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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2021 in all areas

  1. We're heading up to the West Arm tomorrow morning & can't wait to get there. 👍
    3 points
  2. I think the lakes around minden and haliburton are open next weekend, Check fmz 15
    2 points
  3. Zone 8 open all year got this slob today
    2 points
  4. And to think I just threw this 26" RCA out, still working. Bought it on a Friday night at Krazy Krazies in 1982, so we could watch bugs bunny in colour on Saturday morning.. .
    2 points
  5. You won't believe the places this thing will go..... we just picked them up on Saturday. Well you know the first thing we had to do was drive them down the road, through a ditch and into the river. Swamp grass, water, mud, beaver dams, you name it, we tried it and all they did was keep amazing us. We ended up hitting a little lake we knew for some pike, OMG amazing, we caught so many fish we lost count, ( you couldn't get there any other way) we went places you couldn't get with a boat or an ATV, we went places where you couldn't walk. We went places you couldn't get to even with a float plane, ( well you might make it in but getting out would have been a challange 😊 Now I will admit you can get them stuck. Yup I did LOL, I tried to cross a small creek just wider than my wheel base, it was deep with very steep sides, ya, my son did have to winch me out. Well if you don't get one stuck you don't know what it takes right ? 😊 IMG_1325.MOV
    1 point
  6. Hello guys, My name is Joel Theriault and I wanted to introduce my family’s tourism operation based in Northern Ontario, Canada (1 hour west of Timmins). We have a drive-in lodge, cottages, boat-in camps, and fly-in camps. We host all types of groups looking for outdoor adventures. Here’s a few of my pictures. You can find us at www.airivanhoe.com If you have any questions, please reach out! Cheers, Joel Theriault 705-899-2155
    1 point
  7. I have a couple of grand daughters, aged 10 and 8, that I have managed to get really excited about fishing. They live in Smithville and I am trying to find some spots in that area where I can safely take them fishing. They are obviously at the "little and often" stage in their fishing careers, (ie lots of action!). If anyone had any suggestions they would be greatly apprectiated. Thanks
    1 point
  8. Did you have to cross the room to change channels or did you have the Kleenex box sized remote on a cord? the one with about 15 buttons in a row with a 3 way rocker making it a 45(ish) switch remote
    1 point
  9. nope, can only be totally replaced. very pricy
    1 point
  10. Going to be at the cottage Not sure if I will be in the yak, the dock or the boat but will definitely be fishing lol
    1 point
  11. Water is still cold enough for whites. 😁
    1 point
  12. That’s how most musky days end lol especially on g bay sinker…I can’t tell you the number of days I’ve fished musky on g bay and I’ve still never caught a big one hahahaa that’s why saturday, running the boat wide open, money on the line, 5 fish….there’s nothing better
    1 point
  13. heading to Bass Lake in Haliburton
    1 point
  14. I think you are just trying to deal with some unfinished business from last fall lol damn musky guys are like vegans…WE GET IT, you musky fish! Lmaooo
    1 point
  15. thanks Cliff. totally agree about driving through North Bay, hate it. I honestly don't know if I'll be heading up there this year, which sucks cuz it's been a few years since I've been up on the West Arm. Think it was the year Kevin passed, but before Leslie sold Lakair, which I miss sooo much. This pandemic sucks
    1 point
  16. Somewhere in the Frontenac area..... or pull a complete 180 and head into Quebec. Depends on weather.
    1 point
  17. on my fishfinder my waypoints 4, 17, 18, 21, 25 and 27 are all spots you can find bass. Hope you get into some!
    1 point
  18. I have been lucky enough to have taken quite a few trips over the last 15 years or so Every one has been special in its own way - but there are a few traditions we have worked in that are maybe not that traditional? https://www.northernjacks.com/post/enhance-your-trip-experience Cheers and as always thanks for checking it out Andrew
    1 point
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