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  1. Unexpected success this morning. Storm coming
    4 points
  2. Without question, Ontario does not have nearly enough COs. Doug
    3 points
  3. good practice for duck season indeed. My take on the cull is there has to be some form of use for the birds, the problem might be that we end up with a lot of rotting birds from guys that shoot and just leave them. Which then brings about disease and other issues. Kudos to you for being a good steward and actually following the rules. Guys calling ducks and shooting at them out of season shouldnt be hard to figure out, its not like shotgun shots are quiet. The problem is that there may not be enough CO's to keep this kinda garbage from happening, just as it always is.
    3 points
  4. Not a fishing tale but a whole lot of fun for sure! Being new to hunting, it has opened a whole new world to me. Part of this is stewardship, not something I really understood, still don't in some cases however when it comes to the Cormorant population/problem, it really can't be ignored. As a fisherman I did notice their destruction yet never really paid attention to it but seeing it now through a hunters eyes, man, yes this is something I can get behind. There is literally 10's of thousands of them (maybe a slight exaggeration) on Lake Simcoe and Cooks Bay has a metric crap ton of them for sure. Honestly never thought I'd get behind culling, but here I am! Not going to lie had one hell of a great time. My buddy knows a farmer that takes them, believe for fertiliser. Also noticed what tends to be a lack of knowledge on some hunters parts of what is open right now! I've been out twice since Goose opener, and while I haven't noticed any ducks being shot, you definitely know some of them were shot at, even hearing duck calls out there. Good thing is I have seen the CO at one of the launches so if anyone does stray from the regs hope they get caught. Also got my first goose, that was fun.
    2 points
  5. Gifted my oldest grandson with a couple of river gifts. He has become quite the river rat. Seems to be following in the steps of poppy and his dad. Dad and son have have been having a great re bonding. Brings joy to my heart. He will grow into the new stick, a pin will be a couple years away, but a spinning reel will do for now.
    2 points
  6. What a mountain to climb to catch those fish. Nice to read a story from someone passionate about getting out there and doing what it takes to land those fish. I don’t know what’s farther away the north or the people of the north.
    1 point
  7. For me it's the Vibrato. When they say lures are made to catch fishermen, they must've been talking about this lure. It will catch your float suit, pant leg, even the inside of your rod case.
    1 point
  8. A wonderful read. Looking at the pictures of those beautifully coloured fish I feel envious. However as you explain so well, you make sacrifices to have the opportunity of catching them. I selfishly hope you aren't demoralized to the point of giving up your northern adventures. The patients you see while there surely feel that way too, even if lots of them act like jerks. Thank you again for your time and effort to share with us.
    1 point
  9. Beautiful fish...thanks for the entertaining read !
    1 point
  10. As always a great adventure and read. Thanks for that.
    1 point
  11. I am not big on the monarchy but I had lots of respect for the queen. Those who have a tendency to criticize her will have lots of time later. For now, give it a rest! I really liked the bit she did with Paddington bear. By all accounts she was quite kind with a great sense of humor.
    1 point
  12. I see we can't have an adult discussion on this. Art
    1 point
  13. I added you to my message ignore list ptownhowie so you can stop sending me messages of all your "accomplishments"
    1 point
  14. White gums = Coho Spots only along top of body, especially on the tail (not visible in the picture) = Coho
    1 point
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