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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Gotta love it when a plan comes together. CCMT and I had hopes that the weather would cooperate for at least 1 day this past weekend, hopefully both. We got somewhat lucky with 1 and a half days and some December slime hit the boat. Day 1 started off with the alarm going at 3:30am. Coffee, food and gear load and I was off to get Cliff and the boat and we were soon rolling down the highway. Everything went well until we launched the boat. The motor decide that it was to cold to get going but after some words of encouragement and a lot of sweat, we were trolling. Our chariot for the day. A beautiful day to be out. We had been trolling for a couple of hours before there was any sign of action. Unfortunately the first sign was a fish on my line and lost shortly afterwards. We were hopeful that this was not a sign of things to come. As it turned out it wasn't. I redeemed myself with this one to start the day. Next up was Cliff with this chunk. Shortly after the lines were set, Cliff's rod starts screaming line. Before he could even get to the rod, the fish was gone. While reeling in to check his bait, my rod fires and I boat this little fatty. SO CLOSE to a double header! Another fish was on and off again, that ended the little flurry of activity for a while. I told Cliff he was up next but my rod fired and as I grabbed it and started to reel in Cliff says "I thought I was up next Will?" My reply "I'm having a really hard time handing over this rod judging by the weight of the fish" Cliff laughs and I continue my battle with my biggest Quinte fish of the year, a 10.2 pound hen. We trolled into the darkness without another bite. Beautiful sunset ended our day. Stopped for a bite to eat and I got home around 9pm after dropping Cliff off. Unpacked the walleye gear and packed up the muskie gear for the next days adventure. Got to bed about 11pm and had the alarm set for 4:30am, it was going to be nice to sleep in. The alarm goes off and before you know we are heading down the highway again. We arrived at the launch just as the sky was starting to get a bit light. Load up and were on the water to see one of the best sunrises I've seen in a long time. Just incredible. Again the day started off very slowly and took a while before saw our first fish. Cliff sets the hook and the fish comes up and with a shake of the head it was gone. Starting off the same way as we did the day before. A couple of casts later I set the hook into a nice clump of weeds. As I'm pulling the 4 foot strand out of the water I had a 40ish" fish come right out of the water chasing my weed choke bait. Never seen a fish that aggressive before with all the weeds. We fished for about another hour and I raised one more but couldn't get her to commit. We decide to run back to where the hot fish was to see if it would show up again. A couple of casts and bang! I got a small fish on.....walleye. Popped the the hook and back into the water. We get past where the fish was the first time when I hear fish on! A nice fight and into the cradle it went, we were not skunked. Pretty sure it wasn't the same fish we saw as the other looked chunkier but a nice fish. We gave it another hour or so but the wind and waves were tossing us around pretty good. We called it a day and called it a season for the Kawartha's. A great weekend to be on the water for December and one to remember for a while. Thanks Cliff for having me along and hopefully we'll get the boat out one more time before ice up.
  2. Great report Drew. You certainly had the eyes dial in.
  3. Nice fish and a great end to the season.
  4. Looking at the same time for sure Lew, but wasn't in your area. Pretty cool that we captured it pretty much at the same time.
  5. My view this morning Lew. One of the best sunrises I've seen in a while.
  6. Congrats Ernie!! All the best with the new business.
  7. My boat is done for the year do to insurance. Will likely winterize it tonight and unpack it. However, I will be fishing from a boat this weekend.
  8. Awesome videos Mike!! Priceless memories.
  9. It certainly is too bad that we couldn't all meet up. When are you going again and I'll meet with you then...got a spot in the boat? We try Bernie but we don't have to try too hard though. It probably is a bit early for them. Kinda of new to doing this Quinte thing but the crazy winds and warm weather most likely are not helping. I was jigging spoons as well, perch liked them but couldn't get an eye to cooperate. I know where that round-eye lives, we can get it back. Since part of the crew left early on Sunday the tournament was cancelled thus leaving you as champion for your fish on Saturday. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Thanks Cliff and looking forward to some soft water December fishing! Thanks for the replies everyone.
  10. Some nice fish there Dave. I'd say it was worth the drive.
  11. Clean looking fish, the bonus musky was a nice surprise I'm sure.
  12. Nice way to spend the weekend. Thanks for the report.
  13. After a crazy week of work, mom in the hospital (she got home yesterday and is now doing better) and even some fishing, here is my G2G Quinte report. CCMT and I headed out Friday morning and arrived at Perfect Vue uneventfully. Well there was a pair of that raced up beside us and blasting the horn….but what would you expect from Headhunter and Bitsmith2k. Timing couldn't have been better if we planned it for meeting up with them. After unpacking and getting settled in, Cliff and I hit the water. It was a bit choppy looking from shore but once on the water it wasn't that bad. We trolled for a few hours with not much to show for our efforts but Cliff managed to get one to cooperate with his bait. A beautiful sunset and we were done day one The weather was not changing and the winds were forecast to be blowing hard again. We got out before they picked up too much and managed a couple fish for the day Another great sunset. We fished hard and put in 12 hours on the water. 7am – 7pm and not a lot to show for it but learned a few new things which made for a good day. Cliff got playing with the drag on the reel and had it backed off so if a perch hit it should pull drag. Worked like a charm on his fish. With waves and winds throwing us around it was tough to figure out what the baits were doing. By having the drag that loose it helped tons. Not only knowing that a fish was on but knowing that you had picked up some weeds and were able to clean things up and get back to fishing knowing you were dragging a clean bait. The other thing we tried were glow sticks on the boards at night. Now I've seen them in the tackle stores for $4 each, when I saw a pack of 10 for $2 at the Dollar Store I thought it was worth buying if I had the chance to use them. The first stick was a dud but the next 2 worked fine. The red colour was not easily seen at a greater distance out but the green could be seen for miles I think. The red was fine up to 60-80 feet out but started to lose its visibility soon after that. Not that you couldn't see it, but was difficult to spot. They lasted pretty well too. 24 hours later the sticks still had some glow left to them when I got home. young_one ended up with the big fish of the day and thus received the first Perfect Vue Cup. Gotta love the Dollar Store. A bit of a side note, there were a few asking about auxiliary steer kits for main motor to kicker. I found one at West Marine that worked like a charm. Easy to install, not too expensive and did the trick. The only down fall (and I wouldn't consider it to be one) is that it is only rated up to 5mph and has to be removed when traveling. Steering link Sunday the winds were howling again. We cleaned up and packed up said our goodbyes. Linc and YoungOne were venturing back out and in the end Cliff and I did as well. A few hours of trolling and we managed one pike. Certainly give kudos to Linc and young_one for trying something different as they did very well with the jigging as you've seen in their report. It was a great weekend away with good company and lots of laughs on the bay. Looking forward to next year's trip already.
  14. I bought the 12x20 garage a few years ago. The roof did tear. I contacted the company, sent some pictures and they sent out a new roof. (1 year warranty I believe) In between I just bought a tarp (50x30 I believe) and put that over to keep things dry. (Got about 8 months out of the tarp, UV killed it) Put the new roof over the old roof to allow for a bit of extra protection against the frame. So far so good but will put another tarp over it for the winter/spring until it breaks down. Company service was good when I had the problem. The door and back panel are done and wish CT would sell the replacement parts. For the back panel I just tucked a blue tarp in and that has helped. the door still keeps most stuff out and isn't really a concern right now. I'd buy another but would watch for the sales. Might just buy another for the door and back panels as a door was almost as much as the whole unit when I looked into it. Edit, second getting the extra anchors. Not sure I'd trust the wing nuts as a permanent solution for holding the frame, not sure if you'd get them tight enough. . Might be handy until things at the full assembled point and then put the regular nets in place.
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