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Everything posted by davew3

  1. I agree. Don't need waders with the water this warm. Just wear high top good shoes and shorts. If not a good swimmer and inflatible pdf would be a good investment. The pole is a good idea as well. Take along a small silver mepps as well. Cast down and bring back slow, just ticking the bottom. But keep your pole up to avoid snagging up Good luck.
  2. I just got back from Banff last week. I was only there for a couple of hours but while there I called my wife and said, "we have to come back here for a weeks holidays". If you can, take the extra time. Your children are young and will need breaks out of the van to stay happy. Have fun.
  3. Good day, under the bridge is not shallow. Good though. Just down the is a small riffle. Being carefull you can walk out there. Ckeck each step so you don't step into a hole or crevice. Also drop a minnow into some of the pockets. You nevr know what is hiding in there. Have fun
  4. The OPP can and will arrest you if you have done some illegal fishing. Best be polite to the guy with the taser and the gun. In the spring the OPP are on just about every ramp around the BOQ
  5. On the way there or back take the Chi-Cheemaun ferry between Tobermory and Manitoulin Island. The Sault is a fair drive for one day, especialy if stopping in Sudbury. have fun.
  6. Other places are along the Trent River east of Peterborough. Hwy 45 in Hastings, and hwy 30 in Trent Village. You can fish from shore and catch lots of little stuff. Also check out this place- http://www.bensfortbridgeresort.com/welcome.htm These are less then an hour and a half from T.O. Have fun and good luck.
  7. "Just wait until your father comes home !! Oh great, the MF never comes home !!! "
  8. I would agree to the Forks of the Credit. In the park and just above it. North of Brampton off hwy 10.
  9. The lady had issues. If you run into her again ask to see her id and then politely say you are going to call the police. But I don't think it would be worth the effort to track her down. regards
  10. Ask around on how to get to the general store on Lake Nosbonsing by Astorville. Then head right into the small bay by the marina. Good luck.
  11. Don't be a dumb ass " and If you are going to do something stupid, be smart enough not to get caught .
  12. You could also try Bellwood. Out beside the dam is a good spot. Also a big lake with lots of shoreline for bass.
  13. Sounds more like a fuel issue. I would check all fuel lines and filters. if you have an electronic fuel pump I would get it checked out as well. Maybe a little dirt that cleaned itself out . Good luck
  14. Well done Cliff, great way to start the day.
  15. I named mine BEATS WORKIN Which I find is true.
  16. check out this option http://www.plainbiz.com/Biz/52/07-page-83.gif this is what I am looking to buy
  17. I was talking to my sister in law in Campbellford. she said the water is just ripping threw town there. Very very high.
  18. Hey there TJ, been to both. Do yourself a favor and go to ST. Maarten instead. Same cost but so much more to do. http://www.st-maarten.com/ Regards
  19. Thanks Irishfield, I did see the ones with the collar. So I will most likley take some orders from freinds and order a bunch from Florida. I did check flaherty's and they don't either. Thanks agin. Have a good day
  20. I would appreciated that Irishfield as when I called up there the staff said they did not. But who knows how hard he looked. Thanks again.
  21. These are what I am looking for http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...1005000_151-5-6 Thanks
  22. Hey folks, years ago I bought these down in Florida. They are made of styrofoam (?) and have a lead core. I have found them on BassPro Florida but not so much luck up here. But before I order some, has anyone seen them up here ? These are great for when casting from shore as they can weigh up to one once. Cast a mile. Any info would be appreciated. Regards
  23. Check out this show. There should be a bunch there to look at and to touch. http://www.sportshows.ca/Ottawa/index.html. If you fish the Ottawa you know the river can get nasty at times, so can the St. Lawrence. But if you fish the smaller ? so measure your garage and get the biggest that will fit. Trailer and boat. Look for a swing away trailer. More questions, do you want a kicker motor and a bow mount trolling motor ? Fish finders, full roof, heaters. Insurance, boaters licence ? Good luck.
  24. check out www.quintefishing.com
  25. The problem is the on ice talent. Who do you have to trade ? Who would want them ? At what cost? T.O is in trouble for a while. I am a Leaf fan but I am not opptimistic.
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