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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Before the masses started to show up and all of a sudden, I felt like I was on a lake O trib. Talk about frustrating. I thought a weekday would of been best, but NOPE. Dosent anyone work these days ? Was enjoying fishing the hole with my new friend. Was nice. Then the cast over your line,up over in front of you. MY GAWD. There was no care in the world by these anglers. It,s like it,s a natural thing to do . If the long walks and hikes didn't bother my knee, I would be all alone. Just the way I liked it. Guess I shouldn't complain then eh ? deal with it,or stop river fishing. NOT. I wonder if I would be arrested if I had a fake AK water gun strapped to me ? LOL
    8 points
  2. Paul I'm glad I was one of them Pete, I need to do the same Lew we had a blast, my son still remembers the piece of pie your wife gave him. My first trip to Lakair, I decided at the last minute to go. Drove all night, upon arrival at about 5am I was sitting in a chair down by the docks enjoying an ice cold beer and the first person I met was Maureen, she knew exactly who I was and couldn't believe I was there. Lew was the second, he'd already been up for a half a day lol. Wayne was generous enough to let me bunk in his RV and fish with him. I had a blast and everyone I met at my first G2G would be welcome at my dinner table any day, except for maybe JP, don't know if I could afford to feed him lol. Roy treated me well and I was glad to spend some time with him on a couple occasions.
    2 points
  3. it wasn't big, hit a 10 in. hard bait, 4 trebles & flew out of the water when hooked, beautiful pattern & color. OCTOBER 19TH, I POSTED PICS--the fish in the holding tank, tiger musky, is the fish in this pic.
    1 point
  4. If someone is that close to me to cast over me on that stream I'd lose my mind, lol.
    1 point
  5. I hear the rivers off Hudson Bay aren’t crowded oh and nice fish
    1 point
  6. OK you bunch! Calm down!! The sensitive and easily offended may address the following with hysteria but I'll still give it a go..... I strongly suggest you all try and think about this gruesome issue from a slightly different perspective. A simple perspective... one that may make the more sensitive here upset in it's logic... Ready? A legal expert gave it to me.... Here goes.... start grinding your axes.......start thinking of a way to twist the following..... IMHO nobody can twist this.....OK......? There's the challenge.... The gauntlet has been thrown so to speak..... "To say Cherry is aiming at just immigrants for not wearing poppies means..... he is fine .... just PEACHY.....with all the 'others' NOT wearing poppies. The 'others' get a free pass and don't need to wear poppies" Get it? Understand what I'm saying??? Anyone in their heart of hearts knows the above statement isn't true...... Undeniable TRUTH is that Don Cherry is pissed at ANYONE not wearing a poppy. Think about this perspective. The above logic is irrefutable...... Cherry is happy for anyone wearing it and unhappy with anyone not wearing it. This is a known fact. A logical perspective but missed perspective by many. I missed it til it was explained to me by a lawyer. Again, to complain about him 'picking' on one bunch of people logically means you are saying he is fine with others not wearing poppies. Get it? If not then please reread this post until you do or get someone else to translate for you. Or offer evidence he is complimentary of someone for not wearing a poppy. Maybe he is on his show someplace saying how Ron's jacket doesn't match the red poppy so Ron should toss the poppy to look more fashionable. Something like that. OK you people. All I got........ a lawyer gave it to me and I'm passing it along. Says he can't wait for any logical disagreement with his 'legal' perspective.
    1 point
  7. Looks like 1 to me. I have boated 1 in my life so I must be an expert. If you ever want to start an argument ask a bunch of Musky hunters "Is this a Tiger Musky?"
    1 point
  8. Is it a tiger for sure? It's a real clean and healthy fish.
    1 point
  9. You will not see Babs on HNIC, lol. If he is I'll eat my hat.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Man you would hate fishing the GTA tribs I fish 😂
    0 points
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