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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. I crossed it on Sunday at Yonge street and there were people near the bridge and on canal rd.
  2. Call Seacore in Woodbridge and see if they deliver! There is a new place called toppins here also they may help too. manjo can pick up
  3. http://www.ontario.ca/travel-and-recreation/learn-fish The province is trying to reel in people who haven’t ever cast a line. It’s offering the “learn to fish” program – a free, two-hour program combining a practical teaching session with an hour of supervised, hands-on fishing. Aspiring anglers will learn the basics like tying knots, knowing what kind of fish is on the hook and the rules and safety guidelines. All equipment, including rods, lures, life-jackets and a one-day fishing license will be provided free. There are six locations across the province including Darlington Provincial Park near Oshawa, Six Mile Lake north of Barrie and Earl Rowe near Alliston.
  4. Off to Innisfil daughter wants me to see the new house :) I may take up icefishing again :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      How big's her laneway for parking? ;)


    3. misfish


      Way to scare him off Wayne. LOL

    4. ketchenany


      Four small cars:) and Terry's place. Just up the street from the park :) I fished there in the 80s that was scary.

      Love the term laneway, but we park in the driveway and drive on the parkway !)

  5. Auguri nonno again. I have 8 all under six! A box of marbles when they are all and they are coming over today
  6. For every action there is a reaction and some of these people take it too far. This is about kids who never leave the city and experience the outdoors. I was one of them until I met friends who did teach me and I loved it. having read the story they object the "pool" idea, I may be wrong. They used/do the same thing at the Sportsmen show where you fished a trout 'pond' inside the exhibition and not a word was said and how about the demo tanks where the celebs would hold seminars! My dad taught me how to grow vegetables and others how to catch fish!
  7. Spirits up Wayne, a lot of thoughts coming your way. One though one you have there. maybe you can get one of the Manzone boys to do the driving, they were really good behind the wheel and give you guys a break
  8. This thread as produced a lot of great recipes of different variety of foods from different cultures and not all fish. Maybe put them in a category in the classifieds. just a thought. I learned how to make great ribs from Garrit and still do them his way
  9. Great, I'll being the shrooms. Oak it is. I have oyster Ina maple log but nothing yet
  10. I will cook a couple of these this weekend, my logs are starting to sprout this one ( is close to 8 inches now with all of the rain.
  11. I had a family member that owned a flower shop and brought his van home at night, when the van was gone so was he and his wife (at the shop) They drove up with a truck, broke in the back door opened the garage and backed the truck back in and closed the door. They took everything they could carry.
  12. Going down fast! Bears will live and humans will argue. Aboriginals have hunted animals for centurie for food and shelter it was a way of life and stll is. As I said if that bear had harmed a human, case was closed somewhat.
  13. A woodpecker said after pecking out a hole "that's the best ash I ever had" Put assign on your lawn FREE wood!
  14. And I bet 99.9% of those people use their cell phones while they drive, if this had gone that there was a human injury they would all be quiet and demand action against bears or other wildlife posing a threat! You can't please them all unfortunately.
  15. Anyone on the board install aluminum railings in the GTA Or had them done?
  16. I'll have to give her a name! Yah know, a car named Betsy. I may name her 'unpredictable', maybe she will, maybe she won't.
  17. Love lawn mowers, once a week, last week it stalled after a few minutes, cleaned out the self-drive channel and off she went, build up of grass clippings : Today no clippings to speak of and it goes for a few minutes and stopped (bad word here) I checked the chute all clean, gas is good. . . . Remove gas cap (I saw this done at a repair shop) Put it back on and off she goes for the rest of the cutting! Is it air pressure? I think it's testing my nerves or wants me to drive tomLindsay and see Cliff!
  18. Last I bought a new laundry tub and whatever went with it (brother, plumber suggested Moen and it had to have a primer) He took it all apart installed the faucet on the new sink it was a bit smaller than the one that was there, they aren't all the same I find out!!!! It all worked out my daughter was doing her basement and "took it" never did see the $50. One thing I can't figure out why do they not put shut off valves everywhere when they build the house?
  19. Yup we're on the same page! I grow everything that is needed, it tastes even better, Molto bene yes.
  20. my brother is a plumber and what he does and it looks easy. he cuts the pipe and he puts in a compression valve, no soldering involved, they are fairly cheap. It's the tightening of the valve at the pipe that may be the hardest part. The other end has threads for the new faucet. Aplumma may offer guidence on that
  21. B you are talking about bruscetta right? I have the same recipe I think. I make it way ahead of time so it marinates. Tomatoes diced, garlic and onion, parsley, or basil, sal t pepper and oregano (touch) olive oil and a splash of vinegar mix and refrigerate when this goes on the bread juices soak into the bread and heaven. If you guys have mint, when you make mashed potatoes don't mash them. Cut into bite size chunks. Add salt pepper olive oil abit of red wine vinegar (I make my own so it's readily available) and then add lots of fresh mint, just tear the leaves. It's to die for. I three sonlinlaws that can't get enough of it. Right now mint is at its best. You can freeze it on a cookie sheet for the winter. last year I froze it in ice cubes not that good when it thaws out
  22. They have a lot of influance, I also deal in medical advertising, And yes they target doctors, To what extent I do not know. Pharma as we call them have deep pockets and can influance who they want. Why aren't they happy with making a decent profit and just Help people out. I have a thought, doesn't matter what we have accomplished, we cannot take it with us. As I mentioned before the prominent person I knew is gone with nothing. he left a lot, doesn't do him any good.
  23. A few years back before this came to light, a prominent winery owner in the GTA (I'm a client and produced his first advertising brochure) and avid hunter took his dogs out for a run and got bitten, never kew anything about it, took along time to figure it out and by the time they figured it out he died. The family has donated a lot of funds toward it.
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