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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. OI, forget it. Has been said it was a fad many years ago. I remember someone bringing them along and if you cut them that die was all over the place. nature never made GREEN worms. Throw some chamenta at them and knock them out, call them heavy grey worms! You could make money.
  2. Defenetly fall for salmon and trout. Fished it many time. When the salmon jump those falls it's quite the sight to see.
  3. MB2 wanted to catch FISH but decided to get burns instead. There OI FISH!
  4. Yes Big Cliff get my vote, Drove to Woody to help out Sinker! Misfish has mine too. loves Italians lol! Could be the next Speilburg in the making with his GOPro, or a Loonie tune!
  5. Great read B, you are one crazy dood but love what you do. Chat soon.
  6. These 'guys' will never learn or abide by the regulations, they are probably selling the fish! Canada gives money to convicted criminals! Try collecting? Not that they pay on the spot or do they? NO respect for conversation! I'm handing a fishing rod hopefully to my grandson this Saturday at a pond and if he gets a bluegill it will go back, and he will learn a lesson.
  7. We had hail the size of toonies in Woody on Friday night, lost all of my tomatoes and my driveway was green with leaves that got torn off!
  8. And then we give $10 million to a killer who knew someone!
  9. [quote name="Misfish" post="1008362" timestamp= We went through this with the carp on Simcoe. Those are the least desirable to eat. LOL POOR MAN WONT EAT IT. carp taste like Muskie!
  10. RIzzo you are right. I used to go with my young family every year to Sauble Beach. One year my wife's sister decided to book online and bring our parents. Well this place was a dump! NOT As advertisied. My mom and dad were not comfortable with it and we ended up leaving early. THe next year I went up in March to do walkabout found a motel unit (Golden Eagle) and stayed. Perfect for the family. We took the whole unit (4) for a week that summer and went back often with extended family! I'm in advertising and we can make things look better than they are BUT to say NEW is out of the question!
  11. Time to retire the flips and go modern with leats say a Minkota. If you only use one flipper you'll be going in circles
  12. Come on up/ down. I'm into Tourism. Did you know that 10% of Americans have to drive south to come to Ontario! This will get me in c rap with Art. but Sault Marie Michigan is way north of our capital.
  13. You have to come down soon and shop! never mind this fishing c rap!
  14. NO, but it just rained again! had great looking morning then it went south!
  15. Well it is here, again!!!!! I'll read MB report!, wait, I already have, Sometimer must be setting in?
  16. Now you have done it! You live in Rainy River, did you read it? great report MB. Always welcome you adventures.
  17. Chamentia again? Stay on the ground! I went to see a specialist about a knee problem last week. I had no pain the mother twisted it and here we are in a brace! I asked him what to do in case it acts up "take two Advil" I didn't need to drive to a hospital to hear that!!!! THey had a track in Cayuga I went to in my younger years, is it gone?
  18. Thank you for that thought Brian, much appreciated, never really worked with Italian heritage folks, not many in my industry. My best and cherished friends are of Canadian origin and I cherish those friendships including ones I have made on this site. One of my friends is and Aboriginal artist now residing in BC, named Ice Bear, his work is amazing proud to have worked with him. he has done a lot of work in Ontario for our Forst Nations. MAnoutulin Bass may have heard of him, if you have chime in. OI you gave ART grief on spelling neighbour wrong! well you spelled favourite wrong! who ever invented auto correct didn't figure out our American/Canadian friendship. Art and all of our American neighbours (spelled right) Happy Fourth of July! BTW It's less expensive to spell American it saves ink! That extra u can add up when you print a book! lol.
  19. Welcome back, the fishing seemed fantastic! Those advertising guys can write up a storm, they see a pine tree and turn it into funiture! Hot and cold running water you do the running and make the water hot . . .
  20. Flag was 1965! We arrived July 1 1960, never forget that day!
  21. B they had a few at the store at Weston and 7 but NOT shimono. They had frogs too!
  22. I have to stock up on popcorn. When my 3 yr old granddaughter wants to watch nature you will be tuned on!
  23. I set up a form 12x12 with help (shed pad, with a slope never done this in my life) dug down by hand and built the form, levelled it . .. used crush run and tamped it down by hand. 6+inches on one side and levelled it off at 12 inches. I used wire mesh and poured it. Hasn't moved on 15 years! I will never do it again, they said it was 10 yards!!!!
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