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June 11th Brookie Report *PICS*

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After my recent success finding some brookies in my area, I decided to scout out a few more creeks. Got off work at 2:30, and back into Barrie by 3:30. Tried a new creek, and was gone in an hour with my limit and many released fish.


If I can find the cable for my phone or if anyone knows how to upload pics from my phone without a cable, I will send pics of my released fish, one of which was 13 inches.


Kept five for the pan ... 2 nice ones, 3 average ones. Released my biggest, a 13, as well as about a dozen between 6-10 inches.


Bass opens in a couple weeks and the brookies will be safe til next year!! Thanks for reading ..







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You're probably pretty close Krawler. Pmartins are always good for specks. That nice ping they make under water draws them in close and the worm tip get's them biting. We'll have to wait for Steve's secret weapon to be revealed.....


Corn Nug

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Good work, if I didn't see it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it. Two outings back to back with great results. I'll gladly wear a blind fold if you want a partner for the day, I'm only 20 minutes south on the 400. I'm trying real hard can you tell :worthy: Nice fish Steve

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Fantastic fishing man!!!!!!!.. :w00t: ..2 trips in a week and you just opened another can of whup a** on them well done,they look just amazing such great colors,and looks like you have a few members drooling over thm as well.....great report & pics dude cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Thanks guys ... I've fished brookies on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Today.


Great results Sat, Monday, yesterday I got 6 all 6-8 inches


Today I caught 17, kept 3 around 8-9 inches for the pan, biggest today was 11 inches ... will post pics when I can figure out the cell phone. Fished all different creeks, finding new spots daily.

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Brookster, to be honest with you I'm not sure. I'm pickin up a topo map this weekend and I'll have a look. Bucktail, I have kept a few fish over the past week, however they have been from various streams, hopefully not hurting anything, I have never heard the 1 fish per mile rule before but I will keep it in mind. This is the first week Ive been brookie fishing in a few years, guess I got a little excited, but I still kept within my legal limits, my bad.

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Then the limit should be reduced. 5 fish in one outing is more than l would catch in a day but l wouldn't kill 5 fish in a year. Your a Pro taking money out of your own pocket because lm not going to use u to be my guide. l don't know if lm alone on this but this is my right let them go, l want to catch fish 4 ever. Sir Kill Alot l am not. Peace Ken


After Roys Comment: yes you are right l will kill some. l will even eat some its just my opinion and l don't want everyone to be me but it would be nice then thier will be more fat, balding old guys.

Edited by bowshep
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Here we go again. One is allowed to have the legal limit in his possession. Those who don't agree with a posession limit being that high should either not keep fish or not fish at all because, in all likelyhood, whether you keep them or not, you ARE going to kill some.

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In all honesty I think you have to take the possession limit with a grain of salt. You should use your own judgment as a person who loves the sport but yet loves the odd tasty fish. Five specs of that size in a small water system are the grandpobas of the gene pool, very different from coming home with 25 perch or 50 crappie or even your limit of lake run rainbows. I'm not saying we shouldn't keep any, just use your judgment wisely. I'm allergic to fish yet I still purchase a full license, does that mean I don't keep the odd brookie, sure I do my dad loves them but I sure don't keep 5 everytime I go out. If I did it would be in excess of hundreds of specs per year. Just my two cents :blahblah1:

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Just stopped in at the local outdoors store and every topo for the simcoe area sold out in the past 3 days..LOL

Every creek bridge and culvert with a creek flowing through or under it should be jammed with guys for at least a few weeks! you ll

be surprised!!!

Did Tony point you in the right direction? and ya must have really been able to bug Rossi with your pics.


Keep the areas on the down low, nice fish though.


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Well I apologize to those who were offended by my choice to keep a few fish. This week in total, I have fished 10 different creeks, caught and released over 100 fish and kept 12, all of which have been consumed. all fish kept were in the 8-10 inch range, with 3 exceptions due to hooks being swallowed. Majority of my larger fish were released as I realize the need for the 'gene pool'. Limits are in place for a reason, and those who know me know that I release 99% of my fish, opting to keep a few trout, perch and crappie a couple times a year. As far as the Sir Kill-A-Lot comment goes, I guess you're jealous that you're not catching them, seems most of your previous started topics are about that striped mammal that stinks about as much as you do at float fishing Read all of my prior posts, and see how man yfish I keep, I opt to keep some fish a few times and I get jumped on, I guess I wont post next time bowshep. I'm just trying to share my experience with the rest, and hear from other people as well, for those that enjoy my posts, thank you and keep reading, for the few that are offened by the fish I have kept this season, dont read my posts I guess...



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Specks were meant to be eaten !


They are a relatively short life-span fish with a taste many would argue cant be compared ... so dont feel bad about some success .... and certainly take great pleasure in the opportunity to eat a few !


The truth is they are hard to come by for most and as such their whereabouts are normally a jealously guarded secret but if you are lucky to have a few near to you ... feel lucky .. you are !


C&R on specks is a little bit overatted in my opinion as they are not that hardy of a fish ... although I did catch one a couple weeks back with a snelled hook (taken deeply) still hanging out of its mouth ...



Any how, if I had creeks with 12+ inchers nearby I'd be there too !



Enjoy !


My 2 cents

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I totaly agree Steve, go out there and enjoy the odd feast, it's like you said your not out there every weekend of the season eating your fill and it's good to hear 99 % of your catch went back. The ones we have to look out for are the guys who have zip-lock bags full in the freezer and you don't sound like that type. So good fishing and enjoy :thumbsup_anim:

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