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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2020 in all areas

  1. So the last few months we've had quite a few complaints about the shenanigans that go on, generally in Non Fishing Posts, around here. Seems like some people just can't be reasonable and are offending quite a few folks sometimes very deliberately. We do our very best to try to keep this a moderated board, it's not facebook after all and we want everyone to feel comfortable here. I have never ever been a big fan of removing/banning people from the forum / board. I also have tried my best to keep most of the discussions in one place, (for 20 years now) but sadly I think we are done with that... so without any further ado, were announcing a couple changes for the better. 1st thing: all posts that are not Fishing or at least outdoors or outdoor equipment related should be posted in our new sub forum. (if they are not, they will be moved there) Non-Outdoors Open Discussion You'll notice we've moved some posts there already! We've had a lot of feedback from folks that really only want to see fishing or outdoor posts when they first get on there, but I've always said that as a COMMUNITY we should feel free to be able to ask for help and discuss subjects that are not outdoor related, so now there is a special spot for that! 2nd thing: We're going to start using some of our Moderation tools a bit more effectively. If a member can't be reasonable, they will be put on whats called ModQ, which means for a period of time all posts will have to be approved by a moderator when one happens log in. Honestly, if a user (ANY USERS - OLD OR NEW) can't be reasonable here and feels the need to troll there are plenty of other places to do it. We will be using this tool more and more in the coming months. If you can't say something nice or in the very least constructive, please don't say anything at all.. (Your Mom should have taught you this already) So that's about it. Have a great day everyone!! Be Safe Out There.
    4 points
  2. You got me hooked on this. Since you posted this I have watched all of season 1, what they have on season 2 and any other video involved... I like it so thanks.
    3 points
  3. Thinking I may work on some hats and decals if anyones intertested..
    2 points
  4. We have a couple of rental condos down here and had our 15 year Wisconsin snowbirds over for real Gulf Coast cooking.
    2 points
  5. Back in 2014 our group made a big jump and completed our first fly in In a word it was epic and have been on 3 since then and are headed out again in 2020 PB walleye were caught, we were stranded in Thessalon and so much more A few quick shots below but you can check the full story here https://www.northernjacks.com/post/50-mission-cap-our-first-fly-in
    2 points
  6. Wow! It IS so nice to be home again. I've missed you guys. Things are good here and I hope that all's well with everyone. I've been scanning the board the last two days or so. The last thread I read was the walleye comb-over and I was going to make J an attractive supper but I'm going with rainbow filets and I don't know anyone important that thin. Looking forward to hearing from you guys. On Saturday, the 25th at 8 pm, I'll draw a name of a person who posted to this thread and send that person a batch of walleye baits. It really IS great to be back.
    1 point
  7. Yeah Nick, they are FULLY scamming the OFC name!!
    1 point
  8. Friend of mine send me these, thought you guys might find these funny and get over the hump day blues! 🍻
    1 point
  9. Awesome, it's a great series! Episode 3 airs tonight!
    1 point
  10. He made me laugh till my sides hurt he will be missed
    1 point
  11. Did a Sunday Pot Roast on Monday. Mushroom gravy, roasted tators and carrots as well as steamed Broccoli. Some of the left over Roast is going to be Beef Stroganoff this evening.
    1 point
  12. I only ever tasted Scotch once in my life and that was about 45 years ago in the Bahamas. It was the most offensive thing I ever tasted and I think I told my wife I'd rather drink diesel fuel. LOL Must be an acquired taste thing.
    1 point
  13. I like this guy already,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    1 point
  14. Looks a lot like mine I used a 10” turf tire yours looks much smaller
    1 point
  15. Your girl friend says hello..
    1 point
  16. At this time in a wet, damp, cold, cloudy and just miserable winter with another trip south months away I could really use a Taro fix. If I had 10% of his energy I would be doing a 10K run, OK 2K. I am having trouble getting to the show. Laptop says "site unavailable" or some such thing when I Google it. Can someone please give me a link to Face Book or where ever I can see the new series. Loved the last one. Moosebunk, bang on post. A member of The Great Generation at the plant once told me, "Make them come up to your level, never go down to theirs." That was over 40 years ago and it should be plastered at the top of every social media site. By the way my God Daughter just had her second Strawberry haired baby, in a row!!. You guys may just be taking over the planet Earth soon. Bill Taylor was the man. WW2 veteran and leader of men. He lied about his age and went to Europe at 17 years young. Some 17 year olds then and now were and are afraid to leave their basements. He was famous for holding court on the Blast Furnace Cast House floors sketching diagrams in chalk on anything that was flat. R.I.P. Bill.
    1 point
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