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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. There is no need to use it! I get around just fine.
  2. maybe uncle Wynne will reply to your post about her destroying this place! I complained the that pervious idiot about Hospital Parking rates and got a letter on how much they spend on healthcare, not evn close to an answer. I Gues that I mentioned that our gamblers get free parking while we pay to watch people suffer.
  3. Lew I have the same flowers a ton of them and the Christmas light is revolving! They will keep for a while. I'm still eating lettuce that I have covered with plastic with holes so it gets water! better than the store crap, mine has no spray!!! I may sow some seeds of this variety and cover them with leaves for next year.
  4. I have the oyster mushroom sauce already made just add the meat, I live up the street.
  5. Ya, don't be 'nuts' they may fall off. Listen to Wayne.
  6. Cliff we are working close again I was at the Yonge location for many years, now I'm at 225 Sparks just off Vic park and south of Gordon Baker. Are you at Tangerine?
  7. Oi Vey, I never knew, I worked for a Hebrew family for 8 years in their theatre in the 60s (right across crom the strip joint on Spadina lol) and my mother worked at a Hebrew home / hospital, Baycrest in North York for 20 years, great people. have food one Roy
  8. Lew NOT a good way to treat our servicemen. We all paid for that ship (my parents anyway back then), you paid more that us being out there for us. A token of appreciation would have been nice hanging on you wall or maybe a deck gun on the porch I worked for a firm back in 1976, for 15 years until they sold because of the death of the owner and to this day on Dec 2 I still get a Christmas card from his wife (who keeps me up-to-date on the family) . . . Thank the lord I see my work in magazines and newspapers and can tear them out or have samples. BUT you do have some great pictures! To pass them on. Before my mother passed away I came up with an idea of finding a picture of the ship we sailed on to come to Canada, No pictures, just paintings issued as postcards on ship that were mailed back when we landed in Quebec City (1960) and the history of the ship. All framed and dated. For the grandkids and grandkids to see. She was thrilled to see it. Then I went back as I was doing a Family tree and actually found that my grandfather lived in Toronto in 1903 by the papers he left (receipt from a shipping company) walked on Elm Street to send a few dollars (1000 Lira) to his family, my after had save it) my father had told me he was in America as the they called it in Europe) back-braking work only back then) and then you had to leave! Probably contract entry! Who knows I tried the Gov records but nothing on him! He came through Illis Island in NY and dispatched to Canada, ( NON IMMIGRANT Stamped on his landing papers! Get outI) I would guess by train back then. I pulled the manifest and printed them out, they say he was in good health and carried $30, that was a joke, it was probaly 30 cents (Lira) back then. So glad to have traced him I have no pictures, he died when my father was 7 and my father followed him and here we are! Giving it back.
  9. Did they ask if you wanted anything from the ship?
  10. The pee hole must have been dirty, didn't see him in the vid Nice looking day.
  11. The Mackenzie and the Columbia interesting Lew, showed how they were prepared and the final salute onboad with former captains, crew and "bubbly", on the Columbia they also included ashes of a former sailor who posed at 60. They also revisited 6 months later to see what it was covered with. The program was actually about restoring habitat for sea life and recycling of ships instead of melting them down. All within diving range for divers willing to go down and see them. Love nature programs
  12. On on TVO right now, how they sank it. Watching it now. They mentioned Mackenzie ?????
  13. Well Mike congrats on your venture. I'm involved in publishing a magazine, for Ontario Tourism. We do it both for Print and online . . . Our print run is huge so we do the print version first. We then post PDFs for the web site with links back to the advertisers and tourism for the products we have mentioned i.e. If we mention a lodge click on the name and it goes to their site . . . .while we are printing. There is also another method we use and it's called a flip book again with links to the advertiser. I'm not sure of the cost on this on or their target. But I can find out. If you got ontariotravel.net you can see the publication and how the PDFs work, but you already know this I would think if you go to print there is not to much you want to give away online for nothing. ads pay the bills in most cases. Our case we pay for it but in the long run we attract tourists and they spend money . . .
  14. I did the Eating Ontario Sport Fish Guide for a few years and if the lake is listed it will give you species and consumption amount for the lake. Check Natural Resourses site and search for it. hope this helps. Don't go and spend thousands on equipment, they may not like it, just sayin. Let me know of you need info on the lake, If it was published I have published copies 2005 -2008. They don't change at all, just away of spending money LOL. Good Luck if tou go.
  15. There were four churches and a synagogue in a small Ohio town: a Presbyterian church, a Baptist church, a Methodist church, a Catholic church and a Jewish synagogue. Each church and the synagogue had a problem with squirrels. The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrels. After much prayer and consideration, they determined the squirrels were predestined to be there and that they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will. At the Baptist church, the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water slide on the baptistry and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and, unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week. The Methodist church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist Church. Two weeks later the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water slide. But the Catholic Church came up with a very creative strategy. They baptized all the squirrels and consecrated them as members of the church. Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter. Not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue, but it's rumored that they took one squirrel and circumcised him. They haven't seen a squirrel on their property since.
  16. Keep going we have 8 all under 7
  17. I read the wrong tread by the looks of it too. Let's be CANADIANS and look after ourselves first! I just became of retirement age and my CPP pension after 40+ years of contribution makes what the refugees will get look like change! And I get asked to give more to charities where ever I go. HOW MUCH can we give?
  18. An 08, if rust is showing does rustproofing really help? I have a Jeep Compass 07 and they have a problem I didn't know or was advised of. But then it was used when purchased in 2010. Manufactured won't even tell! The AC hose is NOT long enough to drip condensation onto the pavement and it drops it on the frame which in time starts to rust! This was pointed out to me by my mechanic! I fixed that during my oil change. I have now extend the hose, but is it too late? Replacing the parts may run $2000 if needed. Just a bad design for about 6 inches of hose!, I would look at this configuration on other cars, maybe the same. It's a free fix if you have some plastic hose, a clamp and screwdriver.
  19. You drove a fast car (speeding) 30 minutes or less) or very good pizza and good looks
  20. Spinnerman, #3 Silver Mepps, cast up river at 45 degrees and drift it down and reel in It will bounce, you have to be quick, rock or fish Set the hook just in case, Good luck!
  21. B, me too! Either at the Park or at the 'orchard'. Back then if you had the right vehicle you could take your chances and actually drive down to the river and camp, too muctch garbage and party crap stopp d that and a gate went up! nIce days. The last time I was there the walk down was great getting back up well not so great! Enjoy the Geen, loved the river, it can get really cold with the wind coming up from the lake.
  22. Change, to your right shoulder, changing always helps, poor guy in Wisconsin with a bad shoulder! B, you stir your drinks with a drill? i have lots of very, very clean 25 L pails to give away!
  23. Go grow something Bruce! I'm leavings 10 minutes earlier for work! Must be a bit.ch for Lew, nothing to do! Hei Lew go get us some Christmas meat!
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