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Everything posted by davew3

  1. You can always fish from shore right at Steve's. There have been big fish caught right there. Take some lawn chairs as well. Regards
  2. You will know as soon as you get there. Sometimes the wave can get to a foot, but that is about it. If to wavy go across the bridge to BBQ Island, pay for parking and drive out to the point. You could launch and stay close enogh to be out of the wind. Be sure to wear your PFD. Cold , Cold water. Good luck.
  3. I may get a few replies for this but have you thought of legend boats. Dewalt on the service road has some you could take a look at. http://www.dewildthonda.com
  4. Right now for people traveling for the holidays this is great. But after, I hope it snows like a Bass. Being on the BOQ the water in the late summer and fall is so low launching is a pain in the butt. We need the water table to come back up. Plus I want to see what my new 4x4 does in the snow. Merry Christmas everyone
  5. For the price check out the 2012 Dodge Ram quad cabs. Lots of room and a good price for a brand new vehcile. Regards
  6. PM me and I will give you some info for Walleye , pike, bass and Muskie.
  7. I can't resist SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS. Do these sound familiar? How many failed thier driving test because they did not do this. People who claim "I am doing the speed limit" in the middle lane have no idea how damngerous they are making it out there. I know the limit is 100 klm, and if evryone did it it would be great. But until then. SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT !!! regards
  8. To the Kawarthas, take the 407 to the end. Turn left on Brock Rd and go to Coppins Corners rr21. Then turn right, through Port Perry (hwy7) to hwy 35 or continue to 115.. Check it out on Google maps. When ever I head to Peterborough it is my way of choice. Regards
  9. If you can get up early, try to time it so you are in Oshawa by 5 am. If not, the 407 is worth the cost. I trailer to Shannonville 10 times a year and will not take the 401 after 6 am. They do not know how to drive and my boat is worth more then that. Regards
  10. I would prefer some nice walleye but I guess it will depend on the winds. Regards
  11. Good day folks. My godson is coming down from Elliot Lake 2nd weekend in August and I plan on taking him out. My question is what would be better odds? Lake Ont out of Dalhousie or Lake Erie out of Port Colborne? I will be running dipsy's with assorted outfits. I haven't been out of either and am not sure where the schools are right now. It will also depend on the winds when we decide. Any tips would be great. Thanks
  12. No payment until it is hooked to your truck with papers in hand. Personally, sounds to good to be true.
  13. Try Gannons Narrows in the deep for pics and along the rocks for bass and muskie. regards
  14. Use top water weedless as there are lots of weed beds in shallow. If you can access the docks where the cruise boats are spoons for pike will work as well. Good luck.
  15. Check your water intake nozzle. It may be adjustable to let in various flows of water. So on hot days I turn it down to keep a slow continous flow. On cold days I just fill it up and then add amounts during the day. When done fishing let the water out and add ice to keep the fish cold for the trip home. It is illegal to take them home alive and depending where you live or are fishing will determine if you will run into the mnr one day. Then you are pooched. regards
  16. Fished the area a few times. Along the PQ side there are lots of shoals. Be carefull. We found tossing Mr Twisters caught just about everything. You can try going deeper and drifting with minnow or worms on jigs. Or go across the river to the Mississippi River. Shallow at the mouth so take your time. Water will be green and clear. have fun.
  17. Good stuff. Now I always have spares in the boat
  18. Check for any inline fuses on the motor. I have a 55 Suzuki and I poped one so it would not turn over. Took me a while to find it.
  19. Try the south end in the bays off the big lake. Also troll throught the narrows in front of the marina. For more details pm me. Regards
  20. At home
  21. Ya Irish, I know ticket master sold out in seconds(?). I was on hold with Massey Hall and exactly at 10 am I was cut off and had to buy the tickets through thier website at inflated prices. But you know, "not doing anything illegal" My wife is a big time Neil fan, that is why I bit the bullet. Have a good day all.
  22. Thanks Fang, will check this out as well.
  23. ADB, price is not a problem for this night. Looking for convienence and good food. Thanks
  24. Thanks Sinclair. I will check it out.
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