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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Let’s not get political, Art will have our A$$. An Italian paper has been published in Ontario since the 60s. Corriere Canadese Yes Italians in Woody is the majority from the old country, they built it in the ‘70s. But we are now a fully integrated community. All welcome. The specialty foods offering is incredible, the Prosciutto, and other cured meats and cheeses can’t be beat anywhere. Mind you it will cost you. YOU read wrong! Woody has the largest concentration of Ferrari’s outside of Italy per capita.
  2. After the upcoming rush and you take off that silly ? we will meet again and I have the other offering for you and the book.
  3. When Fortinos was bought by Lablaws they treated it as a boutique attract Italians with their “home country” offerings and we bought it right up the . . . We have two in woody along with two Longos. The money around here is up for grabs and they can take advantage of it. Metro lasted two years. Misfish was in Coppas (highland Farms) and they are pricing them selves out of the market. Hey,I shop around , when we have dinner it’s 18! Yes my parents went through the war fiasco. We were in their path (just north of Monte Cassino) when they were driven back to Germany and my parents told me they took what they wanted. Thank god they survived. My gramps were old and my father was stationed near Rome as he was the only child. Hard times my friend, been here since 1960 and never collected until we reached 65. sorry for the no food offering. But two of our memeners have tasted my offerings.
  4. OI Forinos is one of the highest priced brands on the market! I keep away as much as possible. But I do use them. Can’t beat their Ontario lamb for $6.99. Never got a bad one yet. Persimmons last week were $1.99 each and I got a case for $7.77 at their other family store.
  5. OI I have similar thing aa s Jeoff. I made mine from the base of an old office chair (steel base) I removed the seat and left the stem. on that I inserted an abs pipe and piled the tires on. When I want to move them I just rolled it around. Sold the tires saved the base just incase.
  6. I had a snowblower with the same problem. Tube did it and that was 20+ years ago.
  7. Love the lululemon, waders. Fish looks good too.
  8. Geez where have I been? I met Brian undercover a at a grocery store and BIG Cliff came to see me to look after Sinker!!! Lew, you are a devil! jumping in and getting looked after!!!!! Idid go to school with a guy with the last name Zizzuto in 1963 , it wasn’t him I hope. You guys hanged around with a rough crowd? Typography was never like that!
  9. BLURRY to you is caused by what I call a “drop shadow” not used when Type is in text. get rid of the drop shadow and problem is solved with the black type.
  10. Being in the type business reading white type does Affect the eyes. Ok for a short read but a Bunk report would kill .
  11. Geez man have you ever had prosciutto on a lightly toasted chiabatta, drizzled with olive oil and eggplants and Sundried tomatoes? Then a side dish of cured cracked olives. Red wine is optional. No cans involved!
  12. Cold and snow! Same as the last 50 years that I know of.
  13. My lettuce died! Should have picked it Friday! Blower ready, scraper ready, snow shovel/melt ready, patio furniture packed away. what else can I do? take every Friday off.
  14. That pinky has an Italian look to it!!!! You’seen that “salute” I bet.
  15. Move to Barrie. They are there. I’ve know one that migrates as far south as Hwy 7. very rare species.
  16. Loonie toons in Barrie are now winterized. They are in the spin mode, soon to be followed by the sled mode.
  17. Here you go Lymeangler. Did not see those, sounds cool. http://duracelldrone.macleans.ca
  18. Did anyone see the ones produced for Canada150.all across Canada. I know the guy behind the controls. He probably made a few bucks.
  19. Art will fix it. They are trying to keep you on the river!
  20. I did the guide for a few years! OI is right don’t even touch it never mind eating it! It was a waste of money producing it! Promote CAR instead, we even did brochures in other languages. I don’t think they print it anymore.
  21. Anyone using a MAC? Geez Irish thats an original! Good one.
  22. It's probably one with all the toys in it for demo purpose. Look in the back seat, if the seat reclines it's a Goooood one for sure. LS 500
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