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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Has he given up the yahmadoo?
  2. Yes Bill a Brilliant idea with some "boaters" 'soaked' with adult beverages causing havoc on the river. It was mentioned as an event a while back, they may have backed off ; well I haven't seen it in my copy for a while.
  3. WE NEVER throw food out, we eat it. the patoto recipe come from my dad. My girls don't like it. Two of my son in laws ask for it during the summer. We are Euro back from 1960, my parents were Canadians from day one and loved this country. WE kept our recipes from the 'old country'. Much more better for you. My mother was here for 50 years and never had a McD. lol. mind you I haven't had one in over 20 years. Her motto, cook your own. I can cook and she would sit in the kitchen while visiting and always told me to wash my hands 'before' touching any food.
  4. Garrit that cod recipe has been in our home for over 40 years, we eliminate the hot stuff and a little less garlic and no onions. Ye we do the soaking method to. T. My mother used to do it poached, cooled and dressed with olive oil, garlic and parsley. You may want to boil some potatoes, cube and cool them, the longer the better. Dress with oil, salt, pepper and here comes the kicker: finelly chopped FRESH (I grow my own) MINT leaves and a splash of red wine vinegar. To die for. Instead of mashed
  5. I've used amazon with NO problem at all for the last three years or so. I buy my ink cartridges from inkjetsuperstore.ca. They are very cheap and come right to your door within a few days. Again NO problem They have combo packs, I just got reg $74 for $24. Shipping is always 9.95 no matter how many you buy. Is that place in CA 1ink?
  6. A friend of mine one of her daughters went the same route. Finnish background so lots of reindeer meat . . She went vagan. I have four daughters 25-37. Always ate what was on the table and I bought. They even ate the fish they saw me clean. Mike today kids have more information than what tou/I had, it could be a fad or maybe she has information that tells her it's the healthy way. As for the writing she wants ro convert you lol it will never happen. People are agaist the seal hunt our native friends need it to live. Maybe this would be a better subject for her to write on how they only take what they need and protect the rest.
  7. It didn't take long! http://www.680news.com/2015/03/02/public-health-investigate-after-photo-posted-of-barefoot-child-in-brampton-pizzeria/
  8. NOBODY mentioned the most important step you MUST do when use a dry mix breading!!!! After you have it coated let the coating set and rest by layering in between wax paper and chilling for at least a half hour in the fridge. Doing this will change the way you think about dry mixes vs batters as a coating for fish. You will get a crisper more evenly browned product even using 3/4" of oil in a skillet. Just don't cool the oil down by adding too much fish at a time. Yup you are so right on that one. My wife does that when she does veal scallopini or chicken.
  9. it worked for today. I'll try the rest of them, thanks.
  10. Cliff when it comes to help, YOU are at the top of the pile! BTW I'd do the same. I live on a street with a lot of older couples (70+) and when it snows I take care of their needs. I believe we're are here for a short time why not do what we can. Crystal clear here in Woody BTW. Bought a Genny last year and haven't started it yet Going to hardwire it to the house this spring.
  11. You sir are the greatest! can we nominate Cliff for the order of Ontario!
  12. I have no hanky panko so I'll have to double dip.
  13. we have a couple times a year too! My wife sears it and then in a tomatoe sauce in the oven. I like it poached with garlic olive oil and parsley and pepper.
  14. Can I make the regular fish crisp into a batter? Or do as the bag says. This is my first time using it. They had a beer batter on the shelf but I passed Thanks
  15. If perch love them, why use them as backup?
  16. Cliff hang in there we are all delt bad cards in out lives, some more than others. I know the colitis thing inside out. My wife got it three montths after our first child was born. You know the routine . . . Every couple of years she would end up in a hospital so she could be tube fed to reduce the inflammation. It went on for 15 years and two amazing doctors one of which had a twin brother suffering the same fate. In between she had three more girls all vey healthy. It came to a point where they/we had to make decision, after months of pondering an operation was decided, very risky, they were going to remove some of her large intestine. 50/50, these two took it very seriously and made sure that they were doing the right thing. It went our 50 way, completely cured of it with no reoccurrence now for 29 years. No bag. And no medication. There is a day that we don't think of these these two doctors and where we would be without them. Hopeing for the best for your family. A
  17. Just to make it clear, she had two daughter in laws, my wife and my brother's wife. She passed in 2010. communication is what it's all about. talk it over and work it out.
  18. B, William's with a stinger hook with a white pearl just sayan. Next time carry extra smithies to sell to our lurker friends. Business and pleasure.
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