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There are not many times that I have forgotten my camera; this was one of them... (Fishmaster and Sonny - please post pics if you have them!)


The day started at 4:00am, grey, dark and very loud in my opinion ( the dang birds at that hour just wouldn't be quiet), I am not much of an early riser... actually shock my family that I wake up early, it is for one reason only... to fish.


The Salmon Derby started today...and I had to fish... Live2Fish, and Fishmaster were heading out and I was fortunate enough to join them. They both have such a passion for fishing and knowledge... I can't learn enough... and boy did I learn things today!


A quick list - Boating skills, tying skills, hook setting skills, use of dipsys and downriggers, how to read and use a gps, reeling techniques, how slippery a boat deck can get, how to reel in a fish when there are lots of waves, radio use and vocabulary, and what happens when you turn the boat the wrong way (Reminder to self - Don't stare at the big fish on the deck if you are suppose to be driving the boat) OH and how can I forget... lure losing techniques...(yep, that was the extent of my learning today)


Once out on the water the reeling in of fish never stopped... my first three I lost, then the fourth actually came to the boat, lots of shakers and small salmon, what Bowen called "teenagers" ... several triple headers! The action for all three of us was unbelievable. My shoulders were tired from bringing in so many fish... Then after reeling for what seemed like hours I caught the most beautiful brown trout. (I was informed it took so long because the dipsy didn't trip) Never having caught one before I was in awe, the curved jaw, creamy brown of its skin, colour of its spots, not to mention it was heavy and shaped like a football. After a few pictures he went back to swim another day. Steve and Bowen both taught me a great deal about handling a boat, fish and fishing. Thank you so much for letting me tag along on your morning off.


Fishmaster had a charter at three, so it was back to the dock shortly after Noon... Where I headed off to Grimsby Tackle to weigh in my big fish of the day... A learning experience all in itself! As Steve runs a Charter business he has purchased a Ticket for the Toronto Sun Salmon Derby that covers everyone on his boat... every entry gets you into a random weekly draw,( so even if the almost 24lb salmon wasn't a weekly winner it may still win you a draw prize) and if you catch a big fish 30-40 lbs you could win a boat... first fish weighed in only needed to be 20 lbs so I figured what the heck...Sonny and I needed our individual tickets to fish from his boat for the Derby anyways.


On my way to Grimsby Tackle I spoke to Sonny. He was heading out on his own to fish in the afternoon on his boat ... So I invited myself along.


Quickly weighed in fish, bought more tackle and tickets, a quick stop at home to pick up a fillet knife then to Sonny's...Clean fish, have a quick ice tea and back on the water by 5:30pm. The Lake wasn't as choppy as it had been in the morning but was still something to be cautious about. It took us 1/2 an hour to get to where Sonny wanted to fish and set up... the night was slow, two fish on, one in the cooler... lots of time to listen to the Marine Radio, catch up on family gossip, and enjoy the movement of the waves.


Side note - Had anyone else noticed they moved the four legged monster from off of Confederation to down by Bronte??? Or know why? And what is with the big ship parked at the pier next to it???


Met a couple of fellow fishermen while out on the lake tonight... handle of "Bulldog"- Thanks for the chat and the information about where the fish were. To bad we couldn't have caught any of the big ones you were marking!


Got back in at just before 10:00pm, home by 11:00 and asleep by just after 12:00am... Wow what a day - almost all of it spent out on Lake Ontario. I feel very fortunate...


Thank you so much to Fishmaster, Bowen and Sonny... without them my feet would never get wet and my world of fishing would be a whole lot smaller... I can not express enough how much I appreciate them sharing their world and experience.












Edited by Jen

Jen...great report! The enthusiasm is very evident in all that you write. Glad to head that you got into some very nice fish too. I knew that skunk would be a distant memory by the time the weekend ended.


I've learned TONS from this board...but I always learn the most from fellow OFNers I've had a chance to fish wish. Members like CANADIAN COPPER for steelheading, Fishindevil trolling for walleye, Slowpoke using dipseys and down riggers, and Fishnsled for muskie and bass techniques. Rick opened my eyes to alternate ways to fish for Walleye and Nipissing was a great guide on a new lake and Gerritt helped me get into my first ever Muskie!


Sorry bout that long list of people, but it just goes to show the quality and stand up people on this board.


Great job Jen...bly and I (and our kids) will have to fish with you and your family one day. Something tells me we'd have a great time out there!


Super read Jen.


Nothing like going out there when there Hot.. I was going to head out for salmon Sunday !! pity the weather channel was looking at the wrong country when doing there forcast.


sweet pics those are some healthy looking fish wish i could catch a salmon that bright.i only get them from piers and river mouths and there already starting to get ugly by then.


wow some nice fish caught there and looks like a great time had by all.

just AN FYI, they stopped the weekly draws 2 years ago for the sun derby, now its just fish that make the top ten that get a prize, they actually advertise for you to check the minimum qualifying weights befor weighing in to avoid culling unecesarrily..

but from your report thats a minor issue anyways,, just love the brown, way to go



  Hooknrelease said:
wow some nice fish caught there and looks like a great time had by all.

just AN FYI, they stopped the weekly draws 2 years ago for the sun derby, now its just fish that make the top ten that get a prize, they actually advertise for you to check the minimum qualifying weights befor weighing in to avoid culling unecesarrily..

but from your report thats a minor issue anyways,, just love the brown, way to go




Thank you so much for the Information re the Derby, this is the first time I have bought a ticket as really it is my first year seriously fishing. I had heard that information from other ppl, although I will have to say, that I called one of the weigh in stations when that fish was caught and no fish had been weighed in as of yet. On the boat it weighed 26.9 lbs, by the time we finished our day and I got it weighed it had lost 2lbs of weight. I was amazed by that...


I don't cull unecessarily, and if I do keep a fish, it gets smoked or eatten that day... Not big on frozen fish...


The Brown was beautiful... talk about being in awe of a fish, I will stare that picture for ages to come...





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