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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2021 in all areas

  1. Good play by the president of the United States to use subtle sarcasm when talking about treatments during a global pandemic. Top notch stuff
    4 points
  2. I don't believe Trump ever had Covid in the first place. Was just a ploy to show his followers how easy this "flu" is to recover from.
    3 points
  3. Tide pods.. Just eat a bunch of those and you'll be fine.
    2 points
  4. I tried the chlorox and it didn't work. Should have gone with the javex
    2 points
  5. 54 year old PSW from Roberta House in Barrie is waiting for a double lung transplant due to covid effects. It's not just deaths, it's the after effects many are having. Also scares me to death that my pregnant Daughter is the lead Architect currently working the redesign of the very same facility..
    2 points
  6. I get the kids to step up on the main motor. Not perfect, but it works. Although my nephew did use the transducer last time as a step lol
    2 points
  7. I was going to get her mounted to match the 15" I already have mounted to make book ends but had no means of preserving the fish, would of been a waste so back she went.
    1 point
  8. I am in the Logistics business (including moving air freight). Most air freight flies on commercial passenger planes. It's generally not economically viable for an airline to fly without one or the other.
    1 point
  9. He said he didn’t want to be apart, plus the hospitals are slammed in that area, and younger peoples and kids usually bounce back quick. That’s an awful story.
    1 point
  10. Have you tried making fish finder screen little smaller and nav screen bigger.
    1 point
  11. Very surprised that the mother came back to tend to them; after your scent was on the baddies. My dad raised domestic rabbits; on average he would have 300 + at a time. If we went into a nest to early. Most times the mother would abandon them and these rabbits knew our sent? Maybe wild rabbits are not the same? Dan.
    1 point
  12. My Wife is a teacher. It’s a disaster, anyone who thinks differently is kidding themselves. My kids aren’t learning at the rate they should be, and again my Wife is a teacher, but she’s doing her job at the same time and trying to teach our kids when she’s not working. The only one that’s doing anything is the one in University. But he’s at a whole different level in his development than the two young ones. I can’t imagine how other parents are coping with it. I have discovered I would make a very poor teacher!
    1 point
  13. It’s tough, my wife is off now also and she basically has to sit with him most of the day. He’s 7, I can see some older kids doing alright with it, but being younger and he also has ADHD it’s a bit of a struggle. I can’t imagine trying to teach 20 kids on zoom. I really really hope the kids go back to real class in the fall, kinda lost hope for this year. There is going to be a massive education gap with kids, some were able to flourish online, some not, some probably weren’t even able to with both parents working essential jobs and such.
    1 point
  14. A friend is a grade 4 teacher and she says normally with in class teaching the kids learn very well but when they're doing it on-line they just don't grasp things as easily. Plus no interaction with friends is very tough on them.
    1 point
  15. X2 wow is right. At the end of the day people should have the freedom to choose how they want to live. Either in fear or the choice not to. If you want to stay home and live in fear that’s your choice but I along with probably many other refuse not to. I refuse to let someone else ruin my life and my livelihood, when I worked my f’n ass off to build my company to where I am starting to see progress. The survival rate is 98% respectively for most age groups who are healthy. I currently know 2 people with COVID who are fine and know several people who have had COVID and all have recovered. Most people who have died in the past year in Canada even when COVID wasn’t the direct cause had COVID written as the cause of death. They’re are countless videos on the internet with hospitals from all over the world showing COVID units and ICU units empty. A simple search will show the videos. As stated above the overdose deaths in Canada have increased over the last year but no one has reported on that. The suicide rates in Canada have increased as a direct result to COVID and lockdowns but no one reports on that. The oncology departments are operating at 60% respectively and once COVID is over there will be a dramatic increase in cancer diagnosis or people who could have their lives saved with a diagnosis. But no one reports on that. Not to mention all of the respiratory and health affects and skin affects constant mask wearing have. The flu has seemingly all but disappeared this year which is also a virus spread in a very similar was to COVID. However social distancing measures have all but eliminated that but not COVID. And dispite some of the strictest lockdowns COVID cases still rise? Something just doesn’t add up for me. But what do I know, I’m just a dumb construction guy sharing my worthless 0.2.
    1 point
  16. A post like this brings it home. While some of us gripe about not being able to go camping, others have real problems. Condolences.
    1 point
  17. I think this phrase is key. As someone who believes there is more to this life than what we see here and now, I am not afraid of dying. When we get older there are many things that could take our life that younger people would not fear. Covid is just one of them! So when that day comes for me, I imagine I will want to spend as MUCH of my time left as possible with family and other loved ones! I often wonder if you ask Grandma and Grandpa "Would you rather live another 2 years locked away, isolated from loved ones OR would you rather have 1 more year surrounded by the love of your family"...which would they choose? For me, it is a no brainer. I would take quality over quantity any day. I have heard of many people who have pulled family members out of nursing homes for that exact reason, and I applaud them for it (and my family has permission to do the same to me if a time like this happens again when I am older!)
    1 point
  18. Canada’s leaders are so clueless. Lockdowns do not work. This is the fourth one and every time Covid just comes back. Live with it. Look at TX and FL, wide open, no masks and doing as fine or better than Canada and any other State. Canada has become a lockdown and isolationist Country within it is borders and outside of them. How crazy is it they outlaw golf, maybe fishing and other outdoor activities? They have lost it. Canada’s leaders should be fired. No planning to manufacture the vaccines and they use lockdowns as excuses. Meanwhile, many business will fail and people are losing valuable time in their lives by not being allowed to do anything. But, hey people that like lockdowns, must love a Socialistic/Communist country as that what is happening. Learn to live with Covid, it is not going away. I and my son have had Covid and it was like a bad flu. Just fine now. In the US over 70 percent of the population over 65 now has had the vaccine. 1/2 the Country has one shot. What the heck have Canada leaders done. Absolutely nothing!
    1 point
  19. 1000000 percent, I've said that since the beginning protect the vulnerable and let most live their lives. They even said in the beginning that they were going to put an Iron ring around the retirement homes. "" Numbers "" I don't believe they test 50-60 thousand people every day and have all the results back the next day and I don't believe for a second they aren't screwing with the numbers each time to have more of less cases. It seems like they've tested the entire population of the province a number of times so far. I believe it is a real virus and is killing, but have lost all confidence I did have in any Politician or government. Everyone saying outdoor activities are fine, gee lets close outdoor activities. It's all a spin all the time every time they talk and I hate it all. They had been talking about a 2nd and 3rd wave forever but did nothing to prepare for it. What pisses me off more is a few weeks ago they seemed soooooo surprised with the numbers they were getting and the variant taking off when they had been projecting 10k cases a day for months and months and months and were always wayyyyyyy off. Left borders open for the very variant that we are dealing with now and the double double triple mutant is already here. How Trudeau is even allowed to still govern is amazing.
    1 point
  20. This lockdown may have good reasoning; but it sucks big time. I had to say goodbye to my fishing partner, best friend, my elder brother this week. After fighting years of cancer, it finally took him last Monday night! I had a half hour with him at the funeral home; as many people were waiting outside to show their respects to this man. This morning I wasn't allowed to attend the funeral and church service for him; because of this frigging lockdown. I had to sit here at home and watch the service on youtube; total Bull!!! What a shame a man that had nothing but love for all of his family; which a large part of this family wasn't allowed to attend. I'll follow the covid rules; but for damn sake lets get a handle on it. I'll miss you Morris; sorry I wasn't able to be with you!
    0 points
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