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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. But you guys go buy gas there! what if you're empty, can you get by? WHy is gas so much cheaper on the Rez? It's refined in Texas.
  2. Buona jobba paesano mio.. Condolences on you loss.
  3. Hei B I have bunnies in my yard, NO shooting! I was on a fishing trip and bagged a partridge with motorhome. He ran onto us!!! Best sugo ever!
  4. Candy a$$, wait until the middle of November and go down that hill! keep shopping pal.
  5. Sink that is great! many years ago a good friend got a permit from the government to harvest wood (downed logged trees they didn't want) we did well but it was hard work and a good truck to haul it out! It may be still available, but not sure.
  6. I have read the Cap-And-Trade report that was produced two years ago (80+ pages) and the only thing it will is raise is the cost of living for all of us. I had to read it to get paid, long story. Polluters have to buy credits (tax) to emit, so they pass the cost onto others and when it come to it we pay for it. There is no free ride, government greed! Coming soon I'm getting a (Study) fancy energy thermostat with new pricing options where I live at a cost of 320 mil or so. What does FREE mean. The study will only produce results to say we are not paying enough! Check you bills, as it gone down 25%.
  7. Brian, your tank is empty! I was reading a news report from UK and their prices are going up because of the storm. HOW DOES THIS WORK? Not even close!
  8. JB you are correct. I'm now in a "study" area where they will study electricity pricing! Drop it here and raise it there FREE thermastats, another ton of $$$$. So they said it will drop 25%, it hasn't yet. I wrote the Minister of energy, my MPP and Whiinie and by the time this study is finished we will probably be paying more I don't old them. NO answer as usual. SInce gas prices are going up why don't they reduce the taxes to help us out?
  9. The billions we 'give away' should STOP and build our own infrastructure and not depend on others. Why send oil south and only to buy it back! WE give away electricity and get gouged by our own utilities! In situations like this they should cut some of the taxes we pay and help us out. NOT Happening anytime soon, our government will reel in the cash. So sad. NO disrespect for our southern neighbours?
  10. They are saying that by the weekend we could be seeing gas at $1.31.9 a L.
  11. I used stabilizer and had a hard time starting next season but was using reg gas.. Last year I started using premium gas and no problem stating! We'll see next week when the blower gets a look and a run.
  12. that wood is hotter than the fire it will make!
  13. Brian they haven't shovelled it yet, they will hate it eventually!
  14. I had one it was the bowl. I Will start mine next week! I waited late "once" I had to use a shovel!!!!
  15. B, Have you tried the GO armature session 1? Be careful, those things are recording your very move and river!
  16. Pop one of those beauties open after a day on the river under a "Head" apple tree with a glass of wine. Makes the walk up that hill look good Brian!
  17. Those chamenta lions are a giveaway to Italian lol We call it giardiniera in Italian all vegetables! (I'm from close to Rome)! I make it fresh every two weeks, I'm the only one that likes it. THey don't like the anchovies! MY father in law taught me how to make Calbrese suppressate, I've been doing them now for 40 years. One problem is that our kids will forget the family traditions, the other problem is when they come over they devour this stuff along with wine that I make. I just watched my wife teach a 6-year-old how to make "cake" WHY cake and pizza! I'm not that good at the lingo but when I need it it comes out lol
  18. You have to PAY attenzione to the old folk paesano mio, especially European decent. The best eats and all natural. WTH Is capunnare? Last year I bought a bushel of peppers and having some from the year before I went halves with my brother, his wife and my wife are like sisters . . I'm at work and they do them BUT right to the eating end in jars all fixed, with the oil garlic and parsley . . . I go to dinner and I ask how many jars did we make. 12 I say what? yup one bushel roasted and fixed 12 small jars. I Still have 3! HOpefully this year we make eggplants, NO tomatoes we made lots last year.
  19. My wife makes eggplants that way. I don't know the recipe but it takes two day to make. I'm a roasted pepper person. And giardiniera I make on a weekly basis to eat fresh.
  20. Anytime you want one "any size" give me a shout and I can get one made for you. Reg med or hot!!! I put it in the oven at 225 for 8-10 hours. Falls apart. I order one every year for fathers' day family day that we take to my daughter's in laws. About 20 lbs and we have tons let over, but then they make more pizzas than you can imagine.
  21. Stay safe Lew, never seen one but the way these guys talk they are nasty with cubs. Better still, walk near the cabin in circles once clockwise and then counter clock, the scenery changes Just kidding. Have a great vacation.
  22. Nice fish Bill, Don't listen to Brian he is having widthdrawl pains didn't get out yesterday!
  23. With all that is going on around us this week, times have changed, here we share are thoughts and customs. Thanks B. I have friends from every background, some 'were' sketchy some are truly amazing! Those I cherish. You and others on this board are UNICO. The anchovies are better finelly chopped, they mix/blend well and after a week you only taste them. The vinegar actually starts to 'cook' and marinate all of the flavours. You will see juice build up in the container, I just add more veggies and continue the process.
  24. You won't find this in 'jar'! UNICO means one of a kind and they have great products.
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