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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. I'm with SunLife and they are with CI investments. The returns haven't been great but better than a bank. I'm sure they are all at the same level. Good luck.
  2. In the Typograhy/ printing trade you cannot build a book magazine or whatever if the total number of pages aren't divisible by 4! Brian if you catch 4 fish, I'll take the bad luck off of you.
  3. Brian if you were Chinese you're in deep poo! Here is good one for you. I worked for an agency, we had the Lexus account and always had one in the garage to look at or use with permission. Licence plates Lexus 1, 2, 3 and 4! We had 4! The account exec wanted to use it as his Toyota was in the shop. He was Chinese, amazing guy. The marketing VP asked him are you sure you want to us this one. LEXUS 4, NO problem. HE takes his wife to dinner at Bayview Village came out of the restaurant at 10 pm and it was gone! HE thought he had misparked it but after a while York' finest showed up and went to the spot and all they found was the lock on the pavement. A Alexus LS 400 with a plate LEXUS 4 was never found! Change to a analog clock!
  4. I hear you B, when we fished the river with the BIG HILL the only thing we took down was our gear, we walked back up to eat and leave. back then you were able to drive down with. 4x4 and people did their thing and wrecked it and then the gate went up! Why take garbage with you?
  5. I think cheap tackle has it, most outside fixtures are on a GFI circuit. Weather protected . . . Let us know what you find. I had hell of a problem with a GFI and I'm not an electrical guy!
  6. Misfish has a colour finder, the fish were white.
  7. This was him. The one prior, when they went to get him out for the predilection he was stiff!. The next one is called Wee Willie.
  8. those loons were looking at another loonie! Could be a Loonie-toon fan club! Nice work B.
  9. Some great people out there. Send a thank you reward many years ago getting into a boat in Medford In rough water I dropped a plastic lure box, down between two large boulders, box opened as it hit, gone! One of the guys I was with felt for my loss. I had to borrow to fish A few months later I get a call and asked if I wanted my lures back! I asked him how can this be? HE was able to get a powerful magnet and went back, lowered it between the boulders and scooped them all out, he was sorry for the box!
  10. He was one of the one's who cared about people, and not to pocket $. Today's leaders Re useless and only care about themselves and ego.
  11. Glad all is well. Were you cooking eggs and and pass gasses, just kidding!
  12. I quit when we had our first child, she will be 40 this week! Good luck Simon all you'll save money and your health.
  13. DRIFTER must like this if they pass on the cheaper winter-making savings, never happen!
  14. Same thing, Salmon, as in the Fraser BC, they will fight to breed. You are right, no in, but spread! The Jenes. Different species have different ways to carry on the species. B is just asking if they do it! Lol he knows they do. That mother catches to many fish so they have to have a three sum! GO get them B. Seven is good, I had four, all out and doing very well!, but they come back once a week! THey must know the river, lol all good Rick!
  15. THey are dropping 5 a litre tonight.
  16. Biology 101, the bigger male will fight for a female for dominance, as in any other natural environment. Some will mate with two males to make sure the species progresses. . Watch National Geographic and it's all over the place, but usually the bigger male wins to have offsprings. Moose, caribou buffalo and elk sometimes fight to the kill! Us guys just go for dinner and a movie lol. IN your case a drivein! Put the gopro in the water and look maybe a three sum. Art will kill this for sure!!!! .
  17. Great to see I'm sure, just hope they don't push any buttons and drop something
  18. They say gas is dropping 4 cent tomorrow.
  19. If you fill them with 'smoke' you will have happy tires!
  20. Check with the government forest ministry I believe. Many years ago we used to get a permit ($) to harvest trees that we not good for lumber but had to be cut. Near Bancroft I believe. Huge pile of logs we cut them to fit a truck and loaded it up. Have to be careful they are not neatly stacked and one of our boys had an accident. .
  21. SO this is about who knows who, and not what is best for everyone? Mr. Hill should come down, we all end up in the same place after 80 or so.
  22. John, there is no 'o' in Albert, I keep telling the cakers. last name is Macchiusi, Mac in Scottish is son of. Chiusi is a city in Tuscany so they came up with Macchiusi, very rare. Traced it back to 1644 but it went back further than that. Some trader who never went back home Names do not matter, it's living peacefully that matters. There is a town in northern Italy that celebrates Scotish traditions, apparently soldier when they were held back by a fierce winter and stayed and had lots of family I have always had the idea we are only here for a short time and when we're are here why argues and have wars. WE all go eventually and leave nothing behind.
  23. SO why can't we get that price. Who owns the refinery? I see this going on for years like Iperwash.When I did an article on Provincial Parks we had to mention that Iperwash was "temporarily closed" now no longer open!
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