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Things Are Bad!!!!!

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Unbelievable how Mother Nature can unleash her wrath. Those pics look so eerie looking...not to downplay the severity of the situation, but it reminds me of The Walking Dead. Here's to hoping something positive will come out from this. And to the men & women over there to help out, we can't thank them nearly enough.

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Not to look too forward ahead but watch just how awesome canadians can be.


When the dust settles I say fort mac is rebuilt in less than a year

Id say a year is very optimistic but there will certainly be a lot of money and jobs happening there when the clean up starys.



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Id say a year is very optimistic but there will certainly be a lot of money and jobs happening there when the clean up starys.



Maybe a tad but when I was in grande prairie I watched them throw up a fully functional city block in two weeks lol.


When money and oil is involved things move pretty darn fast!

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If there is no work in the area , why rebuild in the middle of nowhere, unless it is a reserve of course.

They predict the city will never reach 88,000 residents again. There were 450 layoffs a few days before the fire. After this many will have bid farewell to Fort Mac and go back to where ever they once came from. It must be frustrating being laid off constantly and have the huge cost of living associated with living there full time.

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Westjet made the right choice!( although I do know its marketing as well)


All this looks so bad on air canada and good for them!


Ive got 14 or so friends already heading out to help clean and rebuild?


I have to laugh at the idiots saying "this is karma".


Apperently they have no clue what petroleum provides...

Edited by manitoubass2
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There is a lot of misinformation out there right now since many of the news outlets are relying on people's social media accounts. I saw one posting of a video of people supposedly driving through the fire in Fort Mac that definitely was not from this current fire.


It is bad, I am 150 km away from that mess right now, but when the winds change, the smoke blows in, and the sun or moon turns blood red.


With how dry everything is up here, there is not much they can do except for building a dozer guard (where they use dozers to push and move everything that may catch fire for the most part, taking away fuel). Many of the major oil companies have massive areas of gravel around their facilities to help with a fire guard to protect their infrastructure, much less around many of the third party camps or smaller operations though.

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I saw on the news last night that even though the fire has moved away from Mac there are still fires and hot spots in town.

They said a house blew up yesterday damaging a bunch of other homes and also showed some buildings on fire in town.

It's far from over out there.


On a happy note we got a decent amount of rain overnight here in Yellowknife and it's cool and cloudy today. :)

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To assist in the Fort Mac area they need a few solid days of overcast and rain (lightening pulls the helicopters and water bombers out of the sky). A few hours of rain won't do much with how dry everything is.


The Alberta Government does a great job with communication on wildfires that fall into forrestry zones.




A regular update exists at this link on the Fort McMurray zone, updated daily (almost) on progress or actions.



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By Tuesday morning, the flames had made their way to the Blacksand Executive Lodge, which provides accommodations to hundreds of workers in the area.

The building's sprinkler system was no match for the raging inferno, and all 665 units of the building were consumed by the fire.

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A cool site showing the expected smoke patterns from the fires.


The NDP has outlayed a plan to get people back in June 1st ... but of course there is the caveat IF THINGS CHANGE THE PLAN CHANGES ... I think that is well wishing, some neighborhoods might be safe but who would really want to return with an inferno surrounding the city, the smoke, the chemicals in the air from everything that has burnt ... there is a lot of air quality monitoring going on.


If anyone on the board here is looking for a quick buck and going to make a run out there for the massive cleanup that multiple companies are hiring for ... ask WHAT SAFETY MEASURES ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE ME ... if you are not getting a proper respirator mask that filters more than dust, it will not be worth it.

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A cool site showing the expected smoke patterns from the fires.


The NDP has outlayed a plan to get people back in June 1st ... but of course there is the caveat IF THINGS CHANGE THE PLAN CHANGES ... I think that is well wishing, some neighborhoods might be safe but who would really want to return with an inferno surrounding the city, the smoke, the chemicals in the air from everything that has burnt ... there is a lot of air quality monitoring going on.


If anyone on the board here is looking for a quick buck and going to make a run out there for the massive cleanup that multiple companies are hiring for ... ask WHAT SAFETY MEASURES ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE ME ... if you are not getting a proper respirator mask that filters more than dust, it will not be worth it.

temp agencies are offering $14-17 an hour to help with clean up.. 12 hour days for 14 days on.. . Obviously the overtime is where the money will be made.. the agency is the real winner $$$$ Edited by pics
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