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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Just to add. The blade was snap-in very secure. Don't want to leave it in someone! BUT you held the blade and pushed the handle inserting. taking it out was more of a skill, unless you knew to "lift the blade and pull" this is where blood was lost lol. In 20 years I never saw my own blood!!!!
  2. That thing will split hair! Iused to use it under a microscope. One wrong move and you could bleed to death! We actually used sterilized blades just in case. Back then $30 a box by Swan- Morton! I still have a few of them but their use is limited now, How would you clean fish with it? I show them to kids today and explain how it was used and they think I fell out of a tree!
  3. In my work cutting film many years ago we used surgical knives stainless Stella handle witha #11A surgical blade. urry's art store carries them. The handle is flat, very comfortable to use. Hold it like a pen.
  4. like 'Misfish' says they will go up as far as possible and the right conditions. I'll give you an example, fish from the Notty will make their way up to the Pine as far as HWY 24! They will find a way.
  5. You have to come and get some to find out!
  6. We had a mandetory meeting every Wednesday at 8:30 -10 SHARP! NO FAIL! They fed us I figured out it was coasting $492,000 a year in meetings! Time not doing production for 150 and cost of food. . . . We had one poor fellow coming in from Bellville! Had to get up at 4 am to make it! At this time I'm in touch with my daughter who just got an award in marketing and has more awards than me !
  7. Yup, too many times to remember, My second emplyer which I developed a new way of making typefaces used to give me an extra week's pay. my third employer named and award after me and if you won the award they also gave $50. I won a few times:) and when it was awarded to a "team" I was on everyone's team. My fourth employer gives, out $200 a month to an employee, won that once. We also get a 5 10 15 and 20 year service $500 - 2000 and an extra week's vacation. Good going Cliff you deserve it. A
  8. Misfish will give you advice on how to take sunrise pics and then some.
  9. YOU are the white man! good going B you are probably the only one witha full season.
  10. Welcome to the board. There is guy in Barrie that gets up very early and takes pictures of the sunrise on the lake.
  11. I told you about the snow! Good looking meal bud.
  12. Leave a bit early and spend the money at the show! why give them MORE money you have already paid in taxes to build it!
  13. How many people mount them, turn them on but never really understand what they are seeing? Are you crazy, this is a family show!
  14. F&A I see your point about the court system, it's NOT working. They get slapped! long ago I had my car cleaned out of "change". My fault for not locking it. Where I live now (you know where) I keep my car inside. My neighbour had his car cleaned out for change also. This is NOT a Rez thing. People don't/won't work and need resources to fund a habit or just live. They roam to live! I have lived at this location for 14 years and if I saw a YRP cruiser, say 10 times on our street I would be stretching the truth! It's sad that we have these situations in our society but it will never change, thieves have been among us since the dawn of time and it will never end. Look at Internet fraud! Now they don't even have to go outside! And I have been a victim of a debit card theft. GAS STATION! In one of the best areas of Toronto! I was the victim and I was asked to make a report at the police station and only to be followed up by a call from a detective concerning my financial situation! We had a nice chat and never showed up! No matter what precautions we take there is someone that will be better than us!
  15. Those mushrooms were mixed with carrots, peppers (all colours), cauliflower, eggplants, small amounts of finely diced red onions/ a little garlic and spices. Olive oil and red wine vinegar to taste. THe eggplants came out of a jar and had heat in them. The secret ingredient is anchovies YES anchovies. I buy a can in salt and then clean them and diced them, they disappear after a day or so. THis is an 'eye' recipe I make it and taste and add and taste. The mushrooms were blanched in vinegar and water for 5 min. When I know you are coming again I'll make another batch! As for the wine it came out of the pails. Great idea on the sauce venture. IT'S all natural I made it last Aug.
  16. good shooting Cliff, Now you better stay home don't care if you can float or not! Things don't look good from now on! If we are well next year I will join you.
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