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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Just another revenue stream. But like many other laws on the books I don't see much enforcement. They just don't have the resources to waste on this.
  2. Yes Roy a Happy and Healthy Year in 2016 to all. Any fishing time is just gravy.
  3. Never went to Caygeon after all Lew. And I'm working the afternoon 3-11 shift this week so by the time I made it out of the house after the snowfall all the streets here had been plowed. Snow the next 3 days in the forecast so we will see if I get to play around in it.
  4. One year in Vegas we did a bus tour to Laughlin for a day and it got up to 112F. As soon as you walked out of the Casino that wall of heat just hits you. Then you walk around a bit and you realize your not even sweating. That dry heat is awesome. I would take 112F down there 7 days a week before I'd do 20 minutes outside in my veggie garden here in the summer with anything sunny and over 80F.
  5. Black Horse Ale man that takes me back. Started drinking it in 81 when I worked for the MNR Junior Ranger program. Our foreman drank it so we did too....he was the only one of age to get into the Nipigon Beer store When I came home a bunch of my buddies started drinking it with me. It was awesome because you could take it to a party and throw it in the fridge and no one would touch it A few years later they started phasing it out in Ontario and it came in plain cardboard boxes at the very end, then it was gone. I heard you could still get it out east. I don't drink beer anymore but just for the nostalgia I'd love to crack one open again.
  6. My son had it in Oshawa. Some weekends at the cottage in Bobcaygeon...100KM away....he would regularly lose the signal. He was with them to save a few bucks and he said it was fine in Oshawa and the GTA but that was it. He got rid of it because he found it unreliable. This was 2-3 years ago. Don't know how it is now.
  7. Seen the trotters in Kitchener in 74 or 75. Our school, Elora senior Public school got tickets and a bus load of us went. Had known about them since I was little. Everyone knew who they where. It was a great show and I truly think everyone in the building went home happy and feeling they got there monies worth. RIP Meadowlark. You made a lot of people happy.
  8. Fishing wise glad to see 2015 go. Last winter I had foot problems that limited my time on the ice. Then because of the way the trent severn lowered the water this past winter my usual go to spring crappie and gill spots just didn't produce like normal. Then this warm late fall/winter has produced no ice for me to fish on in December. That has never happened before. But my son did finally get promoted to a job he deserved and is excelling at, and has finally found a soulmate to share it with who Debbe and I both adore. Heading into our countdown years for retirement Debbe and I still have jobs we enjoy and people we enjoy working with. And my daughter's family with our 2 grandkids love to spend time with grandma and grandpa as much as anyone else. So fishing wise I would rate 2015 a 6 out of 10...but the stuff that really matters I would rate a solid 9. So for 2016 a better fishing year would be great...but really I could care less. The stuff that makes me the happiest seems to be rolling along just fine.
  9. AWESOME I may be on #10 heading up to Caygeon. Between Cavan and Caygeon lotsa hills to slalom Be able to give it a real test.
  10. Came out yesterday morning to a flat tire so decided while it was getting repaired I'd finally throw a set of snows on. Never owned/driven with them before so this winter I will finally be able to see if I will continue with them or switch back to all seasons. Many descussions on here have helped me make up my mind to give it a go and helped with my decision on what to get so a belated thx to all who have helped out with this. With my usual luck this will of course mean we will pretty much be snowless this winter...just thought I'd throw this on here so everyone waiting for snow would know who to blame
  11. My folks cottage on Larry's Lake on the upper Bruce was off the grid....didn't even have water. Grew up with it...loved it and miss it. Propane lights, fridge and heater and stove plus a wood burning stove to help warm it up fast in the winter. Got water from the lake with a bucket for dishes and showers, brought our own for drinking. Had a shower curtain rigged up at the back porch door. Climbed a ladder to mostly fill a 5 gallon bucket with water then topped up with a big kettle of boiling water from the stove. It would do for 2 seperate quickie showers or one nice long shower. Styrofoam under your feet to stand on if it was winter out. During summer we did 90% of our evening meals on a grate over a fire in a nice bricked pit my dad made. Really miss the flavour of cooking over a fire and the timing involved to get it just right with everything ready at the same time. Propane was off when we where not there, so when you showed up it would take a solid day in the summer for the fridge to really cool down before it kept things cold enough. So we had a huge plastic tub that was filled with water and frozen in the big freezer at home. It would last almost a whole week in the fridge at the cottage so if we went up for only a weekend we never turned the propane on for the fridge at all, just threw the big tub of ice in the bottom. It was a lot nicer then digging your stuff out of a packed cooler all the time. With todays technology and more options like solar and the use of generators if I had a small place and it was a viable option I would be off grid for sure.
  12. Always wanted to check out the Lindsay drive in when we are up in Bobcaygeon for a week....just never made it. The last drive in I went to was in Oshawa and it's been gone for years. There's a Sail and Walmart there now
  13. It really is worth a stop if your interested in seeing old Movie stuff and anything period wise Lew. You don't even have to see a movie. You can pay less for the museum rate and just wander around the halls and check all the old stuff out. He really has put an effort into making it interesting.
  14. We get better coverage through our TD Gold Visa and it's free. And it has been a life saver a few times over the years. Have locked my keys in the car twice. Phone the number and keep fishing until the dude shows up to unlock it for you. Have had my old VW Golf have the diesel gel up on my twice so the car wouldn't run when I returned to it from a day out on the ice fishing. Phone the dude and get a tow back to civilization. Blew a rad hose once...phone the dude. Debbe drives to Sudbury a few times a year without me to visit family. Having that little card with the dudes phone number on it is pretty cheap/free peace of mind.
  15. X2. Make it a point of trying to catch a movie there every summer just for the experience of going through the place. When Debbe's mom passed away we found some cool older stuff that she had saved...magazines newspapers and the like. Gave a few things to Keith for his show cases in the halls. He was very happy and gave us some free passes for that summer. Not a movie goer at all but I make an exception for Keith's Highland Cinemas in Kinmount. If you are a movie buff at all or appreciate any collection of older things this is worth a visit. Pretty much the whole theatre..5 actual theatres... are furnished with seating and decor from old torn down movie houses. The halls between the theatres are lined with old projection equipment and movie posters, many with little descriptions of the age of the stuff and where it came from. Show cases of magazines books and anything popular from bygone years. Love the place.
  16. That has been my experience with the few things I have purchased. Something would really have to change for me to even look at anything made by them.
  17. The credit card I mentioned has no fee. And we pay it off every month. On top of that as I mentioned it earns me $250+ a year in free groceries. So essentially it is the same as your banking card you use to purchase your gas at Costco, except I earn free stuff when I use it. I don't see any down side to this at all.
  18. We have a PC Financial World Elite MasterCard purchased for the sole purpose of getting cash back from grocery purchases. We do 99.9% of our grocery shopping at there stores be it Loblaws, Canadian Superstore's or No Frills. We where getting about $250 a year to use towards "free" groceries. This past year they changed a number of things on the card and you get weekly customer only deals online that you load on your card at home. Just yesterday we got over 7000 points which is $7 on our No frills $104 grocery bill. So if you load your weekly deals and keep an eye on things you can get a good return like ours that was basically 7% yesterday. It's looking like we will get closer to $400 this year on our card which translates to about 3-4 weeks worth of free groceries. The card also gives points for all purchases made with it but I can't tell you what it is because we only use it to buy groceries with.
  19. Really. I'll have to have a look here tonight when I get off work at Midnite. Never tried crawlers through the ice. Might give it a shot this year if I can pick some worms. Thx for posting that.
  20. So your trying to say no one had outdoor patios before 6 years ago and that they where only built for smokers? Didn't know that
  21. Being a none smoker I agree with this 100%. My old man had a 3 pack a day habit. Spent lots of time sitting in a small boat with him or having a BBQ in the back yard with him puffing away right beside everybody. Any law that gives the public a break from second hand smoke I support 100%...and I'm pretty sure the majority of the population feels the same way.
  22. Most aren't making enough $$$ to keep them afloat. Changing times Brian. Nothing more nothing less.
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