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  1. 100% true story Ever have one of those, stay or run feelings ? I had my 6 month eye check up by the specialist this morning. I am always early just to see if I can get in and out and get those darn drops out of my vision system. Blind for an hour it would seem. So like any other visit,I am early. Walk down the hall and go and open the door . I see black and then the loud alarm sirens. Oh crap this is not going to be good. I look up along the hall way for cameras. Then I think to myself,wait,my finger prints are on the handle. Do I run ? Do I stay ? Lady comes out of the office next door. See,s me and I say I just open the door . She says they don't open for another 1/2 hour and I get the " criminal look " stare. I say I did nothing wrong. She then says, THE POLICE WILL BE HERE VERY SOON. HMMMMM, do I stay, or do I go ? With the alarm still going off, I am waiting for the blues to show up anytime . I knew I would not be in trouble, but all that went through my head was a cop showing up with gun drawn. Do I stay ,or do I go ? So I decided I best just stay, sit down in the hall with my hands on my head ., Learning from all those you tubers,I had my cell in hand and ready to hit record. 10 minutes goes by and no one shows. Alarm shuts off. Ok, maybe GIT turned it off . That was the sticker on the door for their security system. It,s now 8:32. I am still in the hall,no one else around . Do I try to open again ? Ah no. I knock 3 times and wait. Someone opens the door and I am asked why are you knocking ? OMG REALLY ? After telling the gals what happen, ( They had no clue what happen ) they tell me, oh ya, the cleaners sometimes forget to lock up. My doc comes in the room and says he got a call about the alarm going off. I said ya,I set it off . He says, that was you ? I said ya, Sorry about that . He says no charge for the visit today. I laughed and said cool. Both chuckle as it,s covered by OHIP. Best part of the whole thing, no blues showed up and me eyes are doing well . Just need to chill more and keep the blood pressure down so I do not get those stupid retina migraines.
    3 points
  2. Call the Mods!!!! Someone hacked Matt’s account!! 🤪
    3 points
  3. There are hockey gods after all! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
    2 points
  4. This was a thing of beauty!!! 😂 https://www.bardown.com/fans-are-having-a-heyday-with-marchand-s-shootout-blunder-1.1426990?fbclid=IwAR2V8di-IK7JEWiY-FkBR_cBG3cnyXbkrT3HgV--rN-_u_u4RLdJNDS-RW4
    2 points
  5. Both you and npt1 had bad days. I have to say in my past days of youth if an alarm went off I never had to decide stay or go. What's wrong with you Brian, when in doubt book it. I always new the response time, all undependable radios and analogue then, but never hung around long enough to have a conversation with someone there. Man that could be the start of a screenplay npt1. I bet you had to go back in the next morning at the steel plant to boot. It couldn't happen on a nice summer evening. They didn't even ask you to join the party and to make it worse you didn't like the car, oh man. I have a few stories but you will need to pay to see the movie and up the 20 bucks for a bag of popcorn. But I'll give you something from the trailer. It's 1972 and I'm fresh out of High School on a partial scholarship to Youngstown State in Ohio. I get a part time weekend job lined up for me by a distant cousin of my Grand Mothers from Buffalo working for a guy that owns cigarette machines and Pin Ball machines they put in bars back then. My job was to go from bar to bar and empty the machines of dimes and quarters put it in a bag and take it back to the office and put it all in a change counter. Never allowed to count it. I'm to young, full of testosterone and fit to even think once about getting jacked up, no one ever even looked my way when I had that bag of money and everyone slumped against the tables and bar knew there was money to be had. Most were totally effed up Viet Nam vets high on something and low on esteem. Coming from Hamilton we never saw that stuff, I really felt for these guys and what really struck me most was these poor guys were only a few years older than me. I'm told to stay home during the day one Saturday but come in at mid night. We all put on coveralls with the names stitched on them, mine say Jimmy. I get in a van with 2 guys I never met and don't know their names, the van has a telephone company logo on the sides. I can small the fresh paint that might not even be dry yet. We drive out of town about an hour and the van stops in a dark shut down for the weekend industrial part of the town. The 2 guys I don't know their names get out and tell me to jump up front and stay in the truck and keep it running, never shut the truck off, never. They put up a ladder on the side of a telephone pole and the skinny guy not the fat guy climbs the ladder and the fat guy holds it. Not 10 minutes later a newer Chevy pulls up and 2 guys in long coats get out and knock on the window where I sit. They ask "What's going on here son?" Since I don't have a clue I don't lie and say "Ï don't really know sir I'm a trainee." They go to the pole, each pull out revolvers and tell my I don't know their name partners to get down from the pole and stand against their car." My partners say something to them I don't hear and they put their guns away and tell them to follow them. I get in the back and ask my new pals "What the F is going on? "Don't worry kid these guys are locals and from now on your name is Bob, they think we are feds, you are a trainee like I told you and you don't know Jack squat." I tell them my coveralls say "Jimmy" on them. The one guy turns and growls "Trainees don't get their own dam coveralls stupid." On we go following these guys. Jack squat is exactly what I know. (Fade to black)
    2 points
  6. No worries B, they would have loved you for a fishing spot, but NOT the good one. many years ago in the Parry Sound area we were ready to go to our camp in the islands and sure enough an OPP boat pulls up to do a check! We had nothing to worry about so the conversation got light. One of my buddies asks “how are the mosquitos out there”, don’t they pull out their guns and point them, “had no problems, we have these.”
    2 points
  7. January 1971, I worked a Sunday 7-3 shift and had plans to go look at a car I was thinking about buying. Very cold day and my car in the parking lot has a flat tire LR, then lug nuts are all really tight and as each one breaks loose on the studs, that sends a painful sensation up my arms, finally get tire changed and I am really cold now. Driving to Beamsville on QEW and my oil warning light comes on, back in the day and on a Sunday, no gas stations open on highway. Had to divert to #8 and hunt up a place to buy some oil, finally found a place and put in 2 quarts of oil. Now its really dark and I am looking for farm house address in a place that I know nothing about, no cell phones back then. lucky for me I ask at a house and get the direction I needed, arrive at the farm and there are cars parked every which way, guy is having a family re-union , lots of people, knock on the door and speak to the car owner, plan is I will keep car for a day to see if I like it. cant locate the damn keys and we look for about half an hour, find them, go outside and start the car and leave the farm in Beamsville. Look at the gas guage and its on fumes, take the 50 road exit to go the highway 8 for fuel and the car runs out of gas on the exit ramp. I am still cold and have not had anything to eat since noon, I see a house light away off the distance and walk to it and knock on the door. 2 elderly ladies wont allow me in to use the phone to call the car owner for help, after 15 minutes of sweet talking, they finally allow me in. I find the car owners number in the phone book and call him to come and get me, on the phone I can hear that he is drunk due to re-union at his house, I thank the ladies and walk back to the stalled car, oh oh , OPP is parked on the ramp and is not a happy camper that the car is on the ramp. I tell him the owner is on his way with gasoline and I will be on my way soon, then I realize that the owner is intoxicated and on his way. Owner shows up and its so cold that the OPP officer stays in his cruiser, put gas in the tank and down the carb but the battery dies and now we have to turn the car he came in and turn it around on the ramp to boost the dead battery, Cop is fuming in his car. Got the car started , OPP left the scene and I told the car owner I did not want the car, we go back to his farm and I say bye bye. Get into my car but cant turn it around due to more family members have arrived, so I have to reverse back to the road down a long dark driveway and yes I go off the driveway and into the ditch, cant get out, go back to the farm house and explain my woes, He says no problem, just use his tractor to pull me out, cant find tractor key , look for 10 minutes to find them, go to barn and tractor wont start, fiddle with it for half an hour and it fires up. Get car out and finally get home in Hamilton ant 11.30 PM, very cold and hungry not to mention uptight, This is true story, I thought about calling Hollywood and asking if they could make a movie about it, what a horrible day it was.
    2 points
  8. Let me get this straight....... The maple leaf fans have put up with three years of MONOTONOUS, ANNOYING, CHILDISH, FOOLISH, INMATURE ,thrash talking bashing and if they fight back......their hypocrites ???
    2 points
  9. I went to Country Meat Cuts but they don't do summer sausages. They let me try their pepperetes so I dropped off 28lb to be turned into that. I used to make sausage at home in the past so, I bought casings from them and made 2 batches from the rest of the meat. I have yet to try making salami, maybe next season.
    2 points
  10. This week's project is pork tenderloin bacon. I made this once before and posted it here I believe. Bacon candy! 🤤 Doug PS) Found it, posted on 23 Aug 18, page 116 on my page view.
    1 point
  11. He's a Cockatiel. I guess they are originally from Australia, so I named him Auzzie. He'll be 19 years old this October. Told my wife I was getting a bird; I didn't tell her that Cockatiels have a 25-30 year life expectancy. LOL Dan
    1 point
  12. Well if they whine and whine about it but then turn around and do the same thing, then yes that would fit the definition.
    1 point
  13. Well, about 45 years ago, a fire fighter buddy and I were driving down the road, under speed limit, QPP red lights stopped us, .38 in driver door, .12 ga in back window. French not that great at the time, I told guy with .38 christ I'm an Army cop, badge in right rear pocket, the other guys a F/F. Short version, they thought we just robbed a bank. I'm driving a VW bug for god sake.
    1 point
  14. I don't come to this thread often but when I do I gain a few pounds just by looking at the feasts and goodies you ALL can make. Spiel you should be a food photographer, not sure about the pay and I am told the food is cold or months old. A late Happy Holidays to all you food gurus. Keep up the traditions but more importantly pass them on if you can find someone interested. I find folks today just order in, easy peasy lemon sqeezy. My God Daughter does like to learn and I can't be happier about it. Growing up they had 7 different days of take out food. Since she got married she has lost 40 pounds after having 2 babies once she started eating regular viddles. If you see this M2B2 I don't text but feel free to call me on something called a telephone. Lot's of catching up to do. Johnny D/Selkirk On. Oh man. Here I am typing about food and almost burned the cabbage I am making for supper. Mom's recipe sort of. Might as well pass it on, nothing special but good food. 1/2 a Savoy cabbage sliced thin in a good sized pot. Sometimes I cut in square chunks. Up to you. Toast about 5 nice cloves garlic in EVO. Add cabbage and get garlic off the bottom of pot get heat up. Add about a cup of stock. (or good wine or a good beer, put 1/2 in drink balance) Salt, black pepper, chili flakes, smoked Hungarian paprika. A splash or more of Red Wine Vinegar. A splash is about a 1/4 cup. Cover, cook until done to preference. Just don't burn it, almost. I've got a pot to clean. Grrrrr.
    1 point
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