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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Great report Rich!!! Thanks for sharing.
  2. I've used the same set up as HH because that's what he told me to do last year when I was asking him about it. So far so good!
  3. I think it's more of a ROAR coming from one of those kitty's. Nice job on the PB Clive!
  4. Well that's going to leave a mark!! I guess it could have been worst. Speedy recovery!
  5. A bit of luck, patience and skill I'd say. Congrats on the PB!!!
  6. EXCELLENT Report Jen!!! Congrats on a great day on the water!!!
  7. Thanks Cliff and your welcome. We'll do it again soon.
  8. Well it beats sitting at home. Thanks for the report and a spot for your next time out is coming via pm.
  9. What the heck are you doing on here if your on vacation???? Great to hear from you and looking forward to the report when you get back. Now get out there and get some fish! Have a great time and be safe.
  10. Great report Cliff, it certainly was a GREAT day even without a muskie. There will always be a spot in my boat for you 2. Next time we'll go bass fishing and then we'll get a muskie! Here's a pic of an Osprey we saw and it's young one, very cool to see.
  11. That about sums it up Cliff. I'm out of here so I'll save you 2 a spot on the roads. Might get home by 5:00-530pm Safe weekend everyone.
  12. CONGRATS!!!!! All the best to you and the new family!!
  13. 1st - Happy Birthday!!! 2nd - Take care of yourself, great to see you back on the board.
  14. Excellent report Brian! That certainly is a pig that your son got. Kudos to him!
  15. Great report Mike! Looks like everyone had a fantastic time.
  16. What a great day on the water guys! Thanks for the report.
  17. Ya win some, ya lose some. At least you got an address for the her. Good luck next time.
  18. Thanks for the responses everyone. After getting some legal advise (thanks Kirk) I will be sending off the money for the fine and be done with it. Lesson learned. I certainly agree that these charges could be fought and I think I would probably win. But as the busy season approaches for work, getting time off for this would be very difficult. This fine was a chance to train the rookie that came along on how to right out tickets and perhaps some court room training as well. I guess the ticket might pay for the gas in the plane A firm warning in this case would have gone a lot further then a fine. I have a lot of respect for what the MNR do and have always been a supporter of their work. They have a tough job to do. So let my bad experience be a warning to all those out there to leave some skin on the fish and keep a few bucks in your pockets. Good point Whopper, That is exactly what happened on our trip and I was the fish cleaning guy. I suppose that I would have been fined for over possession as well, the CO did mention that. Since we were claiming that we had 4 walleye (within my limit) and 1 whitefish, I was not charged with being over my limit. Even though the fish were caught by everyone in the group.
  19. Some Great pictures there, that lake looks nasty. Too bad about the battery, never seen nor heard of that happening before. Looks like it could have been alot worst and as GCD said,
  20. Great report Joey! Love the shots, especially the woodpecker.
  21. IMO it makes no difference. I got my biggest walleye trolling with AC/DC playing. We caught lots of whitefish and lakers with the tunes going. Flippin' and pitchin' pads in a very calm bay and managed to pull out a couple of dozen fish. Now I'm certainly not one to be blasting the tunes and maybe that makes a difference. Loud enough to enjoy it myself but not so loud that the guy fishing the other side of the bay can hear it. I've done a test with my buddies to see how loud is "too loud" (when they can hear it about 75 ft away) and have a pretty good idea of what volume I should be at. Now having said all this, I very rarely have the tunes on in the boat. The odd time when I'm by myself or the fishing is very slow.
  22. Anyone want to buy a boat?? Just AWESOME!!!! (Both reports that is.) I haven't thrown a Red Devil in years. Are you guys sponsored by them?? Maybe you can get me a couple of freebies. Now where did I put those spoons????
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