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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. In the cold weather, even with the floater suite you only have a bit too get out of the water. Then once out of the water you need to find warmth fast. One of the problems with snow mobiles is by the time you realise you are on thin ice you are driving faster away from solid Ice and then the issue is if you go farther out is it going to get thicker or thiner. I would imagine most people would "Push Gas and GO" hoping for Solid ice. If it gets thiner and won't hold you own weight not going to help you in the long run. For the extra time a floater suite gives you its a must but it won't save you. If floater suits came in more "cool" colours maybe people might buy them. Most floater suits are bright colours to find you or your body quickly
  2. Did they have an Indian or Chinese accent It would be cool to find out where the call centre actaully is. Still sometimes just to talk too someone is great
  3. LOL, thats what I tell my wife when she tells me she wants a bigger house.. I say fine I get a bigger boat make sure the house you want can hold the bigger boat. Then she asks me where I am getting the money for the bigger boat, and I ask her where she is getting the money for "her" bigger house Great Job, inside storage is so much better,
  4. Great Spiel, always a great read
  5. WTG Joey thats a super fish anytime of the year. Just amazing through the ice on 4lb test JUST WOW!!!!
  6. The price may be high but hate to get on the ICE and find Gilford is not open or out of minnows. Somtime you pay more for reliability
  7. Great report guys.. Hummm may need to fire up the old heater and head out
  8. Oh they sell Guns at Bpro??? never been to that side of the store before
  9. Hummm 35 years ago, must have been hearing a Manchester United Match from my Mums tummy
  10. Thanks for all the inputs guys, I bought a FinBoreIII 6" on recomendations from the guys here. I think, I will keep to the old hand power on this. Like Wayne said old Bob made it look easy on the LOTW but since they had the Snow Bear the must have kepts the batteries warm and charging. Good think I checked around to make sure, thanks guys
  11. Hi All: Does any one use the cordless hammer drill attachment for a hand ice Auger. Yes, I am lazy but think I could get more use out of the cordless drill than a gas auger. Thoughts and opinions
  12. Hey Wayne. When the water is clear I use a longer lead. 30' (this is my normal starting point) When the water is super clear I use up 100' When the water is murky I put it a couple feet of the ball. I could be wrong by its worked for me,. What I was told was the ball creates noise that the fish come to look at too clear they spook to murkey they come in close. Another consideration is the shorter the lead the less likley for a tangle when mutiple lines down food for thought
  13. Looks like you had an excellent year Sean.. I will send you more invites next year and try to be at least more than 24 hour notice So how long till the ice ... all day for 3 or 4 perch ahhhhhhhhhhh See you on the ice
  14. After a few years of service on mine, I open them up and make sure the mini-nuts and bolts are secure add small drop of marine greese and thats about it. oh, like the Guys said losen all the drag for the winter Look at it this way, if you maintained your reels too over perfection you would never need to buy a replacement now what fun would that be
  15. Very nice, setup there, your right about the height, Makes a huge difference when grabbing the rods
  16. I know people hate to hear it, eventualy when the population gets too a certain size mother nature thin's the herd.. via war, hunger, etc.. Going to happen one way or another, just hope it after my children's children life time. Earth can only produce so much.. My deep thought for the day
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