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Talk about having a bad day.

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Drove over to Toronto Motorsport Park which by the way is about 2 hours from T.O. in Cayuga. Put a few lawn chairs in the back of the pick up to watch the fire works. I am 62 going on 82 with the pins I have holding myself up right. So I put a folding chair up to climb onto the box so we can watch the very good show. Of course getting back down everything is sopping wet from the earlier thunder showers and I take a header off the tailgate. Down I go and land on my rib cage. I don't know if a few are broke or bruised, no difference there isn't any thing they can do but take an X-ray and tell you to take it easy and take some Tylenol. This ain't me first Rib Rodeo. The real problem is I have a chest infection and am coughing my lungs out. That hurts worse than the catheter my Doc put in 2 weeks ago after my Cystoscopy. (Biopsy said all clear by the way) So here I sit typing trying not to cough bugging you guys that are peacefully sleeping. Man this hurts like a ess oh bee every time I cough.


There I feel better wining on the internet.


More wining. They had a finale with a transport truck tractor with 2 jet engines, the thing spewed flames and exhaust with emissions higher than the wind turbines next to the drag way for 20 minutes or more. If it were our Steel Plant or Refinery down the road the MOE would have been investigating forthwith and most likely laying charges. I don't get it.

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Chamentia again? Stay on the ground! I went to see a specialist about a knee problem last week. I had no pain the mother twisted it and here we are in a brace! I asked him what to do in case it acts up "take two Advil" I didn't need to drive to a hospital to hear that!!!!

THey had a track in Cayuga I went to in my younger years, is it gone?

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They had a track in Cayuga I went to in my younger years, is it gone?


Think it is the same track, will never forget the ' SUNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY CAYUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA " ads on the radio. It will always be Cayuga to me, not Toronto :wallbash:


Yeah getting old sucks IO , I got the old ladies disease " Osteoporosis " 67 going on 87, here . I don't do a lot I had planned on in retirement, too damned scared of taking a spill and breaking a hip, be careful..


EDIT; Maybe dementia is setting in as well, thinking about it again maybe the ads were " Sundaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy Niagaraaaaaaaa " for the speedway in Lancaster NY. yeah it really sucks.

Edited by dave524
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Toronto Speedway is the old Cayuga Dragway Park. Suuuuuunday Niaaaagara was in Lewistion by the Air Force Base if I can remember that far back.


No more jumping in and out of pick up trucks, man this getting old sucks. Now I know what that wry smile on the oldtimers faces were for when we were having chin up contests on night shift on the Cast House floor.

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" I am 62 going on 82 "


If it makes you feel any better? I have at least 15 or 20 years on you! How many of you, er kids, can injure yourself attempting to make a bathroom visit?


One got me a trip to the ER for my left arm, and the toilet bowl got my ribs once, I'm Paul, I fall!


LOL, my golden years aren't living up to the original billing!


The ribs? tough call, I passed on the ER for that one too, but I didn't have a cough at the time, my son just brought me that home from work a couple of weeks ago.


Wait until you have neighbor ladies 20 years your senior rescue you from your front yard, then you will really feel old! LOL


Take care of yourself, kid!

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