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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Good points Dan. I've been on dozens of fly ins, as it was part of my job years ago. Never had a bad experience but they were all bending over backwards to please us. In a couple of weeks I'll be going on my first fly in trip (outpost camp) in about 20 years. I'm going in with 5 other guys of which I know one. The one I do know I have fished with a couple of times and always had a good time. He's the one who has organized the trip and I feel I can trust his judgement. He has assured me that it's a great group of guys, they have been doing it for years. With the emails that have been going back and forth I do believe it's a great bunch to be sharing a few days with. I guess that is Moosebunk's #2 point. His number one point is taken care of as well as a buddie of mine was at the same lake a couple of weeks ago and they caught over 800 walleye during their stay. With the meals that are planned it's bound to be an excellent trip. Good people, good fishing and good food, what more do you need? I've also been told by my buddy the the cabin was in excellent shape as were the boats and motors. I'll have my report at the end of the month.
  2. That is one happy kid!! Priceless. Sure beats what I did last night, cutting the grass and an oil change on the truck. Yep lots of fun here. Great report Cliff.
  3. Congrats!! The hard work obviously paid off.
  4. So what's the scoop? lol. I drove by there a couple of weeks ago but it was closed.
  5. A man of few words but many pictures. The pictures speak for themselves. Great report and good to see ya back.!
  6. Hey Wayne, Congrats to daughter #1. That's a great shot, well except for the tie. LOL! (I'm with ya on this one HH) Hafe a safe summer and looking forward to your reports.
  7. Last year for Father's day I was invited to a friends place for the annual rib cook off. It's a family get together and the winner has the honour of having their name embroidered on the BBQ Boss Apron. Being the new guy I had to make an impression. So after many hours of research I put together a process and ended up winning the contest! There were a dozen entries and I'll be damn if I didn't win. I was quite surprised. So if you would like an award winning recipe I'll send it on when I have a bit more time.
  8. If not his own boat Wayne, then at least he could have it cleaned out so I can store mine in there for the winter.
  9. FANTASTIC!!!! :clapping: :thumbsup_anim: Although I won't be at the main lodge, it's nice to hear about the service you got. We're up to Floodwood Lake, one of their outpost camps at the end of June. Yea I know that I'll be missing Lakair. The fly-in seemed to good to pass up and after reading your report TJ and talking to my buddy about his trip in a couple of weeks ago, I think I may have made the right choice, maybe not. Report to come! Thanks for putting together one awesome report TJ!
  10. Those were some nasty wounds and no I didn't take a couple of bites there Kennyman. lol I'm not a big fan of sushi. I don't think it was another fish, maybe a prop or some kind of fish grabber. I forgot to mention that all fish were released, got to keep the fish gods happy. I think most of us have had to battle the curse of a hangover at one time or another Caper. I'm finding as I get older this body of mine just can't rebound like it use to. I must be getting old.....lol
  11. Quite a few years ago I had the opportunity to fish with Randy Carlyle. Well him and Bob fished, I did the camera work. Great guy lots of laughs and leant me his floatation suit for the duration of our trip. Top notch in my books. GO DUCKS GO!!!!
  12. Great pics and a great report as well. Thanks for sharing.
  13. I had my sunscreen with me just put it on a little too late. My burn wasn't too bad but enough of a reminder not to do it again, until the next time. I've been pretty good this year in putting it on before I leave the house. Now I know why, once your out on the water your mind is on other things. Speedy recovery to all!
  14. Great report! Sun, fun and fish to boot! Looks like a great day to me. As for the sunburn, how the healing process. The pain is pretty much gone from mine I think there are a few of us that need to remember sunscreen before we head out next time.
  15. Well as I said in a previous post I was having a great year but kept forgetting the camera. On Saturday I managed to remember it and the fishing was still pretty good. I was hoping to meet up with a couple of my buddies but their brown bottled friends were way to kind to them on Friday night. Needless to say I fished alone but still had a good time. Started off the day looking for some eyes and found 1 12incher and 2 small muskies. One about 1.5 pounds and the other around 3-4 pounds. I changed locations and started looking for muskies trolling around to cover some water quickly. I was watching the finder and marked a ton of hooks on the screen. I punched in the spot on the GPS and finished off the weedline I was working. The decision was whether I should continue to troll or go back and see if the hooks were still around. Compromise was the solution, troll back and then cast around the spot. Nothing on the troll but more eyes on the spot. Managed 3 more here, one cigar and 2 nice ones. A couple of OOS bass as well that never left the water. Tried for the muskie a few more hours without any luck. A good day none the less and no hangover for this guy to have to deal with. LOL! Here's a couple of pics. Some nasty wounds on this one. Same fish in the about pic.
  16. EXCELLENT REPORT!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  17. Just thought I'd had one more rumour I heard about Bonnie Boats. I've heard from a couple different resources that the plan for the new owners is to put up condos where the marina is now. Remind you of different location? (Tip of the Bay Motel). Just a rumour but to have heard it from a couple of different people. If this is true, you have to wonder if they are really concerned about losing our money.
  18. I'd agree with Terry on this one. I've had two of the Stingrays in the past, one on a 9.9 and one on a 20hp. THe performance after installing was great! Faster to get on plain and better ride. Not sure that it hurt the speed but were only taking about a 9,9 and a 20hp here. Will it help with your leaning problem? Don't know. Might be best to try some of Terry's suggestions first.
  19. My Dad had called Bonnie Boats to confirm the article and it will take effect in about 10 days. As far as I know its $30 for parking and $10 to launch. But this has not been confirmed yet. A couple of years ago it was only $5 to launch and park. Last year went to $10 and you got a notice to pay and they took down your plate number. (If you hadn't already done so.) A lot of people were taking off without paying so this was put into place. I was fine with that as the launch was open before they opened for business, no inconvenience to me, could still get out fishing and square up once back on shore. But now with this possible $40, $30 minimum, I guess I'll be fighting for a spot at the provincial park when I head up that way. I don't feel like doubling my cost to go fishing. I wonder if this will be in effect for the ice fishing season as well? I see you have confirmed this BBOG. Thanks for the memories Bonnie Boats, GOOD-BYE!
  20. That's the way my unit seems work as well Terry. I've got the fishhawk 480, seems to work very well but a bit slow on the refresh rate. The Lowrance with the extra power and higher resolution does work better, especially when still fishing. imo
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