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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Fantastic news Wayne, and you are home safe and sound.
  2. Wayne has got it here. I was told this many years ago when using a charger on a snowmobile battery. My sled buddy said to used nothing over 1 amp. When buying a battery for my GPS to use why traveling on the sled in the winter the place (Total Battery in Barrie) Total Battery recommended this charger (link from another site.) Enerwatt It's been working like a charm for the last 3 years and the battery is still fine. I think I paid about $25 for the charger
  3. Well I am the happiest guy in the world right now. I just got a wicked deal on a used Smokercraft for myself and my buddy grabbed a new Princecraft. The pricing on these rides were unbelievable!!! Rumour is that some guy could make up his mind and the owner/dealer couldn't wait any longer and was motivated to move the boats. Sorry Mike, Phil's post made me do it. So which did you buy?? BTW - I'm 50/50 and sitting on the fence with these rides as well. Certainly could easily get the cover done for the difference in price between them. Warranty is the only concern I would think at this time.
  4. Got a big knot in my stomach when I read your title. Kelvin, I am so very sorry to hear this. The second one I've heard of in a week (my sister-in-law lost her mom) that has been taken by this terrible disease. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
  5. I like the layout of the Smokercraft myself. I'd look into whether or not the warranty is transferable. If not, I'd be buying the Princecraft. A full stand up cover for the Smokercraft might set you back $1500-2000 I'm guessing since a travel cover without the support poles can run you about a $1000. Yea, I might just but the Princecraft.
  6. That is just insane. We could used some of that here though for the sledders out there.
  7. I have no idea. It seems that there are iPhone only apps, android apps and Blackberry apps and each works only with it's system from what I can tell. I'm in the process of getting a smartphone and am tossed up between the iPhone and Samsung myself. Wireless provider is offering a free iPhone at this point in time....of course with a 3 year contract.
  8. Only on the Droid system or will there be an app for iPhone?
  9. x2 I've had my Crestliner for 10 years now and would buy another tomorrow. It gets used pretty much every weekend from April to December on smaller lakes to Lake Ontario. Is it a perfect boat, no. I'd change the lay out and will most likely do that when the time comes to change the floor. For my needs and my budget at the time, it was the best bang for the buck I could find.
  10. Awesome idea on the raising and lowering. That shack sure looks great and well thought out!
  11. Just fantastic! A true inspiration for all. Way to go Jen!
  12. Yep but explain this one. I had a tip up with a minnow on it. I was walking over to check it when the tip up goes down fast. Grab the line and start pulling, feels like a good fish. The fish comes up the hole and on the ice and I go to unhook it. The problem is that the fish in not hooked, instead it is lassoed around it's body once. I'm guessing it rolled and the hook popped out but caught the line and made the lasso around the body and the pectoral fins. When pulling the fish up I just noticed the line and figured it had swallowed the hook. What was strange was the fight felt like a normal hook up. As for the side hooks, I leave them on and don't seem to have a problem with them. A snap on the spoon and swivel a couple of feet up. I've had whities with the spoons T-boned in the mouth and the side hooks is what got he fish. Might try tying direct as Aaron and Tony showed in the video that Aaron put up. That's if we get some decent ice to get out on.
  13. Many years ago, that is how I built my hut. Didn't take up a lot of space when storing it, easy to move, and comfortable. A bunch of nuts and bolts to hold the walls and roof together and a bit of sprayfoam and all was good. Except for when I was the only guy available to take it off at the end of the season. Managed to get one of the others to help out, put it away and was never used again. In the end it became a storage shed.
  14. I can't believe the hunter let the bear get the close. Cool to see and funny how the bear seemed just a little surprised when asked the question.
  15. X2 There has to be something they can give you to keep you comfortable. I'd be asking the doctor today what the plans are if you feel things are getting worst and when they are planning on doing something about it. Squeaky wheel.... It certainly sucks that you have the flu on top of this, but you'll be fine. I'll keep a spot open in the boat for ya as well. Pm me when you are feeling up for it and we'll make something happen. Speedy recovery!
  16. Great report Dave. Nice to see some soft water reports this time of the year.
  17. A great day on the ice!! Thanks for the report.
  18. Tough break Stoty. You'll bounce back but it sure sucks. Bigger and better things await.
  19. Great times with great people. Thanks for sharing the day. The story of your dog sounds similar to this You Tube clip I was sent the other day but this dog likes grooving with the tunes. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KBluUZ4NnZg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. Basically went through what you are going through in the late summer last year. I bought the Maxumm for the maximizer because I found my old 5 speed would not go slow enough on calm days. No complaints at all. Slow enough on the calm days, more than enough power of the windy days, eats weeds like nothing. 2 thumbs up! :good:
  21. Well Terry knows how it's done. Use the motor as a blender and turns the ice into slush.
  22. CCMT and I decided to give it one more attempt for some open water fishing. It would be a short trip as we both had some things to do given it's Christmas Eve and all. Being a shorter day we figured the Nuke plant would do us just fine. However when we got to the launch are hopes of launching were diminished as everything was locked down with ice. We threw a few rocks and none of them broke through the ice, not a good sign. We looked at a few other spots to put in and ice was everywhere. There was small strip of open water that we hoped might open up enough if the winds picked up a bit. So we went for breakfast and hoped for the best. While eating Cliff comes up with the idea of throwing the anchor to break up the ice. Seems like a good plan so back we go. The water had opened up further and things looked somewhat promising. After several minutes of trying this we had pretty much agreed that we were not getting on the water do to time issues. Ice was pretty thick. Here's a video clip of Cliff doing his best to get us out there. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid105.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fm240%2FFishnsled%2FDec%252024%2520Fishing%2F2011122411074112.mp4"> We figured we'd need another hour or more to get the ice freed up to the open water, time we just didn't have. We'll see how this next warm spell goes, +8 for next Saturday - believe it when I see it, and maybe get the boat in sometime in January. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. May 2012 be your best fishing season yet.
  23. I bet Molly loves her Christmas present of a new home and family. Looks like she is settling in nicely. Great to see, Merry Christmas!
  24. Happy Birthday TJ!! And a Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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