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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. They all make "promises." What does it really mean? It's going to cost us in the long run. it's our money they are playing with and when they need more they hike taxes. I sat next to a friend of one of the standing cabinet ministers (in my riding) last night for dinner and had to hold back on asking questions about policies, he would have never finished to push him !!! I have voted for 40 years, the last few Ont provincial governments have been brutal regarding tax hikes. So they can squander billions. Who knows where this will take us
  2. Heard hammering outside and seen this across the street Hope the owners let him/her stay
  3. Seacore in woodbridge. A new place, actually they have been supplying fish market for years? Toppins they just opend up in Woodbridge. I do them three times a year and I get them from Fortinos.
  4. here you go with pictures http://northernbushcraft.com/guide.php?ctgy=edible_mushrooms&region=ontario
  5. My logs are doing great picking this weekend
  6. I've Been there many times, know the feelings well. Hope it all goes well.
  7. I've changed a lot of switches, ran into a 'bridge' problem once but NEVER a broomstick solution If I don't need to go to the box please explain Wayne, my light bulb is starting to fade
  8. take Cliff's offer he will even let you fish off the dock with a cold one. he has helped me and I've sent stuff to him to fix and help others.
  9. You didn't have a rock lol could have flambé it! And the rest Wel . . .
  10. And me even more than 110% My parents were immigrants and worked hard for what they had, passed those values onto us (two boys) we both worked hard also, my brother a master plumber ( 43 years with the same firm) Me, a skilled typographer and still at it (45+ years) we were nevr unemployed and collects nothing, alway paid in. My grandfather came here in 1903, but back then you were not allowed to stay, work and leave.
  11. Lew, back in Europe my dad was cutting away parts of an old olive tree (they never cut the whole tree down) inside the tree he found this coin and gave it to my grandfather as it had an engraving of Mary and a Pope, but they never knew . . . Who it was. In 1973 while visiting I was looking for old pictures and anything else I could bring back. In my grandfather's house (which we had inherited I find the coin and brought it back to Canada and my dad told me where he had found it . . . Well after a bit of searching I find out that this was Pope Urban VIII he put Galeleo in prison for saying the earth was round lol. It was from the Vatican, known as a Papal Scudo. Don't know what it was worth or a commemorative piece. Solid silver struck by hand in 1634, (Annus VIII meaning it was from the 8th year of his rein) amazing condition and detail. Selling for well over a $1,000. The Star back in 81 gave me fifty for the story which they published. Have you ever found anything old lol
  12. Thanks, lesson learned. Always want to know different cultures. On the lively side I don't smoke, what now?
  13. My grandfather (1903) was allowed to come and "work" and nothing else, don't want to work get out. My parents in the early 60s were sponsored and came to "work" NO benefits allowed. They made it for many years on their own with two kids. WE followed their example and we paid our dues for 55 years. Contributed and never collected. YET when I retire my benefits will be less than a person claiming to be a refugee! Am I wrong on this? In my business there is NO Goverment pension plan and I have looked after myself. BUT why do we take care of others before the people who have paid in to it like me or my parents for over 50 years. Canada keeps criminals better off than the people that pay taxes. just listen to the three stooges jumping on the bandwagon looking for votes because of the refugee situation worldwide. I spend less than I earn, why can't the government do the same?
  14. beat me an hour and their payday is not bad. hei BM sold that place up in Alliston! Wep put up the sign and the guy who rented it for 30 years comes over and said I'll buy it!!!!! If only we had asked him no comm.
  15. Cliff list it what it's worth not what nearby properties were / went for. Some are looking for a quick sale and comm. NO WORK. 15 years ago I interview agents to sell my place, all came in at under or close to selling price. I had one come in and insisted it was not worth more that 280, I told him to leave, that was even lower that comparable properties . . . In the area I listed the home, the sign went up at 1 pm and it was sold by 10 pm for 320.
  16. I had one years ago under my shed. I blocked the way into the yard and her only way out was ontoa main street lined with thick bushes. I have bike horn/siren and other noises. I put the push button switch between two pieces of hinged styrofoam, Whe she stepped on this it went off and loud, once when she left at night and when she came back, Drove her crazy I bet, I also poured a bottle of vinegar and some p into the den from above in two weeks she and the kids were gone for good. The alam stopped going off.
  17. Mike, I keep passing your posts to my account people, we produce a Tourisn magazine, one of these days they will bite and one of your reports will be in print just like OOD? It's been said before if youbdon't like it don't open it, simple. Have you ever met that character Steve Bates LOL. What a hoot.
  18. My only problem is that my "old iPad" keeps crashing! Time rotund up the new one Love your experiences, thanks for the great reads. A
  19. Can't do anything stupid, staying home have a good one all.
  20. Great job B. Instead of the toon you can now buy a sub, when it leaks take it in! I've been in Typograpghy for 45+ years and all of the young guns today know how to push the buttons and nothing else and don't want to learn! Everyone, beside their computer has a cell phone to use/text. Their managers think they are busy lol. I remember for a line "out" you had to ask!
  21. Must be the water or food in Angus, I'd move.
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