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Everything posted by davew3

  1. You can always stop and cast at the Groundhog River and Kap River in Kapuskasing. Use suspending rapalas on long casts. The last time I was there it worked for me. Also the fact you will be going right through Longlac. Have a safe trip and at night use all the lights you have.
  2. Traci, that is a nice unit but if you can, find a boat that has duel motors. That way if per chance one craps you can still get home. Or at least something you can put a good kicker on.
  3. Nautifish, for a boat for 4 to 6 people you may be limited to what you buy. It will be a larger boat for sure. check out this site http://www.trader.ca/search/default.asp?ca...yid=6&CAT=6 Good luck.
  4. Just down the river from the park is 4th line, Hagues Reach. It is a boat lock. At night cross the lock and fish off the cement wall. Also above the lock is a good bass area. Further down the road is Empire Cheese factory. If you like cheese you have to stop in. For a day trip drive up hwy 30 to Trent Village. Go up stream beside the big weed bed. Good chance of a muskie in there as well as walleye. Have fun.
  5. You will find the water is a little low around there right now. In the day you will get Bass and maybe a Muskie. At night try fishing at the different locks for walleye. I was in Campbellford last Sat and I have been fishing the different locks for years. Good luck
  6. Find the old train tracks and cast jigs, tubes and cranks. The resort can tell you where. Good Luck.
  7. Thanks Tackle Buster. I will be sure to print this link for a refrence guide to take with me. My main target are the walleye, musky and bass are incidental. I do ocassionally cast for pike though. The people I am going with do not get the chance to fish much so I hope with the info you folks have provided I can help some of them to get thier fish of a life time and teach some C&R. Only hours to go
  8. Thank you for the info. I sure didn't know about the river. I will post when I get back. Again thanks.
  9. Hey folks, some friends, my wife and I are heading to Cordova lake north of Havelock on Saturday for a week of R&R:Gonefishing: Does any one have some tips on this lake ? We are staying at a place on Fireroad 57 up at the north end. Tips, like, look out for rocks where?. Any shoals or weedlines. Any info would be appreciated. I hope to have a good report with pictures to show when we get back. Regards
  10. Take a look at this site, Bing conservation down by Dunnville is a good spot. http://www.grandriver.ca/ Good luck.
  11. I believe they rent canoe's there. Try drifting with a jig and a worm out in the middle right on the bottom or out in front of the dam. For bass cast along the shoreline. Good luck.
  12. There are also walleye and bass. mepps, floating rapalas, jigs tipped with worms or just worms on a bobber. Good luck.
  13. www.ElliotLake.com They have a lodge listing I believe. Have fun up there. Go and check out the dump at night for the bears.
  14. Try trolling up and down the Notty in Wasaga. All kinds of fish in there. There is a ramp in the park at the mouth and one at the marina by river road. Try drifting the bends just above river road. If you go slow and carefull you can get right up to the sand banks. Good luck
  15. or honey harbour or waubaushiene
  16. Look for the railway bed troll along it or drift the sides.
  17. The Hasting dam or Buckhorn dam. Or the causeway at Bridgenorth.
  18. If I remember right this guy is protesting the natives spearing fish. He called the papers and said he was going out to spear fish. He was in the water, didn't get a chance to spear one when he was arrested. If I am wrong (wrong person ) I apologize.
  19. Thanks Irishfield, that I did not know.
  20. Go to www.remax.ca and start looking around the different zones. I was quite suprised, especially in the Haliburton area. My wife and I are planning the same just not for a few years yet. Also consider if it will a place to go and work every weekend or your retirement place. Good luck.
  21. I was thinking of waxing my Starcraft which is aluminum with enamel paint and I am wondering if good old Turtle Wax would be good enough or is there a brand out there highly recomended ? Any input would be appreciated.
  22. Here is an idea, these little trucks work great http://www.trader.ca/powerpage/details.asp...mp;adid=6056202
  23. http://www.cottagesunlimited.com http://www.onlinecottages.com good luck
  24. Being that time of year with pollen and insects I have some sinus issues. As a kid I had my allergy treatments but stopped in my teens. Well I have made an appointment for an allergy test in two weeks. I understand just how serious they can be as both my neice and nephew have the peanut allergy. If you have a need to use your epipens, always carry them with you. Especially if you are far away from medical help.
  25. I too looked at a package so I called Legend up north and spoke to a rep. After upgrading the engine and other little items the price went up $5000.00 from the advertized price. Give them a call, who knows, you may work something out. I ended up buying a used Starcraft for half the price. Good luck
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