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Everything posted by davew3

  1. I see he is still at it. How much longer does he have to go? He has a will of steel !!
  2. At clearance store in Hamilton I found battery powered fans. about 5 inches. Runs off of 2 "c" batteries. puts out a good breeze. I use them in my trailer when the wind is down. Really not sure how long they would last if run continuously.
  3. Mike why aren't you on the road or are you ?
  4. http://seavalue.com/2015SVCAN/?ww_newsFlashID=1EBD2331-E9F2-3CE9-D43E-6172B43CB7FE#202 check out this site: CAS Power Marine Ayr, Ont.
  5. I would be very wary due to the country of MFG. Last line in description. Over twenty years ago I bought a Broil King made out of cast iron. Still have it at the trailer. Sure, have replace the guts a few times but it keeps on working. Buy quality, last a life time. Regards
  6. Floatnfly. If you are going to buy from HD make sure to ask them about their warranty and parts supply. My grills did not even last 2 years, couldn't replace them at HD. Had to buy generics at BBQ World. And the drip shields done in two and had to make some. Never again.
  7. Cliff I would be worried about the tires, sitting in one place bet they are lumpy, brakes rusty, seals gone, seized and all other seals on this unit. If it hasn't moved then no oil flow, tranny fluid hasn't moved, coolant hasn't moved. Water pump, lines and tanks may have dried up, water heater, coolant and seals for fridge and a/c. Really needs to be taken apart and inspected. But I am sure you know all of this. just my thoughts. good luck.
  8. A 9.9- 4 stroke would be the way to go if your boat can take it. 6 hp if you have to. As said to keep you big engine from running at slow speeds which I believe can lead to carb and spark plug issues. It is also a safety issue when out on the big lakes. It is nice to no that if your main goes down you still can get home. May take longer, but better then floating to where ever. I use mine all the time saves on fuel and hrs on my main. regards
  9. My condolences to you and Leah, Wayne. Jenn's battle was truly valiant. May she be at rest and peace in the Lord's hands. Regards
  10. Cliff from where you are also go to Dee Jay Trailers in Havelock for different models. Regards
  11. Sorry Simon I don't see where it says that. City staff are going insane. Any fishing clubs in the Cornwall area should be backing these kids up. Regards
  12. Fished this lake a few times. We spent most of the day cruising the shoreline casting light white and green jigs with white and green mister twisters. Did a lot of Tiny Torpedoes for top water. Cast to the shore and slow retrieve. For lakers troll the rock shoales with deep diving body baits. mann stretch 20's and such. or try minnows deep on the rocks. good luck
  13. Depends on the depth. Stained shallow like BOQ, green or orange. Lake Erie 40 ft, large bladed purple. There is a color chart out there that shows what colors tend to fade away depending on the depth. I think it is more on the shape of the blade and what vibration it kicks out when fishing deep. Regards
  14. Locate the railroad and troll or jig the weed edges. Good luck.
  15. Dara, 2 cycle or 4? Any particular smell ? Did you pull the cover and see any discoloration? I am thinking piston seized. As it took a while to shut down. If something broke catastrophically it would have been much quicker to stop. I hope all works out for you. Regards
  16. Try contacting these people. Great to deal with. marine radios fixed and sold. http://www.danatrading.com/surplus-deals.html
  17. The Moon River at Bala. You can choose the lake or the river.
  18. Cliff, 35 ft is a large trailer to haul around. I know you want the comfort but consider these. If you have a 5th wheel the you cannot really store stuff in the box of your truck. Then you have stairs to deal with and at night they can be a pain. You lose storage space at the front of the trailer. Also parking it can be a challenge in some temp parks with limited space while on the road. A well designed 24 ft travel trailer with 2 slide outs would provide all the room you need. Plus lots of storage. The interior layout is important. I have a one slide out, 30ft, 5th wheel with a front bedroom, middle washroom, middle living room and rear kitchen. The slide out makes my living room/ kitchen wide enough to provide plenty of room. Would have liked to get the bedroom slide out, but oh well. I have this in a park and don't plan to move it as I do not want to put a 5th in my truck. Check out Sicard trailer. Good luck with your choice.
  19. This discussion got me thinking. You are out on the water and unless you are Jesus you can't walk on it. The Death Of Common Sense. Obituary Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; and - Maybe it was my fault.. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason. .. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.
  20. FYI Approvals Canada Approved devices that fulfil the legal requirement for lifejackets and PFD's carry an approval label permanently affixed to the device. In Canada, design and manufacture are tested by the independent Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) before being approved by Transport Canada, a department of the federal government. Until recently approvals were also given by the Canadian Coast Guard. Many current lifejackets and PFD's carry this Coast Guard approved label and are legal as long as they are in good serviceable condition and fit the person who would be wearing them. Note: Flotation seat cushions are no longer approved devices. • Read "A few words on lifejackets and personal flotation devices in Canada" (Approvals) Transport Canada - Office of Boating Safety
  21. In Google just type in "Erieau Marina" all kinds of info. Regards
  22. Ironmaker as noted if you could, take the 9.9 off and see how it sits. You may have to cut down on the hp kicker. You really do not want to see any larger waves come up over the back. Regards
  23. I find this surprising. No one has asked. Where will you be fishing? Towing distance? Big water ? Little water ? How many in the boat? For how long ? What will you be fishing for? Shallow, deep ? With a decent budget a 16ft may be in order. Regards
  24. I would tend to think on what water body you are going to use this on. It is a stable platform but in bigger waves it does get interesting. Waves on a lake like Pigeon are one thing, waves on Lake Ontario are something else. I would think there would be times when you cannot always go straight into the waves. Wind is a factor, smaller lake you may get a wind break, bigger lake lots of wind. We took one from Hastings To Peterborough, 6 people, 50 hp 4 stroke, we wouldn't have won a race but it was a fun day. Regards
  25. Right on. Glad you had a good trip. Regards
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