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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. For many years I was at an advertising agency that had the Lexus advertising account. The account executive was taking is Toyota in for service and you can’t park in their lot unless it’s a Toyota product! The marketing manager told him to use the one we had in parking lot, a Lexus LS 400. Licence plate LEXUS 4. He could park in their lot while his was being fixed. He was Chinese and the nicest person. They actually asked him if he wanted the 4. Lexus knows all of the superstitions known to man. He told him not a problem with the 4. They never ate at home so him and his wife went to Bayview Village for dinner. At 10 pm he came out and the Lexus was gone!!!! it was dark and he figured he parked it somewhere farther, no luck. Called our finest and they went where he parked it and on the ground was the lock cylinder! Had to call Lexus and tell them a $125,000 car was tone, they never did find it! The next week they brought us LEXUS 3 and I took it home and kept it looked up!
  2. https://ca.yahoo.com/news/apos-immoral-apos-salmon-milking-222057490.html
  3. Does the toon have brakes? You must brake hard at fish crossings!
  4. I bled for you too. Good shot. Cigars and slime will do it, give up the cigars, lol. Did you kiss Tarry?
  5. They must be moving north/northwest. Must be all of the junk food down here, want to eat healthy!
  6. Bruce I love lead, the one I like had letters stamped on it, used in typesetting. Picked up rare pieces last Thursday.
  7. Congrats Dan, we are expecting our 9th, Four daughters in total. Wayne is right, Christmas gifs, birthdays Halloween. Dinner every Sunday . . .
  8. Thanks I’ll give it a go. Will probably get shut out!
  9. I have a friend being operated on today and would like to check up on her in the next day or two. Would it be possible to get a phone number? If they would even give out any information! Thanks
  10. That cigar probably attracted them! What is this man smoking? They didn’t know they would get smoked later! Good shooting B.
  11. OI are you sure there you is no Gypsie in you? Generators, Trailers, boats. Wells, jacks . . . . And I worry about my Jeep that had the longest trip yesterday at 295 km.
  12. I bought one after that last ice. storm. I’ve never used it! has never started. It’a Champion 5000. Or so. The connection I looked into running the wire from the box with and outlet and the extension to the genie was about 250 + installation which would be free for me . . .I’m buying from a cousin’s electrical supply. It may be more I needed 59 feet of wire from box to outlet. Good luck.
  13. I wish it was 101. I have people that work for Ontario Tourism and can’t spell St. Jacobs. I had one guy telling me that polar bears were fed pales of food! I asked him how they looked!!!!
  14. In one of my Tourism books my fact checker didn’t relize that an event happening in Sault St Marie was in the states and not in Ontario and let it go by!!!! The client caught it and when I questioned it why he let it go, He din’t know That there are two of them. One in Ontario and one in Michigan, Univeristy educated! Never left the 416!!! Could have cost us $250,000 if they wanted a reprint!
  15. Must have been the hot peppers Bruce! I have four that came our way and these guys are gems. All work at great jobs, have kids and homes of their own. They just all show up for dinner and one can cook like a chef.
  16. Good to hear pikeslayer. My thoughts were with sinker too. enjoy Thanksgiving with family.
  17. My dear friend Cliff, our families deepest condolences on your loss. May she rest in peace.
  18. I have made one out of plastic coffee container, Folgers. "cut a slot the size of the GFI box, half way up the container and slide it down over it." When you want to use it slide it off plug in and slide it back on. I use it mainly at Christmas the cove it there always. works so far.
  19. Anymore and you'll blow, lol. be gentle B one step at a time .I invented a car jack with a steel rod (welded) instead of a hook! They thought I was CRAZY! But just think of it, a car jack wit with a rod, and the corners 2x4 had hole drilled into them, put the jack in and crack it up. can be done alone and I have done it! Thinkers.
  20. He wants your fishing spots after you go! Call an electrician, OR do I really need that light?
  21. I had one GFI that somehow got wet inside it tripped and parts had rust on it when I pulled it out. Changed it and that was it. I Find out they come tripped, PITA That is! IF you replace it make sure it's sealed well. Mine is undear a cement lip and water snow just drain over it and also when I water the lawn? I now have a double cover over it.
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