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Everything posted by davew3

  1. Good day folks. My wife and I are going to see Neil Young at Massy Hall on the 10th. I have never been there before. Could someone recomend parking and a place for a good dinner for us? This would be appreciated. Regards
  2. Personally you have to try both. Last summer was up at Ivanhoe river during the hot spell, 3 weeks ago on the ice at BOQ - 20, and in two weeks will be in the Grand Caymens and Cozumal. Been to 4 islands down south and I also cannot just sit around. To see and learn thier culture is a life experience. Especially when the white stuff is still here on the gound. Irishfield, St Martin rocks !!
  3. Check out this place. Just north of North bay. It has regular cabins and out cabins a couple of miles away. Usually the older gent stays at the north camp. http://www.duenorth.net/temagamiriverside Regards
  4. Check this out. http://nemegosenda.com/
  5. We went to number two river camp. Not a bad place, very basic. Outside shower. Lot's of area to fish. I hope it won't be as hot out for you as it was for us last summer. 100 degrees in the shade during the heat wave. I won big fish with an 8lb pike of the dock. Lot's of small pike, pics and pearch as well. Main lodge is great. Good luck.
  6. Thanks guys. see you out there maybe
  7. Hey folks, can someone tell me the name of the bait store just north of the 401 in Belleville ? Need some minnows for the weekend. If not that store some where elese I can get them? Thanks
  8. Thanks very much. Looking forward to this. Good luck everyone.
  9. Hi folks, if I could I would be posting this on the BOQ site. I am having some sign on issues over there. We are planning a trip to Shannonville on Friday and I am wondering about any reports for the Big Bay area ? Most reports on the BOQ are for the reach. With this cold this week I am wondering how the ice is building. We are going out of Snookies to target perch but a few walleye would be nice as well. Any information and tips would be appreciated. be safe out there. Regards
  10. The dam in Hastings is a great spot for pics at night. As are any of the others. Use slip sinkers with worms or minnows on the edge of the current or on the flat. Try to get right beside the light in the middle of the bridge on the downstream side. (You have to get there early) Or go across and fish the upside of the bridge. You can also try any other spots where it is flat. Don't forget to bring a net that you can lower down. It is about 30ft so if you hook a good one they are tough to bring up
  11. Also check the fluid level in the battery. The caps will come off with a screwdriver no problem. You may have a dry cell. Good luck.
  12. Ryan, I found at hwy speed if going up a larger hill you really had to pin it to keep your speed up. I found it very dangerous on the 400 series hwys when I could not keep up to speed. Also when attempting to pass another car it was a challenge. My biggest fear was doing emergency stops. The boat just pushed the truck along. Remember, add all the weight for gas in the truck, gas in the boat, all your stuff plus passenger weight. It adds up. I loved my Ranger when I had a smaller boat but when I stepped up in boat size, it was not safe for me and my wife. Again, take sometime to check out bigger trucks. Regards
  13. Ryan, seriously, I owned a Ranger 2wd and used it to tow a 15 ft starcraft with a 55 hp. On the hwy it was underpowered. It's just not the boat but all the other stuff you will take with you. Make sure it has a 4 ltr engine or you will not be happy. I upgraded to an Explorer just for this reason. I also found even with the best tires I could buy that on wet or sandy ramps I found a lot of tire spin. I did dig holes on a dirt ramp. I would say take some more time and find a deal on a full size 4x4. Even if it is a bit older. Good luck.
  14. Leaving for Ivanhoe Friday morning. Will be staying at the Brook cabin. The weather looks nice, the black flies are gone. Should be a good trip. For any going north this weekend. Drive safe and boat safe. Regards
  15. Xrap G-8 and G20 try looking in eastern Ontario.
  16. I guess I would as soon as I could. Flat lake no noise is the best time.
  17. Holy jeez. Does someone not like Elwood ? If I was in the area I would stop in. Great people there.
  18. Except for the drive try Hastings Marine, Hastings Ont. 20 min east of Peter. Good people.
  19. I know the feeling. 7 of us are heading to the Brook cabin at Ivanhoe in two weeks. I already have my list and we had a meeting about all the stuff to bring in. I haven't been this far north for a while now so I am looking forward to it. Have a good trip mattybculp.
  20. Try "Simply Green" enviro soap and a car was brush. Lots of water. It does a good job on stains and the smell. Regards
  21. bump
  22. Go under the bridge up the river to the top for evening fishing, a couple of miles up. You will know when you get there.. Also go over to five fingers. They will have a map for you there at the lodge. Good luck.
  23. Just to be safe have boating license, fishing license, ownership, insurance, registration, and one piece of photo id. If that does not satisfy them then there is not much that would.
  24. Cliff, is Gannons Narrows within reach for you? If you can get there drift it with mr twisters tipped with leaches or minnows. Good luck.
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