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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. I'm not sure it you still have to pay for the launch on top of that or not but I think so. I just got an email regarding this and thought I'd pass it along. Another example of what happens when people can ruin a good thing. By: John Slykhuis, Staff Writer The free ride for out-of-town daytrippers is over. Georgina politicians voted last week to slap parking restrictions and a $30 parking fee for visitors using the park at the Jackson's Point Harbour and the area around the government dock at the end of Malone Road. The area around the park, harbour and Bonnie Boats in the summer is "what best can be described as total chaos", leisure services director John McLean said in a report. The parking mess has led to concerns about the ability of fire and emergency services to access the end of the road at the lake. With the recent purchase of Bonnie Boats by Patrick Burrows and Scot Davidson, the town was able to negotiate an agreement to manage the area and designate parking spaces. There will be a total of 63 parking spaces, 10 for Bonnie Boats customers, that will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Day passes for visitors will be issued by harbour staff and town bylaw enforcement officers will hand out parking tickets for infractions. If you are a Georgina resident, you can continue to use the park for free, as is the case with all other town-owned beaches, such as De La Salle Park, Willow Beach, Holme's Point and North Gwillimbury Park. Malone Road will be posted as permit parking only for residents living there. Parking revenues will be shared 70/30 between the town and Bonnie Boats. Mr. McLean acknowledged the restrictions will result in some illegal parking in the area. He predicted there "may be an outcry" from out-of-towners who have been enjoying the last free access to Lake Simcoe in Georgina. "The park continues to be a destination park for non-residents who do not pay anything for parking, who do not spend any money in the Georgina and who merely come up from the southern reaches of York Region or Toronto and take parking spaces," Mr. McLean said. After enjoying free use of the park, they leave their garbage behind, he said. "These are not the kind of day tourists the town is interested in encouraging. "The long-term goal we should have in mind is to turn these kinds of daytrippers into viable tourists." Day visitors, will instead, be directed to nearby Sibbald Point Provincial Park, is under-utilized by daytrippers, Mr. McLean said. Admission to the park is $16 per day, compared to the town's $30 fee and it is better equipped to handle a large influx of daytrippers, Mr. McLean said. The park has the town's largest beach area.
  2. Great report and congrats on breaking in the new gear. Cool looking fish.
  3. Pictures!!!! We need pictures of this set up. lol A pic would be nice to help out, I'm confused as well Tonyb but that doesn't take much. . I'm thinking of going to Fluoro this year and the info would be nice.
  4. Now that's a great story and a memory to treasure. Thanks for sharing.
  5. I haven't caught a sauger in years but I remember that they had patches on them. If you look at Roy's pic of the fish, it's really prominent on the smaller one. Nice report there Roy! I can't believe those other boats moved in on ya. The nerve.
  6. Great report! Too bad you didn't get any real big ones. Oh well, I guess there is always next year.
  7. I'm certainly becoming a bif fan of leaving the camera at home. I've had one of my best springs ever because of it. lol Great report even without a pic.
  8. Great report! Those are some very impressive fish. Someday I'll have to get you to show me how that is done, never fished for them before. Thanks for the report.
  9. Certainly glad to see that you are alright. As for the Jeep, a trip to the wreckers for a few parts, a new rad and some red/green special adhesive and your good to go. Been there, done that! lol
  10. Looks like an awesome day! Thanks for the report.
  11. Great report Taper. Don't feel too bad about being late either, I just put up my ice fishng report from Temagami that we did back in February! lol!
  12. Hey Bly - Maybe we are on to something here. Forget the net, camera, etc = FISH!! lol Don't tell anyone our secret. I will be bringing the camera this weekend or there will be no pictures to share. I've never kept a muskie and don't plan to. Thanks for the comments everyone.
  13. Wayne you are certainly right about the sunsets, just beautiful. Next year we'll have to bring Dano with us if that is what it takes. lol Northhunter - It's amazing how a poor fishing trip can still be an amazing adventure. Combine great company, good food, great scenery and you'll have the makings for a fantantic trip. Throw in a fish or two and that is a bonus.
  14. Well that looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the report!
  15. Nice report. That set up looks pretty good. One of these days I'll have to give it a try. Tonyb - nice job on identifying the fish.
  16. I'm not quite sure why I'm having such a good start to the season but I'm not complaining. The first outting of the season was a bit slow but since then I've done really well. Maybe it's because I keep forgetting the camera, I don't know. Report 1 This year I decided to take my birthday off and go do some crappie fishing. It ended up being a great decision as I probably boated around 60 fish for the day. A lot of small to medium fish but enough keepers to make me happy. Here's a shot of a couple of the keepers. Report 2 The following weekend was walleye opener and I hooked up with my buddy Mike and his buddy Andrew for the day. It started off very cold and windy but that just seemed to have the fish turned right on. I boated 5, Mike boated 4 and Andrew got the 2 biggest ones that were around 4 pounds each. Like I said I keep forgetting the camera so no pics for this report. Report 3 On the opening day for walleye my brother and his buddy John took my Dad out for some Simcoe whities. They did very well with each getting a limit. So I couldn't resist passing on this action so i took my Dad out the for some more. Well my Dad could seem to get them up but he sure was a great net man. 2 whitefish and a laker for me. Now where were these fish during the Tyler G2G??? Nice laker And a pair of whitefish. Man did they ever taste good! Here's a shot I also took that weekend of the moon and Venus. I thought it looked pretty cool. Report 4 This past weekend I went out with my buddy Ken who I'll be going to Kesagami with in less then a month We started out to go for some eyes but on the way to the lake the winds died off and we changed our plan, back for lakers and whities. I started off the day by loosing one after about 5 minutes of fishing. Then nothing for about 2 hours, time for a change. We moved onto another one of my spots and we manage a few hits but still nothing in the boat. I was beginning to think that I had cursed myself by loosing the 1st one of the day. So we moved one more time and it was a good thing we did. Well for me anyways. I managed a small laker and a whitefish and had a few swing and misses. Ken had a few fish come and say hello but just couldn't get one up. He suggests that we move back to where we started so off we went. We pulled up on the spot and marked fish like crazy. We dropped our lines down and bang! Fish on for me. After a nice fight I pulled in a nice 7 pound laker. We gave the spot a few more minutes but had to call it a day. Thanks for the great netting job Ken. Whitey Pair of lakers Now I'd rather be taking these pictures on the water but like I said I keep forgetting the camera. I am going to pack it right now so i don't forget it for next weekend. Hmmmmmm maybe I should just leave it at home.
  17. I forgot about this. At least my brother and I got to test out the new clams. They were awesome!
  18. Way back in February we did our annual ice fishing trip. This year the destination was Temagami. We were all pretty pump for a great trip but the fish didn't cooperate for us. Some beautiful scenery and some great company certainly made up for the lack of fish. My brother had one laker to the hole and lost it, well I kinda screwed up on the landing job, sorry bro. I had one tiny ling of about 9 inches and that was all. Oh well there is always next year. Enjoy the sights. Sunrise We sure ate real good! Sunset
  19. Maybe Fisher didn't but I did. LOL! Oh ya! 8 pound test is fine.
  20. Great report Cliff. Looks like good times for all and for a good cause to boot. Good on ya!
  21. My condolences to you Lew and your family. I remember reading Ed's post a couple of months or so ago about buying his dream home and thinking that's the way to do it. If you want something, then go for it. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy each moment. It's something I think we can all learn from. He will certainly be missed my many. Very sorry for you lost Lew.
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