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  1. Little lake, big fish.
    2 points
  2. Sounds like a video game.... "OFN - The Gathering" Those were the days alright!
    2 points
  3. Oh I got the same thing from the mrs,s. Then I brought her up and well,she had a good time.
    2 points
  4. I watched it too, if I am not mistaken they weren't fishing the West Arm they were fishing north of the West Bay closer to Lavigne. First G2G I went to everyone here including my family and friends thought I was nuts. Your going where?, to do what?, with people you only know via the internet? 😲 Good times for sure, made numerous trips and always had a good time. My son asked me awhile back if we could go back, he still remembers Lew's wife treating him with a piece of pie.
    2 points
  5. Yup,splake and white fish at the same spot out from the mouth of the notty in the mid 70,s and up to the late 80,s. Now all gone. Very nice coloured fish there.
    1 point
  6. Comes in very handy, she made three huge pizzas Saturday and they were all ready at the same time! Lots of room for a family get together no lugging food down stairs. daughter that lives with has it all set up after she sold her house in Bowmanville.
    1 point
  7. Big Dave Drifter, I hope you haven't permanent damage. It sounds like you beat the Grim Reaper. Remember what I said long ago about enjoying things while you can. Dave I missed where you said Dad passed. Our deepest condolences to you. We lost Mom and Dad within 8 months of one another about a year or so ago after living very long fruitful lives, 92 and 86 respectivley. My wife and I are glad that they didn't have to live through this covid thing sitting in thier apartment isolated from us all.
    1 point
  8. Nice, my splake experience was limited to those laker backcross hybrids that we got in Georgian Bay tribs fishing Steelies in the fall in the late 80's. Some were a good size but never as nicely coloured up as that. They were good eating as long as you got them before the September closer as they were not included in the extended fall season.
    1 point
  9. 60 Minutes ran a segment last night about "Long haulers" and no, they don't mean truck drivers. Just another level of nastiness being delivered by this virus... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-long-haulers-60-minutes-2020-11-22/ HH
    1 point
  10. 2002 John, the first gathering.
    1 point
  11. That was what 2003 ish Chris? I think I joined the year after and never missed a GTG after that. Good times indeed.
    1 point
  12. Sure do miss those days. Made some long lasting friendships.
    1 point
  13. I had my basement done in 2018. Drew my own plans, not to scale but very close. Got 3 quotes and they were as different as night and day. We do this we do not do that. I was going to do my own plumbing and move a water tank (with help of a master plumber/gas person and my own supplies) saved lots of labour and on my own time; new sewer lines, custom bathroom, water gas and fixture installation. . .I could have bought my own electrical supplies at almost cost, not. I did decide and made my comments insurance . . . Timeline was 6 weeks. He did what was needed and if it was not what I wanted it got fixed right there. I wanted LED counter lights in another kitchen, NO problem . . . No charge, never a no charge , a small addition, generator hook up cost me $100 (a tip) he did the box work. YET, a six week job went to 8 months. I had no care what was the hurry was just get it done, he never shut me out and any changes were done. I never agreed with him suppling what he had no idea on anything I wanted so we agreed, I would purchase kitchen/counter installed, flooring, bathroom fixtures and flooring, he installed. got these a great prices while I shopped and got quotes. The project turned out amazing. We collaborated and agreed, he gave some and I did my own thing to find what I wanted at the right price, a nice project with no nightmares. We sat and had many espressos with home made goods my wife supplied while they worked. Just a happy ending.
    1 point
  14. This isn't a post about how much weight I have gained during Covid 19 (although it could be as I am up at least 15 lbs since March) I was lucky enough to have a brother who saved every penny and at 17 bought a Lund Big Fisherman with a 25 HP Johnson Tiller I can't even count how many hours I spent in that boat but it was a lot My ode to the boat and some of my favorite stories here https://www.northernjacks.com/post/big-fisherman Cheers Andrew Me with a Haliburton Musky in the Big Fisherman
    1 point
  15. I hear yah Lew! Nothing I hate worse than doing someone else's job! Bell's burial supervisor promised me this 650' of phone line would be buried "the Wednesday after the long weekend". Guess I should have asked which, but didn't think I needed to considering that was the Thursday before the Canada Day long weekend! This 650' of lightning attractant has been lying on the ground for a week short of 5 months and cost us an alarm system from Lightning pulses during a storm 2 months ago. Bell won't pay for that either.... why am I not surprised. Couldn't plow snow with it lying there, so took care of it myself with a makeshift burial tool today.
    1 point
  16. Until Justin and his band of merry men find a way to get to it and pay for their spending spree - LOL
    1 point
  17. I didn't read all the posts so if this was suggested sorry. I use NADA.com. It is the Blue Book for used boats, from canoes to yaghts. Find your manufacturer, find the make, year and fill out the questionaire. It will give the average selling price in USD. It is very close to our prices in southern Ontario once converted to CDN funds. Of course things like location will vary prices. A boat in Florida is going to be less than a boat in Nevada.
    0 points
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