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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2021 in all areas

  1. Here's more info to stick into your brains. New studies have reported that a substantial number of those deemed recovered have been readmitted to hospital and died within 120 days of being released from hospital. This is a scary thought that a good number of people that were very sick with the virus and thought they were lucky to have survived end up dead months later because of complication from the virus. The reported numbers only report deaths that happen within 28 days of hospitalization. The death toll could be quite a bit higher if these deaths are included in the figures. Earlier in the pandemic Those people that were still suffering the effects of the virus 120 days after initial infection (like myself) were reported to be about 2% of cases. Now it's reported to be about 10%. Also the percentage of people with long term symptoms (longer than 30 days) is reported to be 33%. As the pandemic continues I would expect the numbers to change. The good thing is medical professionals have learned a lot and have new treatments to help preserve life. The bad thing is this virus can cause life long issues and may very well shorten life expectancy of a number of those infected.
    3 points
  2. as should be expected with time. Treatment, detection etc. has improved as the pandemic has rolled on. It truly is not as dangerous as it was when it commenced however the mortality rate in those over 60 years of age is still unacceptably high, hence the considerable concern with increasing case numbers. Man I cannot wait for the vaccine to hopefully get this thing to a point where we can go about our lives again.
    3 points
  3. When I was in university taking statistics our profs made it very clear that you can prove basically any point (often opposite points!) by looking at the same set of statistics. For instance...you might say "there are 300 people on ventilators in Ontario due to covid, isn't that terrible"? Someone else might say "there are 450 hospitals in Ontario, with only 300 people on ventilators. Isn't that great? Not even 1 person per hospital (on average) needing a ventilator". The key is, you have to look at information with a critical mind. Don't just say someone has "spewed misinformation" and used "false statistics" simply because you prefer the message the other side says. Do you really know that their information is accurate? Have you been present at all the testing? Of course not. We just tend to "agree" with the information that suits are belief. But does that make your opinion correct and the other person wrong? We can't discount something as false if we don't really know so. Many prominent doctors agree with Baber. Shoot, even the previous Chief Medical Officer of Health in Ontario, Dr. Richard Schabas, who served for over 10 years in that capacity, has publicly stated that Baber is correct. Who are we to say "one guy is lying" when you have real professionals on both side of the argument? Like most situations, the truth generally lies somewhere between the 2 opinions. But let's put it this way...real life, not depending on "information" that neither of us can prove. I am a funeral director and I have been partially laid off for almost a year. Every single funeral director I know has also been partially (or fully) laid off in the past year. 25 years I have been doing this, and NEVER in my career have I ever seen a single director laid off. Now everyone I know has? You don't think that is a bit ironic? Funeral directors laid off in a pandemic? That is real life...not a statistic. All I am saying is don't be so quick to discount an opinion simply because you disagree with it. Laid off funeral directors are living proof Baber and Dr. Schabas may have a point.
    3 points
  4. I was surprised to see Roman Baber get ousted for his public letter. Are people not permitted to share their beliefs anymore? Wouldn't the better thing be to prove Baber wrong than to turf him? Figured Ford would reprimand the guy for not following the 'company line' but to boot him over a contrary opinion?
    1 point
  5. That sounds like insider trading, lol. Whatever works.
    1 point
  6. Sometimes it helps to have buddies in the outdoors industry............turns out a buddy of mine (Vortex optics) knows the sales rep for Eskimo, who knew of a Quick Flip 1 that was in a warehouse somewhere...............and it's on its way. Thanks for the advice, folks! Now let's get some of that hard water, eh! Doug
    1 point
  7. Rizzo, laughed when I saw your Avitar... Must have been a great photographer Fun day.
    1 point
  8. Same here, in fact they don't even wait till election time, the Conservatives just booted a previous leadership contender for being a bit too conservative.
    1 point
  9. this is my concern is that a mutation occurs that is vaccine proof. Then we are back to square one. Difter, a good friend of mine is an avid runner, young healthy and is still experiencing lung issues when exercising months later. This is a guy who was in tip top shape healthy and young. He is genuinely concerned that he may never fully recover due to permanent damage caused to his lungs.
    1 point
  10. Actually you need to take the number of deaths and divide it by the total number of resolved cases (recovered + deaths) as the total case count also adds in cases that are still active.
    1 point
  11. Just put an aditional 6 lbs in the freezer 😊
    1 point
  12. I think you may have missed the point with your first statement. My claim is that depending on your opinion, you can use those statistics to prove it. People have a starting point (hypothesis) and then use that data to support it. So whether you want to be a fear monger, or whether you want to say it really isn't that bad, you can find a way using the same set of numbers. With respect to the survival rate - I also don't get where this 99.98% comes from. Like you said, pretty simple math gets you to somewhere around 97.5 to 98% survival rate. Having said that, this is based on reported cases. I personally know around 15 people who have gotten covid...only 3 of them ever went in to get tested. So in this small sample size (people I know) the cases were actually 80% higher than what the statistics show! All the others immediately figured they had it and right away isolated from friends, family and co-workers. The point here, is that the number of cases is significantly higher than what is reported. As soon as you raise that denominator in the equation, guess what, your percentage changes...and possibly by a lot! So is the survival rate 97.5% like the government shows? Or is it 99.98% like the others say? As I mentioned earlier...it is probably somewhere in between. p.s...if anyone is worried about those 15...they are all fine.
    1 point
  13. Sobey's fresh whole skinless pork bellies $3.88/lb starts January 21.
    1 point
  14. yes he is open but the number no longer works. If you go at a prime time I assume you will find him there. Non prime time (ie weekdays) he is hit and miss
    1 point
  15. I saw cars and open doors on Sunday. Looks like it is still in business.
    1 point
  16. Maybe a name change, read somewhere else it's still open.
    1 point
  17. Agreed, It seems like 85 percent of the comments on articles and on Twitter don't agree with much of what the government is doing, and are against this lockdown. I would be super pissed if I owned a small shop or restaurant and forced to close when I could easily space 10 people inside and follow protocols, yet every big box is open and has hundreds of people. It's also pathetic that they keep letting flight after fight come in to the country but I'm not supposed too see my close friends? It would be nice if the other side of the story the damage of locking everyone down was able to be out there and acknowledged.
    1 point
  18. Yet under your avatar picture it says Administrator twice and if you click on the button right at your picture it says your a Moderator, so I'm sure that's where the confusion came from.
    1 point
  19. I guess it's ok if an administrator makes a political comment here though😉
    1 point
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