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What is your favourite fishing show?  

211 members have voted

  1. 1. Just wondering what everybody's favourite fishing show is

    • The Fish'n Canada Show
    • Bob Izumi's Real Fishing
    • Canadian Sportsfishing
    • Fishing the Flats
    • The New Flyfisher
    • Going Fishing TV
    • Other

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I would have to say that my favourite show is Extreme Angler. Karl Kalonka has so much energy and his instruction is very precise. I go out my way to watch his show i just wish his site had more to watch because i missed the first season.


Other than Bob Izumi I really enjoy Fishful Thinking (Charlie Wray) and Urban Outdoor Adventures (Shawn Richard). Got a real eyeful last weekend with the WFN freeview but nothing that I'd want to watch on a regular basis.


To be honest i would rather just be out fishing. I am not a tv buff as it is. I am partial to dave mercer mostly because i just love his sence of humour on or by the water. Courtney & shelley how the heck did they even manage to get a show? Talk about put you to sleep. That has to be one of the worst. & these shows where they are fishing in burmuda and the carribian and staying at resorts where i would have to second mortage my house. C'mon now. Those shows do not interest me one iota. Honestly though i like to watch all the real life fishing video's on You tube myself. :D


I actually may have to go with Extreme Angler, its pretty much right down to business, informative and no filler. Music is a little much but i'd trade that for watching them catch huge largemouth right in our neck of the woods.

Posted (edited)

Man, I can't believe so many of you are all over Chronzy. He is what he is and he makes no bones about it.He may be a little opinionated and crotchety. He may stretch the truth a little now and again, but isn't that part of fishing history as well. You know the old adage "a fish story" .... well, that may have well started with Chronzy LOL.As far as his shore lunches go I wouldn't mind joining him for a few. I like his articles in the "Ontario Fisherman" mag as well.I sure would love to own his property. WOW! I guess if I could only watch one it'd probably be The Next Bite. I like watcing them catch the toothy critters and Pete Maina seems like he'd be fun to fish with. Talk about a walking commercial though. Just had my first Johnsonville Brats on the bbq at Murphy's Point last week. Not bad actually. Also,Fish n Canada seems to get a bad wrap as well around here and of all the hosts I'd want to fish with Pete Bowman get's the nod as my favorite. I'm not even sure why. I just like the guy. He's very entertaining and down to earth. Seems like good people to me.Fish TV's Ron James (seems like great people too) and Leo Stakos seem to get little airplay, but have a really great balance between teaching and entertainment. I'd like the show even more if I could actually see it more. Get on board with these guys WFN! Shaun Rickards Urban Outdoor Adventures is also one of my favorites because it's educational, shows local areas ( that I have a chance of fishing someday) and has alot less hype and advertising throughout the show. Extereme Angler is also very cool, but in a completely different way. There's headbanging adrenaline :wallbash: and some serious bass action. Pretty hard to fall asleep during this show LOL. I wish there was a little less hype and a little more teaching, but if I'm in the mood this show can be enjoyable (especially having a couple drinks with a fishing buddy). Sorry BigBassRich, I'm not trashing your favorite show and maybe Karl could take a couple pointers from the Action Angling Crew. There are so many shows I enjoy, but most of the shows I like to learn from as well. I'm well behind most of you on this board in the experience and knowledge departments, so I try to take in (and make sense of) as much info as I can. So I look for entertainment but most importantly information. I just thought of one more show that I liked but it totally contradicts this , but I can't remember the name of it. The host looks like Conan O'Brien and he has some great destinations although a little far for me, but the photography was incredible. I love the Yukon pike episode. Somebody post the name of this show for me. Where did it go? Since this has been "dug up" im March of 2008 I'll have to add Simply fishing with Charlie Wray (one of my favorites now), the "New Fly Fisher" show and Dave Mercers new "Facts Of Fishing" show since it didn't exist before. Also the 2008 Extreme Angler shows seem better than ever with more teaching/adviice happening. If I could just shut up that tickertape thing at the bottom of the screen LOL.

Edited by kennyman

I like Izumi and FishTV (always seem to be bassin')... and way back when, used to watch Charlie White on PBS, loved the underwater camera views he had of the bait and fish striking, very informative!!

Posted (edited)






You want entertainment you should get a camera on Me Percher and Pointed some day youll be cleaning snot out of your keyboard :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Edited by BITEME

Still remember watching Red Fisher as a kid and yes, I to have an autographed copy of his poems kickin around somewhere!

If someone really would like to create a unique fishin show, they should gather up all of Red's old shows and put the sound tracks back in them! The talking over the video from the lodge, that the show always employed, always left me with the question "I wonder what they were really saying?" I bet it would be hilarious, but probably R rated!LOL :whistling:


  tonyb said:
I wonder if you know the real story behind what happened to Canadian Sportfishing...


Cronzey...Well he does overdo the shore lunch thing, but you'd be hard pressed to find another fishing show host with as much knowledge on conservation, stocking, mnr politics as he does. Credit where credit is due...


Totally agree!

  danbouck said:
Totally agree!


Actually I agree too.

Funny story about Cronzy: I was paddling by myself through a small lake on the Attwood River system N/E of Armstrong when I spied a vacant outpost camp.

Whenever I do any of these long solo trips I always check the camps for food left behind by fishermen, sometimes it's a goldmine.

Anyhow, I walk in and I'm assaulted by this horrible stench. On the table is a bowl filled with rotting pieces of fried chicken, yech! Although I was so hungry that I "almost" tried a piece anyway :P .

Beyond that there was tons of other non perishable food: pasta and jars of sauce, 2 packs of Kraft Dinner, cans of beans and chili, box of complete pancake mix and syrop, a box of chocolate/marshmallow cookies, 2 cans of peaches, instant coffee, sugar and whitener, several cans of Coke, and BEST of all an almost full 40oz bottle of Crown Royal :P .

On the wall written in magic marker with the date being the DAY before: "Gone Fishin' film crew, Darryl and Josh Choronzey"

THANK'S CRONZ! I lived off your scraps for a full week :D (although I drank a large portion of the Crown Royal at the end of a particularly brutal day and it just about killed me :P )


I too am on the water too often when many of these shows are on & I dont have WFN

but occassionally i'll sleep in on the weekends & catch glimpes of some shows. I do enjoy Getting Hooked, Urban Outdoor Adventures, and Fishful Thinking - good clear, watchable hosts who fish "regular" spots & teach you a few things.


Ive been watching & reading Choronzey (Going Fishing/Ontario Fisherman) since nearly the beginning. Ive said it once & i'll say it again... Darryl is the Don Cherry of Ontario fishing, you may not agree with him, but he says it how it is & isnt affraid of the the outcome & most often is factually correct. And being a Great Lakes (Salmon) guy myself, I almost allways totally agree with his view point.

Guest lundboy
Posted (edited)

Anybody remember Fish Fishburne's show called "Go Fish"?


That guy was absolutely hillariuos! All about fun, never anything serious, just wacky on the water antics and he caught a ton of fish!


He actually changed his name from Claude to Fish legally! (from what I remember)


One episode he wanted to do was on getting hooked and how to remove a hook from yourself. He got tired of waiting for it to happen so he picked up a treble hook and jammed it in his hand!


I wish I could get hold of the tapes.


Now he just sits around in a studio hosting Bass Masters or something... he not like he was in his shows.

Edited by lundboy

Going Fishing THE BEST fishing show on TV,I haven't missed 1 show.Chronzy has been doing a great show for yrs,what other show has a cookout at the end of the show.When he had the fishing mag.it sure beat Ont out of Drs.

Keep up the good work DC

--------------------------------------------GOING FISHING ONLY SHOW TO WATCH------------------------




and I've been fishing for 50 yrs in northern ont.

  lundboy said:
Anybody remember Fish Fishburne's show called "Go Fish"?


That guy was absolutely hillariuos! All about fun, never anything serious, just wacky on the water antics and he caught a ton of fish!


He actually changed his name from Claude to Fish legally! (from what I remember)


One episode he wanted to do was on getting hooked and how to remove a hook from yourself. He got tired of waiting for it to happen so he picked up a treble hook and jammed it in his hand!


I wish I could get hold of the tapes.


Now he just sits around in a studio hosting Bass Masters or something... he not like he was in his shows.


That show rocked. Funny stuff. If fishing wasn't already fun enough he showed me how to goof it up just a little more.


my vote is for Izumi. He knows his stuff, and endorses good products.


There used to be a show on the tube a few years back with a guy from around the Ottawa area but I can't come up with his name.....young guy with black hair I think.


He mostly fished for bass from the area and always put on a good show. I remember one show he did for bass & musky with Big Jim.


No crapola, but a good sense of humour and some interesting stuff.....anybody remember who I'm talkin about ??


There was another 1/2 decent show I used to like with a girl by the name of Karen Monahan ......or sumthin like that.....but I think she got involved in the scandal with Henry & Italo and sorta disappeared from the fish'n scene.


Not to hi-jack the thread or anything but could someone PM me or start a new thread to explain what exactly happen with Henry and Italo. I heard something about poaching but don't really know.


here is a story that was printed about Italo and Henery


April 3, 1998



Two Men Fined A Total Of $1,800 For Fishing Violations

Italo Labignan, 41, of Freelton, Ontario and Henry Waszczuk, 47, of Burlington, Ontario were fined a total of $1,800 today on three charges under the Ontario Fishery Regulations.


Labignan and Waszczuk pleaded guilty to a joint charge of using a hook in a manner to hook whitefish in body parts other than in the mouth. They appeared in Ontario Court (Provincial Division) in Trenton. Labignan also pleaded guilty to a charge under the regulations of failing to release a fish in a manner that caused the least harm to the fish and was fined $200. Labignan and Waszczuk are the hosts of a television show, Canadian Sportfishing.


Conservation Officers from the Ministry of Natural Resources investigated the two men's fishing activities after receiving a complaint. During the investigation, COs seized a number of video tapes. The tapes, along with other evidence, showed the two men as they were videotaped fishing for whitefish in the Trent River in Trenton on November 6, 1995 using a fishing lure commonly called a jig. They caught a number of whitefish, and with the possible exception of one or two fish, the fish were hooked in parts of the body other than in the mouth. The whitefish were re-hooked in the mouth and then the fish were taped being brought in once again.


As part of the sentence, the court ordered them to destroy all video footage for November 6, 1995 that may be in their possession or control. Video footage already seized by the MNR was ordered forfeited.


Labignan's charge of failing to release a lake trout caught during a closed season resulted from an incident on the Trent River in Trenton on November 6, 1995. Labignan obtained a lake trout caught by another angler, hooked it onto his own fishing line, and recorded the fish being brought in.


In addition, Karen Monaghan, 37, host of a TV show produced by Canadian Sportfishing called the Natural Angler of Toronto, was fined $800 after she pleaded guilty to a charge under the Ontario Fishery Regulations of using a hook in a manner to hook whitefish in body parts other than in the mouth.


The court was told this offence also took place at the Trent River in Trenton on November 6, 1995, Monaghan hooked a number of whitefish in body parts other than the mouth using fishing jigs. The fish were then re-hooked in the mouth and recorded being brought in, hooked in the mouth. Monaghan was ordered to destroy all video footage for November 6, 1995 in her possession or control, and a forfeiture order was issued for the video footage already seized by MNR.


Waszczuk is scheduled to appear in Burlington court on April 6, 1998 to answer a charge of fishing in a fish sanctuary, and also in Peterborough court on April 16, 1998 to answer a charge of fishing for bass during a closed season. Both of these charges are under the Ontario Fishery Regulations.







Brian Blomme

Communications Services Branch

TORONTO (416) 314-2095


lm 47 but l have to give a shout out for Red Fisher and the Scuttlbut Lodge. To this day l stll think he had the coolest cabin. Aww l was a kid. Peace Ken

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