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Petro Canada Park


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Had the day off so decided to head down the street and check out Petro Canada Park in Bronte. I had never been so I wanted to see what the salmon run there was like and maybe have a couple casts. I arrived to 20 fishermen crowded around a small pool casting to the same couple of fish, guys in waders chasing around salmon in half inch water and tons of salmon with slit bellies rotting on the side of this tiny creek. Needless to say I will never go back. Where is the sport or fun in this though? It was disgusting.

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I see this kinda stuff all the time. Salmon run brings out all kinds . Last night I had a spot to myself , just enjoying the evening. I’m retying and along come 3 guys in their early 20’s , hop down and right into my spot. Bunch of carrying on , I lasted 20 mins before I got outta there. Sometimes I wish they required more for fishing than just a license, like maybe some Education and Etiquette on fishing . I’m looking forward to the cold weather, seems to weed out the riff raff of angling. 

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I use to go down to Erindale Park over 10 years ago and that was happening there. A lot of people complained and the MRN would show up regularly to nab people. I don't know if they still go there or not. I remember BASS would go down and pick up the dead fish and the garbage lining the shoreline.

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