerous to them and the moose then the scenario we had. We circled around her for awhile got lots of great pictures and then just left her alone before she got tired. Well we didn't have to worry about her getting tired. Instead of swimming to the closest shore she swam 2 maybe 3 miles to the end of a long point before she got out of the water. Pretty sure after the experience we had that someone jumping on her back for a 10 second photo op would have caused no problems at all. Still wish to this day one of us would have given it a go. Sorry folks but I think anybody who sets a hook into a fishes mouth and then fights it only to release it is far crueler to a defenceless creature then these lads...and that statement is coming from a fisherman who releases the majority of the fish he catches.
  14. A good insulated travel mug. Keeps the cold drinks cold longer and the warm drinks warm longer. Also handy as a bail bucket or pee bucket in the boat or as a urinal to save those night trips in the dark to an outhouse. I good multi tool. The better ones have lots of useful attachments that actually work quite well. Can be a real asset when your in the middle of no where. Have fun and please share with us when you return Edit to add. Just read Fangs list. X2 for a can opener.
  15. Just noticed this Bruce. Congratulations. Being a Grandparent is the best of both worlds. You can enjoy them when they are good and send them home with mom and dad when there not so good I'm sure you'll have her enjoying the outdoors and fishing in no time.
  16. I don't have a cell phone and I don't have a GPS in my car. I don't use Long term parking and I have never owned a purse. More importantly I don't think I have many material things others would want to steal. Guess I'm safe for now Good points to bring up though, so thx for sharing. It certainly gives you something to think about.
  17. Smallies out of colder water are great table fare. A good feed my brother and I caught in May one year on a walleye trip that went badly...in an area with a full year open bass season..is still rated by BOTH of us as one of the best fish fries we have ever shared. I have never been able to understand why they are closed for as long as they are in most areas
  18. Some nice looking shots on here. Thx for sharing all. Got home from work last night at midnight and raced out to cover everything up. Good frost on the ground when I got up at 7. Went out to get my peppers tomatoes and basil plants in the ground. Tried to turn my hose on but it was froze solid enough that water would not come out Came back in the house for a coffee to warm up a bit and the furnace is running. It is May 23rd isn't it. Have had a veggie garden since I got my 1st house in 1984. I can't recall a frost this hard this late before here in Oshawa.
  19. Take a Zero off that and it's still more then I'll ever need. Can't even imagine that kind of money. Nobody in my immediate family would ever have to work again with the full 60 million though.
  20. Never take a camera fishing anymore....stopped years ago for that matter...so this has zero impact on me. Having said that I enjoy all the pictures I see on here and hope none of you forget your camera's when you head out.
  21. Use BT. Can eat the plants the same day if you wanted to completely safe for humans. Just google killing cabbage worms or butterflies and you will get tons of info. Most decent garden centre's carry it and a small bottle lasts for years and years.
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