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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Good luck with whatever route you and Sue take Cliff. We have used Norma Long with Royale Lepage in Bobcaygeon for both buying and selling and my mom bought her place through Norma as well. You will love her or hate her....but she is brutally honest and won't even take a listing if you want more then what she thinks is a fair price...she just won't waste her time. When we listed our rental place with her a few years back it sold within a week. When we left Oshawa to head up there to sign off on an offer at full listing price we arrived to find we had 2 other offers come in that day and a bidding war was going on. We ended up chatting with her in her office for a couple of hours while she was wheeling and dealing with people on the phone to get us more money. We ended up getting thousands more then we thought we where driving up to sign off on. Even if you don't use her Cliff I would recommend you get her to do an appraisal....she will give you an honest assessment in my opinion.
  2. The pepper scale to measure heat is the scoville scale. I grew peppers one summer that tested out at 250,000-300,000 scoville units. I ate a piece the size of a pencil eraser once they had ripened....never touched them again and the seeds are even hotter. Some hot peppers now rate at over 1 million units. By comparison Jalapeño's rate at around 3,000 to 5,000 units. Love pickled Jalapeño's with chips and salsa but that's about as hot as I can enjoy.
  3. Nice stuff Brian. I'd love to show off all the high end printing stuff we have at my place of employment...I think lots here would find it interesting. But it's a big no no and I'd lose my job if I ever posted inside shots of our place. Actually surprised you can do the same with all the $$$$$ toys you got there.
  4. I catch crappies pretty regular between 4-7PM on Pidgeon all summer long and a buddy who fishes Stony does the same there. They have summer patterns and areas...you just have to figure it out. Good luck GBW at finding them on 4Mile.
  5. The one I and many others have, is the clear favourite. It's the only duplicate one I see on here
  6. Had no idea it was being planted...but driving up to Bobcaygeon every weekend it is very noticable just how much it has taken over large areas of the lake. Lots of waterfront cottages have a better looking lawn then I do...to bad its actually wild rice If I was one of those home or cottage owners I'd be upset as well because you no longer have a nice lake to look at and I'm sure it has decreased your property value quite a bit as well. James Whetung should be allowed to harvest the old traditional way or not at all IMHO.
  7. I towed my 14 footer with a 15HP motor from 2004 until 2013 with my VW golf tdi diesel. Never had an issue and had great milage when I wasn't towing. Opted in 2013 for a bigger vehicle to tow a bigger boat.
  8. It might be cheesy that I'm quoting someone else for a response to this terrible news...but really I could have written the exact response because it's pretty much exactly how I feel. My condolences to your family Wayne and to all that had the privilege of knowing your daughter.
  9. Looks awesome. Have you tried Portabella mushrooms fried with your onions instead of regular mushrooms? Do it once and if your tastebuds are the same as mine you will never use regular mushrooms again.
  10. That's my beef with steak as well. It's inconsistency. I could care less if I ever ate a steak again for this reason....but Debbe loves steak so we get them. And I don't care where you get it you will get a poor cut every once in a while. When I wanna good steak here in Oshawa I go to Buckinghams and get a Delmonico but I have even had a few of them that didn't measure up, and that really grinds my gears when it's as pricey as it is. No disrespect to Buckinghams cause it's a great place...I just think that's the nature of steak. As to your burgers. I do pretty much the same but I also chop up some fresh mushrooms real small and mix in as well. Nothing beats homemade patties
  11. Thx for sharing. I caught a good sized crappie once and when I went to unhook it I noticed a couple of inches of heavy fishing line sticking out of its butt. Pulled the line and the crappies face buckled in ? Took awhile to figure it out but he had a hook stuck in the roof of his mouth with about a foot of line still attached to it and the line had went through his whole body and out his butt!!!!! I got my hemostats out and pulled the hook out of his mouth and slowing pulled the line out of his mouth. Swam away fine and was a perfectly healthy looking fish....but I imagine it must have been uncomfortable for the poor bugger with that line running through him.
  12. Been on here a long time. I never posted an intro when I joined and to this day I have never posted a picture. Guess I slid in under the radar somehow
  13. I agree with what everyone has said. Let kids be kids and learn about life along the way. However none of us know the whole situation. Perhaps the kids or there customers created traffic flow problems on the road or sidewalk or threw away garbage that they never picked up but the next door neighbour had to deal with it. Eventually that would upset most of us.
  14. Through Fergus Elora used to be awesome for browns. Might still be...I have not fished it for over 10 years, maybe 20. I grew up within walking distance of the river between Fergus and Belwood but moved away in 1982. They didn't stock the Browns until after I moved Used to be areas that allowed live bait but most of it was artificial baits and barbless hooks...not sure about present day. Make sure you know the regs before you go.
  15. That was my 1st thought as well. Once a complaint is made the bylaw officer's hands are tied, and his job is on the line if he doesn't do his job to the letter.
  16. You killed me with this one. Haven't made a single pie since the kids moved out....the youngest 3 years ago. Strawberry Rhubarb has always been my favourite pie and jam for that matter. And nice work on the OFC apple pie. Thx for sharing with us.
  17. Awesome picture. Thx for sharing and good luck with the full on assault next trip
  18. Smitty 55 those babies sound so good. I'm happy you have found a keeper. We don't do anything with tomatoes except eat them fresh so 4 plants is more then enough for the 2 of us with lots to share with friends family and co-workers. And because we only eat them fresh I have ventured in the other direction and opted for med to small size tomatoes rather then larger ones. But it is a trade off. I still have not found a smaller fruiting type that has the flavour I am looking for. There good...still miles better then store bought....just not perfect. We had a neighbour who has passed that really had tomatoes down to a science. He put in 100 plants a year and needed a wheelbarrow when he went out to pick them. One year he had these seeds that he claimed he got from a friend of a friend who was involved in hybridizing tomatoes for some company....can't remember which now. Anyway the tomatoes he got from those plants where huge and I mean huge. He gave me one once that was the size of my plug in kettle in my kitchen. I would guess it weighed 4LBS. It was pretty gnarly looking but it sure was tasty.
  19. G....If you can pick up the pace just a tad...you will be able to kill me in a 100 yard dash Keep at it.... and keep sharing your journey.
  20. Glad to hear Brian. Try to put your feet up and relax for awhile.
  21. Doesn't sound like any fun Lew but I'm glad to hear your doing good.
  22. Brian I don't know how I missed this thread....but I never saw it until today. I have nothing to add that others have not already expressed but I still wanna wish you the best getting through all this. Take care.
  23. Now there's an aha moment your don't want. Sorry to hear the news G. Get through this, learn from it and take care of yourself. Best of luck to you.
  24. Yep and I'm afraid who you vote for won't change a thing.
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